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Subject:  Pumpkin on the vine

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Kokomo, Indiana

I have a newer pumpkin about 6 days old.. Growing kinda good. The 1 issue i'm having with this one is its growing on top of the vine. Is there any way I can move it to the side where it can grow without breaking the stem? Its just one of those awkward ones I dont know how to fix. I can move it just a little, but not much and it go back in the same spot.

8/10/2011 12:12:43 PM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

Ryan,, what you need to do is this: 1st in the afternoon heat the vines are more flexible, get some bamboo skewers or wooden doles, slowly move the vine and pumpkin away from each other a little bit each day,, use the skewers to hold vine and kin in place, so the vine and the kin is not growing back on each other,, also you may want to lift the main vine behind the fruit a little,, so you will have some slack in it as the fruit grows.. will take alot of stress off the stem,, remember in the heat of the day.. these things are fragile when its cool,, and snap like twigs,, i know ,, from a rookie mistake a few years back,, hope this give you some help,, Curt

8/10/2011 12:34:44 PM


Kokomo, Indiana

I will give that shot. Thanks Curt

8/10/2011 12:56:12 PM

Total Posts: 3 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:36:57 PM
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