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Subject:  losing pumpkin?

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Rm, Tn

I've been so tickled with the growth of my pumpkin. I know he not as big as every one elses but He's growing faster than I've ever seen a pumpkin grow. Yesterday when I was weeding ,I saw a hole just under where the fruit meets the stem. It looks about the size of a nickle. It's not weeping and it seems to have dried up by itself. Will I lose it. I've already killed two plants, This is my last chance. I think I should change my name from petalpicker to pumpkin killer. Dottie

7/25/2003 5:30:42 PM

Pumpkin Doug

Ypsilanti Michigan

If the holes not all the way through, it should be ok. If air gets in, it will probly start to rot. Id spray it with fungus spray just in case, and seal it with a sealent. I heard of people using silicon sealer and had no problems. Good luck petalpicker2.

7/25/2003 7:40:42 PM



no expert here (2nd year grower), but as previous post, silicon that hole. I don't know how far you are along in the season, but you might want to try setting another fruit on that vine as a back-up "just in case problems"

7/25/2003 9:32:06 PM


Rm, Tn

Thank you for the advice. My husband sealed it yesterday and it's grown another 3 3/4" today. This relaxing hobby of growing pumpkins is going to make me a nervous reck!

7/26/2003 9:23:47 PM

Total Posts: 4 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:10:55 PM
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