Soil Preparation and Analysis
Subject: Mushroom Compost
Date Posted
Jason D |
I know theres been a thread recently I just cant find it. I got a yard of for my two plants at the house and my vegetable garden. Im gonna get more for my other 6 plants. This kind is made from chicken,horse and cow manuer. I plan on spreading it throught the fall and early winter. The guy were I get it from suggested just spread two too three inches of it this fall and till it if I can. Has anyone had any success with the Mushroom compost and I also plan on adding horse manuer early spring. Any feedback would be appriciated.
11/12/2007 2:07:18 PM
JeffL |
Dillsburg, PA
I like it a lot. I usually spread about 2 inches in the Fall. Don't use much more than that. I have had Mushroom compost that was totally spent and some that had a lot of OM in it. I guess it depends on the quality but use good judgement.
11/12/2007 2:37:25 PM
Jason D |
Thats what I plan on doing is spreading about two inches over my entire patch. The stuff im getting is from chicken,horse and cow. I also plan on spreading aged horse manuer on top of that. Ill spread everything I can then give it a good till early spring. Ive never used it before and just heard it can burn plants if your not too careful.
11/12/2007 3:13:08 PM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON (
I have used it in the past and it is an excellent soil builder. Adds a lot of OM, without excess nutriants. You need to be careful of salts. Try to get compost that has been stored for several years instead of right out of the plant.
11/12/2007 10:36:53 PM
Jason D |
Thanks for the replys Im picking up a yard this weekend and using that on a couple plots and some veggies. Then Im getting some more through out the fall and spreading two too three inches on my other 6 plots. The stuff looks real composted and its sussposed to be sterilized. Im gonna take some and put it in a little pot and try a bean seed or something in it just as a test. It just seems like it will add some great OM because maple leaves are scarce around me alls we have is oak.
11/13/2007 8:55:25 AM
Petman |
Danville, CA (
Has anyone been able to get mushroom compost direct from a farm? I am of the impression that most people buy it from a landscape supply house but wondered if anyone gets their mushroom compost directly from a farm? We have a few farms within an hours drive, so it might be worth my while, however if anyone has experience in dealing with a farm and can provide any insight that would be great. I would love to take my pickup and dump trailer and get 12-15 yards...for free?
11/13/2007 11:14:08 AM
Jason D |
No luck here with the actual farms just landscape companies. Its 25 for a pickup truck load or a yard. Which isnt to bad because it sounds like a little goes a long way.
11/13/2007 1:00:55 PM
Orangeneck (Team HAMMER) |
Eastern Pennsylvania
I get it straight from a Mennonite farmer for $100 per 24 yards. The delivery is what ends up costing me since I don't have a dump truck and they will only drive vehicles with steel wheels. In my short experience I would rate it as a great soil additive.
11/14/2007 8:43:05 PM
Tremor |
Just make sure to watch the salts.
11/14/2007 11:26:29 PM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON (
We get ours directly from the local mushroom farm. It is a large operation and has a guy incharge of selling compost. They stock pile compost in a yard. You can either purchase material right "out of the shute" or out of the yard. The yard material is far better as it has set for severl years in some cases and has coninued to mature. It is low in salts and weed seeds. Also, they sell by the truck load and you get a lot more OM in a truck load out of the stock pile. I discuss the salt thing with the compost crew. They have really changed the way they make compost over the last few years and have reduced the salt content drasticly. The stock piled material has additional time for any remaining salts to leach out. When they make compost they add lime to balance the PH. My Calcium and PH is already on the high side so this is not a positive thing for me. The other issue we have is that they only load out of the field in the spring here. This means that if I want compost for fall app. I need to buy it in the spring and hold until fall.
11/17/2007 10:35:42 AM
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