Soil Preparation and Analysis
Subject: New 5000 sq feet garden Need analysis 1st year
Date Posted
Pumpkin Farm |
Going Green
I took a soil sample on the new area I am developing for garden. Have made it 50 x 100 or 5000 sq. feet.
Organic Matter 5.5/// P1 242/// P2 243/// K 496/// MG 462/// CA 3264/// NA 65/// SOIL PH 6.4/// CEC 23.8///
PERCENT BASE SATURATIONS ARE/// 5.3% K//16.2% MG//68.6% CA//8.7% H//1.2% NA//
N 212///S 88///ZN 20.9///MN 7///FE 62///CU 2.5///B 0.8
P 94/// K 155/// CA 324/// MG 77/// NA 66/// S 105///
2/16/2014 12:28:45 AM
Western PA
Ph is on the low side. Probably need to add some lime very soon. Not sure what kind of lime would be best, as your calcium seems good. My guess would be that you will need around 3 bags (50# each) , but I would wait for someone with more experience to help. Hopefully someone else will help you.
2/16/2014 9:08:10 AM
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