Don Quijot |
Caceres, mid west of Spain
For instance (because at the end I understood how to do it, I hope), if you pollinate one female with five males the early morning of July 4th, the 14th it will be 10 old, and the 24th, 20 days old, and the 29th, 25 days old. Then the next month, as July has 31 days, will produce you some headaches, as the 30 day won't be the 34 (it doesn't exist), neither the 4th, but the 3rd; and so, day 40 will be the 13th. And, if you want to count the 35, 45... days, it will be worse, and calculators won't help you, only a good schedule program that awake you early in the morning and say: "Hey man, get up, this is the same time you made the pollination in you 790 Daletas plant and today is the very day you will find a great advance in her growth". Then you go to the patch, measuring tape around your neck (two turns around), notebook under the arm and pen wedged over the ear, and you find out that it was truth, finally the damn pumpkin has began to grow fast, and you return home and prepare the best pancakes with sausages and Champaign rather than coffee of the whole summer.
Good luck………..Carlos
8/27/2003 1:43:06 AM