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Subject:  Orange Pumpkins

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Brooks B


Just to start something new, what pumpkins are your favorite as far as orange pumpkins goes. some of my favorite is 772 Poirier, 500 Northrup to name a couple, and also the one Tremor grew off the 500 Northrup was a real pretty orange., (I dont think its listed in the AGGC yet, has it Tremor?)

Whats your favorite orange pumpkin of all times!?

11/18/2007 3:58:07 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I'm a little partial to the 670 Daigle. I have a 988 Janowiak, thanks George, that is a 1450 Wallace x 670 Daigle. Nice big orange pumpkin. I'm saving it to cross with proven orange cross like the ones you mentioned Brooks.

11/18/2007 4:24:18 PM


Kinda biased here on this one Brooks,,,lol

my 1046.6 and 1186.8 are the type of orange I prefer,,naturally shiney with a few flecks of lighter orange, that stop sign orange(?) to me is a bit much,,,

both have gone a touch heavy as well, added bonus

11/18/2007 4:32:16 PM

Brooks B


Yea, I dont blame ya for being biased on them two pumpkins Dan, they have some great color to them!

11/18/2007 5:16:43 PM

Brooks B


Seems like that 500 Northrup grows both the orange colors, that stop sign red like you mentioned, and that nice orange, I myself like that reddish stop sign red orange myself,lol.

11/18/2007 5:20:41 PM


Long Island,New York

All the orange seeds I have researched throw the odd non-orange here and there...some more than others >>>>>except one. I have never seen an unsightly colored 603.5Muller offspring and that seed is my choice for best orange producer.

11/18/2007 5:23:01 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

My favourite, of course, is the 585 Levy '07 exh :-) It was a nice colour, symetrical, a real Dill award candidate were it not for the blossom end split. :-(

Next year I am leaning heavily towards the 1134 Landry '07. It was a nice light orange colour. But, I suspect that its children will be even more orange. It's a 500 Northrup x 901.5 Leonard (1233.5 Reiss x 1101 Northrup).

11/18/2007 5:29:37 PM


Hudsonville, Michigan (michiganpumpkins@sbcglobal.net)

802 Kurilich out of Michigan, Brooks. It can throw orange color/great shape with the best of 'em. Check out 802, 840, 888, 1009 Kurilich on the AGGC.

11/18/2007 6:10:32 PM

Brian C.

Rexburg, Idaho (brianchristensenmd@gmail.com )

1101 Northrup is near the top of my list.
670 Daigle is on the list but 2 of the 3 pumpkins I have grown on it have split.
My own 857 from last year is pretty darn good as well.

11/18/2007 6:50:35 PM

Brooks B


G, I want one of them seeds you grew off that 603, dont forget I dont have any G'S seeds yet,lol.

11/18/2007 10:15:54 PM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

The 1068 Bhaskaran is awesome for orange color.

11/18/2007 10:33:09 PM



The 1163 MacKenzie was beautiful and throws nice heavy, orange pumpkins.

11/18/2007 11:45:28 PM

geo. napa ca

Napa Valley, CA

603.5 Muller, 670 Daigle and the 500 Northup..... but not necessarily in that order.
The 1250.5 Kline threw several nice shades of orange this year.
The 790 Bhaskaran 06 threw a beauty here in Napa this year.....much like the 603.5 progeny.

11/19/2007 1:48:19 AM

Brooks B


I wonder how hard a 603 is to get a hold of? Sounds like a good cross for a 1250 Kline. There is alot of diffrent Zunino seeds that seems to throws some nice big orange ones as well(Alot of seeds to pick from from what Vince grew). His 1069.5 grew a awesome looking 594 this year. Vince, you have alot of pretty pumpkins listed there in the AGGC. G, your 556(606 Muller) is really a beautiful pumpkin, I like that shape and color.

11/19/2007 4:41:49 AM

Brooks B


Here is a picture of a pumpkin I grew off the 940 Wentzell a few yrs back(my 374), this is the prettiest orange I have ever grown personally, I see where the orange comes from in the back ground of this seed, but dont know if it will grow orange all the time, it hasnt been grown much and the only other pumpkin I see grown off it is one that the Wentzells grew, it was a 750 lber and was really light in color.


11/19/2007 5:04:08 AM


Rhode Island

the 1225 jutras from i believe it was 2003 was the most beautiful orange color, greatly shaped, with defined ribs pumpkin i have ever seen

11/19/2007 7:51:40 AM

Bohica (Tom)


Take a look at my 893 in my diary, great color, great cross.

11/19/2007 8:48:52 AM



1099 clark

11/19/2007 8:50:35 AM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

Hands down 1199 Swarts. Grew my 1126 off of it this year. Absolutely awesome! You can check it out on the AGGC.

11/19/2007 9:14:54 AM


Dillsburg, PA

603 Muller produces best shape and color IMO. I have a bunch of seeds now with 603 genetics.

11/19/2007 11:53:59 AM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

603 Muller is king.

11/19/2007 1:41:13 PM



I like the 603.5 Muller as well. The 940 Mombert 00 is another one to consider. It has thrown some awesome orange ones. The 955 Brinkley has shown good color potential this year, and I really like the cross(1180 Delatas X 1370 Rose).
The 769 Lombardi 07 is one I'm considering for next year(1273 Howard X self). Nice color, shape, and heavy to the chart).
There's a lot of nice orange crosses out there.

11/19/2007 2:07:46 PM


Jefferson, Ohio

The 1250 kline threw an awesome 800lber for me. beautiful, deep shiny orange (not red). I will grow it again, maybe. The one downside is that I still have it in the front yard and strangers pull in at all hours to admire and take pics of it. Jim

11/19/2007 4:43:14 PM



The 1370 Rose

11/19/2007 5:07:49 PM

Pennsylvania Rock


The 1048 Companion grew my 579 this year, which was a Howard Dill award winner for the Elmira NY weigh off. This fruit is pictured in my diary. I still have not cut any of my fruit open, and are on display in my front yard. I have relatives coming into town and I saved them this year for them to see.

When it comes to orange though, the 1048 is a real beauty. No contest.

11/19/2007 7:56:00 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

955 Brinkley...broke the 1/2 ton mark this year....more than once I think... Nice orange, and shape. Peace, Wayne

11/19/2007 8:17:17 PM


Dillsburg, PA

Yep, your 579 was one beautiful pumpkin.

11/19/2007 8:17:27 PM


Warszawa Poland

Yep 955 Brinkley is great

11/20/2007 3:26:23 AM


Hudsonville, Michigan (michiganpumpkins@sbcglobal.net)


Nice fruit off the 1199 Swarts. Looks a lot like the 1199, but with deeper ribs.

11/20/2007 7:11:12 AM


President - GPC

What about the 1183 Daletas? Hows that for orange color?

11/20/2007 9:07:07 AM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

i aggree totally with pap,,, 1225 jutras was the best looking pumpkin i,ve ever seen.

11/20/2007 10:20:51 AM


maine USA

How do the offspring where the 1225 Jutras is the pollinator
come out? thanks Kathy

11/20/2007 1:48:35 PM

geo. napa ca

Napa Valley, CA

Kathy, a lot of factors come into play as to what a seed will produce when it is used as a male pollinator. For one, the female that it is pollinating will be a factor in the offspring.
If you take a look at the progeny of the 1125 Frantz (869.5 Calai x 1225.4) you will find a lot of different shades of nice orange pumpkins.
If you take a look at the progeny of the 1083 Frantz (842 Eaton x 1225.4) you will find that 60% have green mottling (squmpkins).
Two totally different results.
If you pick a female with a great orange history and pollinate it with the 1225.4 you are likely to produce some awesome orange pumpkins.
603.5 x 1225.4 would be a very interesting cross.

11/20/2007 3:44:53 PM



the 648 Bhaskaran has thrown some great light to dark red orange fruit. 1068 bhaskaran and the 1045 Heyne both had great color too.

11/20/2007 5:09:32 PM


Dillsburg, PA

What I wonder about is when one is trying to preserve the color/shape of one of these pumpkins is selfing the best option to do that with. Too often I think we avoid selfing because of the stigma attached to it. Is there a basis for this? Not sure if mutants occur more with a selfed seed or not. Weight is also generally thought of as negative with a selfed seed. Its hard to beat some of these seeds such as the 603 and others with color. I selfed a 603 in 05 and all pumpkins I have seen grown from it was the same color as the 603. I also started around 3 plants this year of my selfed 603 but 2 of them were mutants and the other was pulled in favor of another plant. I also selfed a 1074 Calai this year- I plan on planting both my selfed seeds next year. I guess I will have a better idea then.

11/20/2007 5:34:31 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Jeff, from what I have seen lately...sibbing seems to be the "new, in thing" (1450 Wallace, 1068 Papez)...maybe this should have been a new thread...but does the variation from seed to seed...ie, sibbing vs selfing make a difference? Peace, Wayne

11/20/2007 11:08:36 PM


Santa Rosa California

i like the georges 364

11/20/2007 11:41:47 PM



The 641 Andrews looks promising. Man, I thought I had my mind made up on what I want to grow this year, and it's a tough decision! I'm thinking of four competition plants and hoping for all orange genetics. So many great choices! PA Pharmer has some great orange genetics as well....uggh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/21/2007 12:25:08 AM


maine USA

thanks geo.napa

11/21/2007 12:42:36 AM


Dillsburg, PA

Doug, what about your 1000lb+ 603Muller X self. That should be a great seed. Hope your seed count was good.

11/21/2007 7:03:16 AM


Hudsonville, Michigan (michiganpumpkins@sbcglobal.net)

1225 Jutras was beautiful and has thrown some nice ones but don't forget it was pollinated with an 845. I would not consider it a consistent color producer.

11/21/2007 10:58:19 AM


SF Bay Area, California

For me it's not just color, it's a nice tall ribby shape as well that defines a great looking pumpkin. A long fat green stem is a perfect accessory. I also like a smooth bright orange color with yellow spots sprinkled throughout. Makes for one gorgeous pumpkin.

Of all my crosses, I like my 1069.5 Zunino 06 for throwing all these attributes. My 594 was almost perfect, the green stem was just a bit short. This cross has a lot of 801 Stelts and 810 Dill in it's background. See this link for some pictures: http://sauron.zunino.net/part4.htm

One unproven cross to watch is my 1069 Zunino 07. Even though this fruit was unbelievably light (22%) it is crossed with a 1450 Wallace plant which produced a 7% heavy 1244 pounder, nice tall shape, huge handle, mostly smooth white pumpkin. I like the fact that the pedigree of these two pumpkin have almost no overlap. I'm hoping to see something big and orange out of this cross.

I also like the 772 Poirier which produced one of the biggest true orange offspring of all time, the 1290 Poirier.

11/21/2007 11:14:17 AM


Dillsburg, PA

Very nice, do you have any of your 1069 (06) left?

11/21/2007 12:02:41 PM



I hope to cut my 1041 open this coming Monday. I'll let you know.

11/21/2007 5:35:24 PM

J. B. Williams

East Lyme CT.

The 500 Northrup produced my 1013 Williams, was a real beauty . I pollinated with the 1016 Daletas I think this could throw some nice orange ones also.

11/21/2007 5:47:56 PM

Farmer Chuck

Santa Rosa, CA

My favorite orange pumpkin is the 500 Northrup. However, maybe a 1290 Poirier('07) X 1069.5 Zunino('06) cross or a
1069.5 Zunino('06) X 1290 Poirier('07)cross will be my new favorite orange pumpkin next year.

11/21/2007 6:20:45 PM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

LOOK,s just LIKE 1225 jutras WAS A (1101 X 1068) CROSS

11/22/2007 10:08:07 AM


SF Bay Area, California


Yup! anaid_tecuod@yahoo.com


11/22/2007 4:59:06 PM

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