Soil Preparation and Analysis
Subject: How much epson salts
Date Posted
quinn |
Saegertown Pa.
Does anyone know how much epson salts it takes to bring up Magnesium levels by 100 ppm in a 1000 sq feet? Right know I have levels of 118 ppm and 139 ppm in two diferant patches and would like to be 200 ppm to 300 ppm. I would call A&L labs but most of the time it's hard to get some one on the phone that can answer your questions.
4/15/2005 11:35:44 AM
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
Quinn, attached is a response from Steve last year.
50ppm is 100 lbs of Magnesium (as an element) per acre foot. So if you applied a 10% Magnesium version of Ag Grade Epsom Salts (check the label to be sure) then 1000 lbs per acre tilled to 12 inches or 23 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Thats a good deal more than I would apply at any one time (though some Rose growers are known to do this. YIKES!). I consider 10 lbs to be a heavy 1000 sq ft application. This will also lower the pH a bit.
What is the current pH? Like here, New Hampshire usually runs a bit acidic. If you are a little low, then some of that Magnesiun would best be delivered by applying some Dolomitic Limestone instead.
Let me know.
4/15/2005 3:02:26 PM
Tremor |
Thanks Russ.....I haven't had much time for thoughtful well written responses lately.
4/15/2005 7:42:10 PM
quinn |
Saegertown Pa.
Thanks I put 30 LBS on a 3100 sq feet patch it was 10% Magnesium
4/15/2005 10:12:45 PM
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