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Subject:  To pull or not to pull?

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DJW (Dan)

New Berlin, PA

Here's my problem. I have a patch with three plants in it. The middle plant has produced 4 fruits that I tried to get set, and they all turn white and to mush. No fruit left. My other two plants have growing fruit both past 20 DAP. My thought is pull the unproductive plant, more nutrients and water for the other two. But, the plant does help perhaps with wind protection. So pull it or not? I'm unsure. Any advice from those with experience is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

7/26/2015 6:47:54 PM



I am not a heavy hitter but I would pull it. More ventilation might help if you pulled the non producing plant.

7/26/2015 10:10:47 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

I would pull it if there is no fruit possible. If you need wind protection, maybe get a cheap windbreak fence. We are moving full steam into the hot humid part of summer= fusarium and add in a few cool damp nights= powdery mildew. You prob haven't had to fight disease pressure much so far but it is coming. The extra plant would only serve as an additional disease factory.

7/26/2015 10:45:37 PM

Tom K


In my experience, Orangeneck is right on target

7/26/2015 11:15:44 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

If you pull the plant the roots will rot in the soil.I will let my 2323 that wont produce fruit stay.If I literately pull up the roots I will destroy the roots of NapaGarr the 1985 Miller plant beside it. The plant will remain for the season

7/27/2015 5:51:31 AM



Cut the middle plant off at ground level and get rid of it. You will be glad you did.

7/27/2015 10:33:42 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Will the decaying roots hurt the good roots? There all grown together

7/27/2015 11:42:17 AM


Central Minnesota

I am with Condo, get rid of as much of it as you can without pulling the roots near the other plants, especially if near the stump.

7/27/2015 11:46:23 AM


President - GPC

Beni pulled his up...although I prefer to cut the bad plant out so not to disturb the roots. I believe the cut plants roots will help feed the growing plants roots system...perhaps at a great time for improved growth. Myco sporeZ out when the roots become distressed.. so I have read...

7/27/2015 12:32:17 PM



Bubba, if I thought the decaying roots were going to hurt the good roots I would not have told him to cut the plants off at ground level. The man needs to focus his time and energies on his good, productive plants. I have powdery mildew and downy mildew now and it is heading north. By the time it gets to Michigan it will be too late in the season to cause much if any harm. Pennsylvania will get hit and it can cause harm so thinning out his plants and spending a third more time on disease prevention is a good plan.

7/27/2015 1:04:23 PM


East Jordan, MI

here's a question....is there not TONS of Organic matter rotting in the patch already? How is a bunch of pumpkin roots added to that going to cause some fictitious problem?

Cut the plant off, don't pull it (because its roots may damage the others by pulling them). There is no sense in taking care of a plant that has no fruit and letting it suck up nutrients and water away from the other plants.

7/27/2015 9:12:17 PM

DJW (Dan)

New Berlin, PA

Thank you all for your advice. I really do appreciate it. As a first time grower of AG's I can't say enough about the willingness of everyone on this site to share their knowledge and help out a total stranger. Whether or not opinions differ, the fact that you guys share what you think is best is pretty awesome to me.

7/27/2015 9:23:04 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Lol Bubba can bring them out of the woodwork. I don't spend anytime caring for the plant . I just let it grow . I have to water the soil anyways and feed the soil. So no biggie I don't take plants out in less there diseased . See ya at the scales fellas

7/27/2015 10:29:02 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

That's some big organic matter roots as big around as your thumb that's not my kind of organic matter you guys can have all you want,

7/27/2015 10:39:41 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

I realized just now the real reason why a lot of heavy hitters don't post on this site. Clearly they are all waiting for mark Clementz to tell all of the new growers what to do. Listen to mark, he is the man. You are telling people not to pull a plant because the roots of that plant might rot in the soil! You have lost your mind.

7/27/2015 11:26:33 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

That's funny orange neck the heavy hitters were not posting on BP long before I hit the scenes but you know if the roots don't rot in soil what do they do ?Roots as big around as your middle finger and thumb what do they do ? in the ground wrapped around it intertwine with healthy growing roots .do they continue to grow without a plant attached think about it? I lost my mind we know we all .know that .I have but it has nothing to do with commonsense .I don't know why I try to help people this is the competition go ahead pull up your plants pull up all the roots while you're at it break out the Rototiller and chop them up to I see a ton of new people doing that breaking out the Rototiller in July chopping up the root system and then scratching her head and wondering why they're not getting good growth go for it it's a competition LOL

7/28/2015 6:36:19 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

But hey that garden sure looks pretty already tilled up like that not a weed in sight LOL

7/28/2015 6:39:07 AM

The Donkinator



7/28/2015 8:05:39 AM

The Donkinator


are you people loosing your marbles or whaa

7/28/2015 8:06:34 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

To pull or not to pull? I usually have my finger sticking out when that question is asked.lol

7/28/2015 6:24:29 PM


East Jordan, MI

you didn't answer my question mark.

rotting organic matter is what feeds the good roots. they don't get diseases because they die. They get diseases because they are living and the diseases attack them.

Rotting roots are consumed by the bacteria as food and turned into food for the plants.

7/28/2015 9:20:55 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Thank you Cecil, you are spot on.

7/29/2015 12:29:54 AM

The Donkinator


what is wrong with you people ? why can't we all just be one big family....ahaaaaa

7/29/2015 10:49:29 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I wont debate you Cecil.You do what you want to do.Its awl good.see ya at the scales

7/29/2015 9:42:54 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Well one little debate.First of all Cecil I thought you were smarter then this.The organic matter your referring to is much smaller then these massive roots.The feed on very small organic matter,not roots the size of my finger.These roots will rot & decay for several weeks before the plant could use them.Its common sense,butt I guess common sense aint that common.So go back to your chat room & blow smoke up somebody elses rear.lol

7/29/2015 10:11:34 PM


aurora, IL

Don't blow smoke up Rocky's butt! Her rear is looking like the front end of a Mack Truck!

7/29/2015 10:29:04 PM


East Jordan, MI

really mark? common sense?

wonder why we grow cover crops ahead of plants? don't they have roots? and when we mow and till them don't they rot?

you can be the self proclaimed expert all you want, but you wont bully me into not countering you when you are wrong.

7/29/2015 10:58:53 PM


Home of happy lil plants

different strokes for different folks

im staying right here in the kiddie pool

7/30/2015 12:34:19 AM

Windy City


Thanks for all the smoke you sent my way Cecil!..New growers..just so you know ..the chat rooms are great places to learn!

7/30/2015 2:08:18 AM

Windy City


Mark...maybe you have not heard but mycho needs hosts...the more hosts the better it does..thats why some cover crops are better than others,the plant if removed will have roots that are hosting live mycho...the more live mycho the better..if your worried about organic breakdown..add a lil N

7/30/2015 2:25:12 AM

Windy City


Dan..So to answer the original question..yes cut the plant out by leaving the roots in place!

7/30/2015 2:27:31 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I dont do a cover crop,The chat room is a little click of smoke blowers.You can go there and blow smoke op semi heavy hitters rear ends.BUTT dont act like you know anything.They will tell you you have your head up your BUTT.Not a good place to get information.They even till fresh leaves in there soil.They will tell you thats ok to do that.It is not ok to till fresh leafs in your soil at anytime of the season .Beware of the CLICK they call a chat room.This is a competition.They will fool you.

7/30/2015 6:36:57 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

You guys have disliked me since the day I stopped at your little chat room.I really dont care.I dont need to be liked by everyone.Its not a rational thought to be liked by everyone.So you just keep putting me down if that makes you feel good.In the meantime.I got kins to grow.You go grow your air bubbles.I have some rock solid kins to grow.lol

7/30/2015 6:45:07 AM



Cool info Bubba, and would you please also add a warning that newbies shouldn´t read how Ron Wallace grew his 2009 (with fresh leaves, a cover crop actually, tilled into the patch, merely few days or weeks ahead of the plant growth), because it´s like everything: COVER CROP, FRESH LEAVES, TILLED IN AT THE (seemingly) WORST TIME OF PUMPKIN SEASON (fresh organic matter as the AG plant grows). Or was your intention to point out that 'semi heavy hitters' tell those things on the message board (whereas 'heavy hitters', like I would call Ron Wallace) tell those things in newsletters (Dec. 2012, SNGPG newsletter, page 2) rather than on the message board? ...sorry, just wondering, because I´ve read your opinion here, Ron Wallace´s opinion in the above mentioned newsletter, and the whole picture seems to lack some links which connect these seemingly different two worlds.

7/30/2015 6:55:22 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I was talking tree leafs my friend,not cover crop.differnt animal altogether.See these forums change the content of what is said.

7/30/2015 11:12:12 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Texting sucks

7/30/2015 11:12:35 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I dont beleive Ron wallace till tree leafs from the current year into his soil.Tell me if Im wrong? This posting really does come off wrong.Cecil & the chat room gang claim you can shred this seasons leafs & till them in your soil.Ok is this clear???lol

7/30/2015 11:20:41 AM

Windy City


I don't believe anywhere in my posting that I shot you down?..I simply passed on some knowledge that I learned from chat room people!
When you give advice, you should be ready to back it up!
If proven wrong ..man up..say thanks I never thought of it that way...don't spin out on everyone that goes into chat to learn or debate!
I'm sure if it was all nasty chat members in chat, Ken D would have shut it down a long time ago.
By the way Handy...Nice Pkn!

7/30/2015 12:18:42 PM

The Donkinator


i don't know why Ken doesn't just kick you all off this site! You all have bad attitudes...lol Do you really think Beni was worried about leaves and cover crops? 15-5-15 and 13-5-20 ....the last time i looked was chemical? That is what grew the current 3 consecutive WR's

7/30/2015 12:44:28 PM



Yep, tree leaves, no worries, I just thought you came up with this as an example of the current season´s organic matter (because in earlier posts people had also been writing about roots...also the current season´s organic matter), and thus it would be sort of related to a cover crop which is getting tilled in.

7/30/2015 2:13:04 PM


East Jordan, MI

what is the matter Mark? Am I cutting into your profit margin pointing out your misinformation? The information that I provide people is free and open, no membership or secret facebook page required.

And for your information, MANY MANY MANY HH use tree leaves tilled directly into the soil and are very successful. So you can call me stupid or a smoke blower all you want I have FACTS and will continue to share them, and provide a different opinion when I disagree with something that is posted. You WILL NOT make me be quiet. I will not be bullied.

7/30/2015 10:41:34 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

I had so many zingers lined up on the two of you, but I realized that this is not productive. So I will not go there. Can you please just acknowledge that Cecil and several of the other growers here are accomplished and please not play devils advocate on every thing that is said and done by anyone other than yourselves? You two, and you know exactly who I mean, have your credibility on the line. Don't respond by sayingthis is an exchange of ideas and we are all learning from each other. You are antagonistic with every postage we all we it. Hope you grow some WRs this year.

7/30/2015 11:18:26 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

We all know it.

7/30/2015 11:19:23 PM



We have pulled plants NO problem! Pull them! We put in the current falls leaves and till them in and getting 66 to 62 lbs. a day gains. Does not look like it is hurting us! I have NOT read all this CRAP! We grow for the LOVE of growing and NOT profit! WE offer advice and what we do to help everyone to grow giants! We also say what works for us may not work for other. But knowledge is power!
If you want to buy great product and have great information go
to wallacewow.com
We offer our experience FREE of charge!!! Trial and error! I do NOT understand all this crap! It seems like ego! Drop it! Everyone gets lucky! Help one another! And obviously the Wallace family knows They have done and do the research! They have put in YEARS and YEARS!
I am ready for another world record from Ron Wallace!
At the seminar in Pa. something comes to mind. "Stu do you have room for everyone at the seminar for 2016?" PERIOD! Know who you take advice from! wallacewow.com

7/30/2015 11:21:34 PM


Lodi, California

I agree with Cecil on this. The roots from an Atlantic Giant are the same as any other organic material, whether it be maple leaves, rye grass, mustard, or even the roots and leaves of the trees in a forest. Over time, under the right conditions with exposure to oxygen and water these materials will dissociate into organic compounds in the soil, providing nutrients as well as a porous medium in which other plants can grow. Now I hate to be the one calling others out, but this argument is really immature on Marks part. To label a whole group of people who you hardly know as "smoke blowers" when the very group you are speaking of consists of several heavy hitters such as (excuse me) Cecil, Paul, Sue Barber, and (infrequently) Don Young, as well as many serious seasoned growers and amitures willing to spend some time talking to their peers, trying to learn something new, is just low. And if you think you are being "put down", why don't you stop being so ostentatious, telling everyone that you are right and that the next heavy hitter whose personal best is 200 pounds under yours is always wrong. Perhaps you did do something right to have done what you did in 2014 and perhaps you will do it again but there there is almost always more than one good answer to a problem. Now does it have to take a 14 year old to tell you that such criticism is not the work of a grown man, but that of a child, or of a clown?

7/31/2015 1:21:38 AM


Easthampton, MA

I'm new to the scene and have never seen a thread like this before. :( (I've read a lot of them.)

I suggest the thread be closed and everyone move on. There are so many helpful people here (Thank you!), it seems a shame to get into bickering.

Everyone will find their path... Lord knows I'm lost in the woods this year and looking for a path of my own. *grin*

Just my two cents, and only post on this thread. :)

7/31/2015 12:44:37 PM


Johnston, R.I.

I am done reading now I need my meds so I don't stress out..

7/31/2015 2:42:22 PM


President - GPC

{AUTO REPLY} <[FLUX MODE]> Thanks for your message, I am currenty time traveling and not available to return your post, I hope to return yesterday.

7/31/2015 4:59:23 PM


Saint Marys, PA

Wow. This is embarrassing......for all of us.....geez

7/31/2015 5:11:28 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I didn't say everyone in the chat room was a smoke blower . Some pitch and some catch its mixed deal . I have asked several expert growersThe same exact question I had three different responses one guy 35 years experience growing in a multimillion dollar nursery .he stated he would leave the plant .The second guy said he couldn't decide what would be worse to leave the plant to pull the plant it was very hard pickle to be in in the third guy said he would pull the plant so I do apologize is a very mixed opinions on this and I was talking to knowledgeable educated growers of 30 years in the garden industry and they were mixed on it so I can see where the variance in opinions . I love all the talk about Mark making a profit that's a real knee slapper Nobody else in the business is Joe Holland he doesn't make a profit Ron Wallace is it making a profit either is the Ohio Valley boys selling other chemicals to all the growers there's no profit me there so I don't understand why this P&P seeds in New York nobody's making a profit here just It's just all good all boys just share and seed nobody's making a buck LOL

7/31/2015 7:51:23 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Bubbas a Prostitute!! lol

7/31/2015 7:53:55 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Cecil Profit?? I have made just enough to cover the prize money! Profit ROFL If I was worried about profit would I on here ticking people off? No I dont care about money.Just building a nice prize structure & helping growers with real information.Who like to think out of the box. The Chatter room box!!!lol

7/31/2015 8:27:21 PM

The Donkinator


$$$$$$$ just a bunch of jokers....only a brain dead idiot would not see through this crap

7/31/2015 9:53:40 PM



Ashton! SO PROUD! HUGS!!!!!!!!

7/31/2015 10:14:53 PM


East Jordan, MI

I can explain it to you, I can't understand it for you.

7/31/2015 10:19:44 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes Ashton Im real proud to buddy!

7/31/2015 10:22:37 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

what is the matter Mark? Am I cutting into your profit margin pointing out your misinformation? The information that I provide people is free and open, no membership or secret facebook page required.

The reason for the secret page.I decided not to share information with all the folks that hate me.So I went with the hidden page.Its best if your enemies dont have a;; your secrets. Nut at hindsight.You guys wouldnt listen to me.Ive lost my mind.lol

8/1/2015 7:20:12 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I will stop trying to help folks on here I think Bubba will fade off BP>Keep your click,I never did fit in any clicks.If you growers need real help?You know where to find me.I dont know everything butt I will share a lot.Have a great season to AWL!

8/1/2015 7:24:59 AM


East Jordan, MI

More likely you went to a secret page so you can promote the products you are selling without anyone that has a difference of opinion to be able to counter yours.

This site is about sharing info, and when there is a difference of opinion it's ok to express it. People don't have to agree.

I've found through life that the people that have to proclaim their greatness are usually only great in their own mind. Truly great people never tell you how great they are.

8/1/2015 7:48:10 AM

The Donkinator


tell you what Mark? Grow a personnel best this year and i'm a believer!! All kinds of Wallace fans on this site pushing his products so stick to your guns!!!!

8/1/2015 7:45:34 PM

The Donkinator


tomato video"s and so on Andy!

8/1/2015 7:46:31 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

I have respect for Donkin, Cecil and Mark... yall need to just calm down and grow which is clearly what you do best. Cheers to a PB for all.

8/1/2015 9:35:41 PM



Cheers to a PB for all!

8/1/2015 10:34:01 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Oh Cecil .You never liked me on day one.I entered the chat room.I wasnt blowing smoke up your butt,so you and some of the folks on there like PJ were offended by my confidence.PJ said I have my head up my butt and he still tells new growers that come to your room that.You are all jealous of me.I have a little confidence,good looking & can think outside of the box.Sorry your offended by me.Oh well sorry is a terrible way to go through life.So Im over you.There are some really good folks that visit the chat room.I didnt mean to generalize.Have a good life.The handful of you Bubba haters wont effect my life 1 bit.BUTT really have a good life!!

8/2/2015 7:16:55 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Duh!! Which way did he go? Which way did he go??This is the Bubba they want you to think I am.LOL

Pulling a plant is not a open & shut question.It has a negative effect on the living plant.

This is a true statemenT!! Bubba speaks the truth.

8/2/2015 7:19:37 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Now I will go play with pumpkin.see you at the scales!!

8/2/2015 7:20:20 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Oh BTW The only thing that will be bigger then my pumpkins this year is my EGO.lol Ya gotta laugh st yourself."Why so serious"

8/2/2015 7:30:14 AM



Bubba, to my knowledge all the other pumpkin related businesses have their own website. You have been running your business out of the BP message boards for two years? Perhaps you should get your own website and set up shop there.

8/2/2015 9:24:31 AM


Home of happy lil plants

This is the last post on this page.

next person that posts likes to see homos naked.

8/2/2015 11:39:30 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Spence your funny not PC but funny.Condo Who are you to tell me to leave Kens site.I have my own Website.Worldwidegiantgrowers.com I have paid hundreds of dollars to be on here this season.How much have you paid? Perhaps you should set up shop somewhere else.Like the Grinch says in on of my all time favorite movies."The Audacity" LOL Cecils gang doesnt own BP>NewsFLASH!!!

Know Spence The next one who post is a BIG FAT SMOKE BLOWING FOOL!!!LOL

8/2/2015 5:23:46 PM


Central NY

Ha! ....bubba likes seeing homos naked!!!!!!........

*sorry to offend.... I couldn't resit......I love everyone equally

8/2/2015 8:57:13 PM


Central NY

Com on guys really?...on a new growers post....???...new people to the site, these are all great growers, and I'm sure great people.. Some grouchy...they mean well and are very helpful,stay tuned it only gets better......lets get GROWIN people!!,!its sumMER!!!!!!

8/2/2015 9:00:25 PM


East Jordan, MI

And now my job here is done, everyone this is the true colors of Mark Clementz, don't have a difference of opinion, he will attack you, in black and white.

8/2/2015 9:30:16 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

That's funny I see yellow and orange Cecil. Everything isn't just black and white . It's a rainbow world now . Get with the times Cecil lol

8/2/2015 10:24:30 PM


aurora, IL

Way to screw up this forum for us new growers.

8/2/2015 10:29:56 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Are you arrogant enough to think you putting me down means anything to anybody . Well it doesn't mean a thing to anybody but your little click. Blow all the smoke you want . Nobody cares

8/2/2015 10:30:11 PM


East Jordan, MI

and he has to get the last word.

8/2/2015 10:32:46 PM

Pumpkin JAM


okay mark three years later you keep attacking me but you change the story it was you the told me I had my head up my ass because I pollinated at 55 degrees not your only way to pollinate at 68 degrees. Now you attack cecil for saying that plants feed off of rotting om which is totally true and proven. Quit playing the victim you are the instigator, and all the kin you grow are from help you were given don't go crazy just because someone give you a different angle to thing about it is not an attack it is a new view that may help advance the hobby!!!

8/3/2015 12:53:05 AM



I just thought I would chime in,,,,,,well a drum solo! So, next season, I will have some dynamite orange and great heavy genetics seeds. OK, PEACE!!

8/3/2015 1:15:44 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Just for the record. Cecil Weston (CntryBoy) Could not let me post my opinion.He had to call me wrong.Along with this condom guy from NC.Im still right the rotting roots in the soil produce a gas.This gas will not be useful to surviving roots from other plants.In fact the gas also aids in ripening fruit.We dont need our fruit to ripen on August first.There is guy who has lectured on this subject from Canada.I dont want to drag his name into our childish debate.But you chat rooom boys cant be wrong.

8/3/2015 6:31:30 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

BTW You cant pollinate a pumpkin at 55 degrees it wont take.Not in Michigan anyway.Maybe if you slip the warm pollen in there at 4 am that spent the night in the house.Then it may work as the day warms up.They pollinate from 65 to 75 degrees in Michigan.FACT!!!not FICTION!@!

8/3/2015 6:37:57 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I will not be bulled by Cecil Weston & his gang!Tag team all you want Bubba can take it!!Not keeping up with the Jones's Dont care what the masses think. I have right to my opinion.Last time I checked I still lived in America!!!!

8/3/2015 6:43:59 AM

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