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Subject:  Advice needed please

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Ph 6.5
Buffer Ph 6.7
Organic 10.5
nitrogin:no3-n 36 ppm nh4-n=6ppm
phosphorus 25 ppm
potassium 259
calcium 1916
magnesium 247

cation exch cap 16.1 Meq/100g
percent base saturation
K=4.4 Mg=13.3 Ca=62.8

Thanks for the help

3/15/2004 3:25:12 PM



PS. The patch is 25x40 and has a wetland on two sides.

3/15/2004 4:33:11 PM



Do you plan to add any well composted manure? If so, the Potash will come up. If not, you'll need to add a *LITTLE* supplemental potassium (potash). Apply either 4 lbs of Sulfate of potash (better) or 3 lbs of Muriate of Potash (saltier).

35-40 lbs of High-Cal Lime will bring the pH & Calcium into line without raising the Mg. Dolomitic lime would also raise Mg, so don't use it.

Please resist the "more is better" temptation. You are close now & could do nothing at all & still do well.

Grow well!


3/15/2004 5:40:11 PM



Thanks Steve

3/15/2004 8:08:30 PM


Montoursville, PA

George.......I would drop a half bag of kelp meal and ten pounds of corn meal in there and consider a similar amount of Fertrell's Azomite or equal product. Tbis will cover the often overlooked and non-tested part of the living biological community. These rates would not unballance anything. I would do the same thing in the fall and then eliminate the corn meal for a year or so.

A fish, kelp and molasses foliar program would really make this patch tick, in my opinion. I use two ounces of each once a week, in two gallons of water, when the patch is full of leaves. Less as I work up to full patch.

I'd let the excellent 6.5PH alone untill this fall. The fall test would show you most likely down a few points where in you can boost it back up towards 7.0 for next year.

3/15/2004 8:56:43 PM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:32:47 PM
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