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Subject:  Any suggestions?

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Santa Cruz, CA

I know with other organizations that I am a member of there is often a person or a few people who are the "experts" in a certain aspect of the field. In the big pumpkin growing circles are there experts that can look at soils tests and know how much or what your patch needs? How do I get a hold of them? I just recently got back my soils test and am a bit baffled by the whole thing. I've tried downloading different help sites and am still confused. Any suggestions as to the next step or the person to contact? Thanks for the help! -Creek

10/5/2005 2:12:47 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Post the results on this board and I'm sure Tremor or one of the other soil people will help you out.


10/5/2005 6:16:38 AM


Santa Cruz, CA

Thanks Phil- I'll do that.

10/5/2005 11:04:49 AM


Santa Cruz, CA

I have two soils test reports here. One is from the mound where I dumped a truck load of manuer and mixed in the existing soil. The other is my general soil in my field. I hope to amend the whole area this fall to get it up to speed for an April planting. My garden area is about a 100 feet by 150 feet. I had about 4 pumpkin plant mounds. Two growing AGs. Here we go..................................

In the mound we have:
Organic matter-8%
Nitrogen- 29ppm
Phosphorus Weak Bray-135ppm
Phosphorus (NaHCO3P)- 117ppm
Potasium -545ppm
Magnisum - 331ppm
Calcium - 1657ppm
Sodium - 88ppm
Sulfur - 33ppm
Zinc - 25.1ppm
Manganese - 8ppm
Iron - 46 ppm
Cooper - 1.8 ppm
Boron - 2.6ppm

Percent Cation Saturation (computed)
Potassium 10.9%
Magnesium 21.3%
Calcium 64.8%
Sodium 3.0%

ECe- 1.1
CEC 12.8
Ex.Lime L
pH 7.0

Now for the field(no amendments have been added)
Organic Matter 6.5%
Nitrogen 134ppm
Phosporus weak bray 141ppm
Phosphorus NaHCO3P ( no reading )
Potassium 553ppm
Magnesium 268ppm
Calcium 1843ppm
Sodium 48ppm
Sulfur 40ppm
Zinc 44ppm
Manganese 21ppm
Iron 66ppm
Copper 2.7ppm
Boran 1.8ppm

Percent Cation Saturation (Computed)
Potassium 9.3%
Magnesium 14.5%
Calcium 60.7%
Sosium 1.4%

ECe 2.1
CEC 15.1
Ex.Lime L
pH 6.1

10/5/2005 11:35:58 AM


Fremont, California

on that first one watch out for that sodium level

10/6/2005 10:03:44 AM


Santa Cruz, CA

What do I need to do about too high sodium levels? Is there something I can add to bring that number down? Thanks for the help.

10/6/2005 12:00:56 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)


10/6/2005 12:12:19 PM



I like this first sample.

Agreed with the Gypsum. The Calcium levels are such that that 150-200 lbs per 1000 sq ft tilled 9" would be nice.

At 8% OM, I would be adding organic amendments "gently". There seems to be a trend of late to Nitrogen related summer problems for folks who are using too much OM at one time.

I'd use the same protocol for the field. However the use of some high-cal lime is in order to raise the pH. you might use "some" dolomitic lime in the field to raise the pH. But don't go over-board & elevate the soil Magnesium higher than necessary.

10/6/2005 9:58:17 PM


Santa Cruz, CA

Thanks Tremor for the help. How much Gypsum should I add? Do I then add calcium too or does the gypsum raise those levels? What is the calcium called that I add? About how much lime should I use?

Thanks for all the advice, I really need it. I can't wait for next season to start!

The maneuer I use seems to raise the pH. Does that sound right? I am planning on adding about 10 truck loads of maneuer to spread over the field area that didn't get any last year in the next few weeks. How does that sound? Would I need to add the lime then? The mound (the first sample) was a truck load of maneuer with the field soil mixed in. Are all these additives best added now in the fall or should I wait until spring?

10/7/2005 7:17:09 PM

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