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Soil Preparation and Analysis

Subject:  Question about the soilamendmentestimator

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Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

Looking for someone to make me understand this sheet better.
Fot example, when I add lime on the first page along with the soil results, the level and ratio in the tirth sheet in the start section goes down. Why?



1/18/2016 2:03:54 PM


East Jordan, MI

Hi Iwan,
I hope I understand your question.

You have to have and entry in the pH buffer block. If your soil test doesn't list a pH buffer, just insert a 7 and see if that stops the behavior you are seeing.


1/18/2016 4:35:44 PM


East Jordan, MI

dangit, I need an edit button.

You have to have AN entry...(not and)

1/18/2016 4:36:48 PM

poca river pumpkins

Sissonville wva

what is thjs tool and where can i find it on web

1/18/2016 6:51:15 PM



I thought it used to be here in the GPC resources, but can´t find it right now (no idea why):


Anyway, here you will also find some other helpful links.
Also, this link here is an excellent read as well:


1/18/2016 11:57:43 PM

poca river pumpkins

Sissonville wva

thank you pumpking i will checkout the links

1/19/2016 11:38:04 AM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

Hi, i have entered ph buffer..... I will try to post a screen shot tomorrow of the filled out sheet so you can see what i mean. I will also put up the link to the file. Thanks!

1/19/2016 4:25:10 PM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands


1/20/2016 1:05:06 AM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

figured it out sorry,

used lime with a "high percentage Mg"
still have another question. do you want to have your buffer at 7.0 or the other ph value?

1/20/2016 6:29:58 AM



if your PH is 7 or higher then the buffer should be 8 which negates all the hydrogen that would be calculated because of acidity in your soil. but if your ph is below 7 and you do not have a buffer ph measurement then you kind have to guess. usually around 7 is good.

3/1/2016 4:05:44 PM

Total Posts: 10 Current Server Time: 12/22/2024 6:50:18 AM
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