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Subject:  Soil test Results

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organic matter 2.3 % rate L
Phosphorus: p1 194 ppm strong bray 1:7 rateVH /p2 195 ppm rate VH 1:7

Potassium 447ppm rate VH
Magnesium 278ppm Rate VH
Calcium 1590ppm rate H
ph 6.9
CEC 11.4 meg/100g
% base SAturation (computed)
%k 10.1
%mg 20.3
% CA 69.6
% H 0.0
Sulfer ppm 19 rateH
zinc DTPA 5.1ppm RAteL
MAnganese DTPA 8ppm Rate L
Iron DTPA 70ppm Rate VH
CU 1.3 ppm Rate H
Boron 0.6ppm rate L
soluble salts 1:1 mmhos/ cm RATE

How sould i interpert these results. What should i add to the soil (ex fert, ca, lime ext..)

1/18/2006 8:36:35 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Lots of organic matter. Not sure what rate L means, but I think the desired level of OM exceeds 10%. The pros will kick in here I think. Peace, Wayne

1/18/2006 11:03:39 PM


San Diego

Ph looks great, don't touch it. Organic matter is low, so try to get that up with adding, leaves, grass clippings, some manure, etc. Calcium is low, add gypsom, 10 lbs per 100 square foot is safe, could put in a little more than that if you want too. Over all, not too bad results. Just work on the basics too if you haven't (cover crop, lots of worms, etc) for over all soil health. Jimmy

1/19/2006 12:48:30 AM



So more OM and Ca?

1/19/2006 2:28:26 PM


San Diego


1/19/2006 4:07:26 PM


Buffalo, MN (Billsbigpumpkins@hotmail.com)

Check out http://www.spectrumanalytic.com/support/library/ff/Interpreting_Lawn_and_Garden_Soi_Test_Results.htm

It is low OG matter which I think SB at least 10%.
But a person should not load up manure in one year to get that high. I would suggest a combination of aged manure, and composted leaves and grass clippings. I till in pure alfalfa hay.

Alex look for a nearby farmer and look for some good compost piles.


1/19/2006 6:56:37 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Duster, what would an optimum Ca level be? Thanks for the input...great help for us nu-B's... Peace, Wayne

1/19/2006 7:46:30 PM


New Carlisle IN

Wayne, Ca should be 65% to 75%, Mg should be 12% to 18%,
and K should be 2% to 5%.

1/19/2006 8:37:30 PM



Thanks bill. I have access to tones of aged manure. The local compost heap should have leaves and grass clippings.

1/19/2006 9:16:57 PM


San Diego

Wayne, many growers like their calcium to be at or around 3,000 ppm. I think my soil was at 2980 ppm last year. I have even heard of guys over 4,000. So your soil is at 1,500. So by adding gypsom, you will start getting it up higher.

1/19/2006 9:17:40 PM

the gr8 pumpkin

Norton, MA

I have Ca at 4,543 ppm. Lots of gypsum. AleX Noel.

1/20/2006 12:34:41 PM

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