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Subject:  identify this problem

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uniontown, OH

this is my second year of trying to grow pumpkins - I am having the same problem as last year - my pumpkins are pollinated, start to grow(*they are a yellow color), then just stop growing, start turning white and then rot - I don't use any sprays or do anything special - any ideas?

8/13/2011 11:29:45 PM


Rhode Island

to much water? soil no good? growing in the shade? to much fertalizer? water inside female flower ?, males have no pollon? could be any number of things.

8/14/2011 4:38:28 AM


uniontown, OH

thanks for ideas - we've had alot of rain but not everyday, soil was checked last year, plants are in direct sun, havent used any fertilizer, maybe some water in female but I have plenty of blooms, my garden around the same area flourishes, leaves are green on plants, will keep tryig

8/14/2011 8:45:22 AM


Linden, Mi.,

pollinat, to late or could be to hot, try to pollinat in the morning

8/14/2011 12:37:20 PM


uniontown, OH

I check my plants every morning, plenty of bees flying around, I also self polinate in the morning if I decide to do it that way - I've had blooms all of July -

8/14/2011 7:50:07 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Do you shade your pumpkins? Put a chair or something over newly pollinated fruit and then move up to a sheet or another structure.

8/14/2011 11:11:01 PM



Are there several pumpkins going on a single vine? Is the plant rooted down, (did you bury the vines)?

8/15/2011 1:37:59 PM


Ashby, MA

How big do they get before they abort? Maybe pollination really didn't take? How are you pollinating them when you do it manually?

8/17/2011 2:04:00 PM


uniontown, OH

they are different sizes before they abort - from grapefruit size to a small pumpkin size - are they suppose to be green instead of yellow? Maybe pollination isn't taking place altho there are plenty of bees all over and I only periodically manually pollinate because of that - being new at this I didn't think they would grow any unless they were pollinated - thanks

8/19/2011 7:49:09 AM


Linden, Mi.,

Now that you said the fruit are green
This may be, Watermelon Mosaic Virus (WMV)

8/19/2011 9:31:50 PM


uniontown, OH

no the pumpkins are yellow - I just wondered if they were suppose to be green because my neighbor has a green one - maybe different kind?? Right now I'm just letting all the pumpkins grow on the vines to see if any work out -

8/20/2011 10:14:53 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

bubbum, my guess would be too hot for pollination! Try, ice bottles around fruit set! Just a guess...has been way HOT!! this summer! AG's will prbly not set in way HOT temps!!! Just a guess tho! Peace, Wayne

8/21/2011 12:40:10 AM


Garden State Pumpkins

I had a similar problem a few years back...they would get softball to melon size turn white and abort ...tissue samples revealed fusaria/alternaria...had to let that patch go fallow for years..good luck hope it's not that

8/24/2011 9:13:21 AM

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