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Subject:  Supplies

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Cholame, Ca

I'm new at growing Ag actually I'm preparing for next year to be my first year . I'm wondering if anyone out there could maybe give me a list of the important things I will need as far as pesticides for insects and fungus to have on hand. Being from CAlifornia , I know we can't get alot of things here , that you can in other states so I thought if I started now I could track some things down to have on hand when I would need them also the Calcium and where I could get it . Thanks

8/26/2004 2:15:53 PM


Southern California


I live in south orange county, California and have the same questions! I will be watching for any words of wisdom from the experts.


8/27/2004 1:50:35 AM


Taber, Alberta

I don't know if they are close to you, but I ordered some calcium through Greenfire Organic and Hydroponic Gardeners Emporium (they are in Chico and Sacramento) www.greenfire.net You can order a catalog off the net. The shipping costs kind of killed me, but I just wanted a smaller quantity to see if it would work well. I'll get a biger container this winter through a more local supplier. I could have ordered a lot, but again, shipping really brought the cost up.

8/27/2004 3:22:59 PM



Welcome folks!

Just for kicks, log onto our website. Punch in your zipcodes. Let me know if we have a store near you & if so, I'll send you the "Pumpkin Growers Cheat Sheet".

It can be challenging to find all the "stuff" we all need for AG's. This will be a start.



8/27/2004 9:44:28 PM


valparaiso, in

tremor is there any way i could get a copy of the pumpkin growers cheat sheet? i would very much appreciate it. thank you.

8/28/2004 4:43:13 AM



Gritch has mail.

This list is a bunch of items we sell that have direct agriculture crossover or there is an ag counter part to the item listed.

Capture = Talstar
Admire = Merit
Nova = Eagle

etc, etc,

Rates are suggested in 1 column too & there is also a place for pricing. This I leave blank since different parts of the country price differently.

I think this also helps our own counter folks. Many are not aware of all the ornamental-agriculture crossover. I also have found that when polled, most are not familiar with Pumpkins (imagine that?!?) & their nutrient needs.

8/28/2004 8:14:22 AM

Hoppette (JR)

Back of Beyond


I would like to get the cheat sheet also.

OCGirl - I am also in south county and have purchased Lesco products in Anaheim. Great folks there. Quantites are sometimes large but I would be willing to split up orders with another grower.

8/30/2004 9:04:35 AM

Roan Studio

Aldie, VA

Me three, please, Steve.


8/30/2004 11:08:40 AM


Garden State Pumpkins

The pesticides and fungicides are great...but first and foremost get a soil test....don't start a fert program until your sure what you are treating it for...Get you compost going and enjoy yourself...Grow em Big! Chuck

8/31/2004 12:22:08 PM

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