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Subject:  slowly going crazy

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

this has got to be the hardest part of the year. my pumpkins stopped growing over a week ago, and i still have two weeks to go before our weigh off. every morning i go out to the patch saying prayers very quietly until i have assured myself that there aren't any obvious splits. i go through this same ritual after work. of course that doesn't mean we won't pick one of them up and its guts won't spill out. anything could happen. but talking about helpless...oh well, i'm sure that i am the only one going through this right now...........

9/22/2003 8:53:28 AM


Cologne / Germany

I´m going to cover my pumpkins completely tonight. There´s a rain front with storm on our way. Also discovered a main vine turning mushy this weekend, the plant is possibly done, but my idea is still being on the vine might be safer for not losing weight. Countdown status: 11 DAYS. Personal state of health: getting problems with hand perspiration;-)
Good luck, Ingo

9/22/2003 9:09:10 AM



if they are done growing let them rest and chill them during the hot daytime.

i found vine borers eating up into the stem.all the way in.
now my surving 4 pumpkins are in my rolling barn.
if it gets too hot i have a small air conditioner..

i have learned that svb grubs spread "yello vine".

9/22/2003 10:15:22 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks for the advice McPumpkin, but we have an unfair advantage in Germany....no SVBs....probably good though as stuff like Sevin would be illegal for us to use anyhow.

9/22/2003 10:23:20 AM



Illegal to use Sevin?

9/22/2003 11:37:04 AM


Cologne / Germany

Yep Steve, it´s known to kill bees, and if you use it over here, you must be registered to authorities and report any usage.
Personally I´m glad they produce a lot of effective substitudes over here since all that "heavy stuff" was banned in the 80ies.

9/22/2003 11:54:56 AM

SSLG Martin

Hi Owen,
The product that I have used for several years now against any insects is called Rogor. Its active ingredient is Dimethoat. It is also highly toxic to bees but it is legal to use it...
It is systemic and will kill all sorts of insects according to my experiences.
Steve, do you know this substance and can you recommend it?
But God bless that we do not have those SVBs here in Europe....

9/22/2003 12:39:40 PM


sevin doesn't kill svb's anywho

9/22/2003 12:41:45 PM



WOW! I suppose I can see limiting pesticide useage to only those who are properly trained to do so. But Sevin is a whole lot safer than Dimethoate for both the environment & the end user. Sounds like German politicians are about as well educated scientifically as ours here in the US. I hold to the theory that politics & science never meet. Perhaps that's more universally true world-wide than I thought! LOL.

Yes Martin, I have some here. In the bottle originally marketted as "CYGON" (2.67 Lbs Dimethoate per gallon). Pleasant name huh? Smells awful. Works though. Even controls mites. But I've never had cause to use it on my pumpkins. Mostly I used to use it on Birch trees & Holly for Leafminers. But since the introduction of Merit (which is a lot safer), Cygon use has really slowed significantly here in the States.


9/22/2003 1:22:55 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Aw Brigitte, you spoiled all the fun.....:-)

9/22/2003 1:23:40 PM


Itzetown City

Yeah Owen, and we have no bears and no deer near our patch here in Germany, but only jealous neighbors. ;-)

9/22/2003 2:09:06 PM

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