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Subject:  rear vine

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tomato grower

Benton Ky

Do you snub off and bury the rear vine or let it grow? Mine has a short split with the vine and I was wondering what would be best to do.

6/7/2004 4:48:05 PM

Mr. Sprout

Wichita, KS

please explain what you mean by "rear" vine.

6/7/2004 5:23:00 PM



The first secondary vine often comes of the main within inches of the crown (stump sic) & can be trained opposite the main. Some growers keep these for backups. I've read where some have doen very well on these. I just cut ours off this morning.

6/7/2004 6:07:18 PM

tomato grower

Benton Ky

Yes mine is as Tremor explained. It went opposite direction on its own. I had it supported with x and it split after kinking the vine. I was just wondering if I should let it go or what.

6/7/2004 9:06:30 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

"Back mains" are common. I have several that are 3' feet or better and plan to let'em grow for a bit since they look very healthy and thick.

6/7/2004 9:24:04 PM

Mr. Sprout

Wichita, KS

If I recall correctly, southern, you had a plant last year that quadravined (4 vines), and you grew some healthy fruit on each 'main,' correct? Do you have any plans to do this again this year?

6/8/2004 7:28:37 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

That was the 650 Lloyd plant and the main had completely broken on it. I cut the main completely off, took the 3 "main" secondaries (that are first out of the stump with the main), and another secondary, and grew a fruit on each. I cut all other secondaries and kept the tertiaries trimmed...it was a large "X" plant basically.
I got over 900# of fruit off that plant.

6/8/2004 9:05:18 PM

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