Soil Preparation and Analysis
Subject: The Hole
Date Posted
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
How big and deep do you dig your planting spot, what do you put in it, etc. I know some fill a big area with composted manure to start. What's the best diameter and depth. What are the best enhancers/ammendments etc. I was planning on a mixture of coir, kelp meal, perlite etc. But the lab says not to put manure in the hole since I dont need any more nitrogen. Please let me know what the latest and greatest method of preping the hole/mound. Thanks
1/2/2022 1:38:09 PM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI (
Feed the entire planting area and not just a hole. What does your soil test say?
1/2/2022 2:25:24 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Id go easy on the potassium but plenty of nitrogen and calcium. The plant can suck potassium from anywhere but the calcium and some other minerals dont reverse flow back through the phloem the way potassium does. (If you want to get technical about it.)
Anyhow... the main benefit of a larger planting hole is you can go on vacation possibly during the season with less ill affect on the plant. (Of course technology could assist in the care of the plant too.)
1/2/2022 5:06:13 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
The xylem flows forwards only, and carries calcium etc.
So, at least until cell division has ended, the stump is important. After that (DAP 30-60 ish? the pumpkin can still grow without it.) I'm sure some wont appreciate my comments because Im not a heavy hitter. But I can say Steve Conolley used the "extra augmented" plant base to grow his WR bushel gourd. But he didnt dig a hole he added mulch bins atop the ground near the base. And this makes more sense really because a hole can fill with water or if too much raw compost is added deep in the ground it will aborb nutrients and be anaerobic so I've not found giant planting holes to be all that helpful.
Sorry for the rambling nonsense. Im sure others can give you better advice.
1/2/2022 5:16:03 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
*Conolly, I should say, he didnt dig a hole deeper than 1 ft or so... I'd have to watch the dvd again. Anyhow, mounding stuff near the base of the plant is a more foolproof way to augment. Good luck I hope you figure out a way to get awesome results!
1/2/2022 5:30:25 PM
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
Thanks for the input Gritty! Ditto on the calcium, but the lab says to limit the nitrogen. what do you think?
1/3/2022 9:19:05 AM
Pumpking |
Mound is better than hole, same opinion here. Also, for a rough guesstimate, the roots (from the stump) are nearly as long as the main vine, and they grow in all directions. This means, as soon as the main vine of your AG plant is 5 ft long, the rooted area (with the stump in its centre) already has a diameter of 10 ft (something like that), and that´s some point you reach pretty early in your pumpkin season. Hence, because of this rapid root growth and because of the other roots (secondary root system), which emerge from the leaf nodes of the vines, you want to try to get the whole patch prepped nicely. The probably more important thing about the closer proximity of the stump (plant site, 3 ft around the stump) is to get this soil warmed up. Too cold soil is bad for the roots, slows down root and plant growth and weakens the plant extremely. Warm soil makes a cosy environment for the baby roots, and it helps to make some nutrients available for the plant (for example, the release of nitrogen from organic matter is enhanced at somewhat higher temperatures, and the availability of magnesium is better in warm soil as well).
1/3/2022 10:34:09 AM
Don Crews |
The roots go 20 to 30 feet. Each node will send roots out that far. Do as much area as you can. The guys that win do more patch than they have plant. Adjust the soil ph and nutrient level of the whole patch. Fine tune a bit by tissue sampling. Simple, right? Not really and that’s the fun part.
1/3/2022 1:39:50 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
You dont want to mess up your entire patch with excess nitrogen but I think some successful growers give their plants an extra nitrogen boost early on, just at the base of the plant. Warm, balanced soil is the way to get awesome growth rates in the spring. But if your soil is cold you can cut corners, there's always calcium nitrate. (Or high nitrogen manure, if you are so lucky.)
But, maybe cutting corners can result in a big healthy looking plant, but a smaller root system.
1/3/2022 3:13:46 PM
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
How deep do you till the soil before planting. Do you till any deeper in the stump area?
PS - Germany, I am a former Deutsch Kurzhaar trainer and belonged to the deutsch kurzaar verband.
1/3/2022 4:19:12 PM
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
How deep do you till the soil before planting. Do you till any deeper in the stump area?
PS - Germany, I am a former Deutsch Kurzhaar trainer and belonged to the deutsch kurzaar verband.
1/3/2022 4:21:38 PM
Dalton |
Ironton, ohio
My hole is roughly 3x5 6-8in deep heating cables go down back filled with removed soil plus big bag of soft soil from box store creating a bit of a mound and easy digging for baby plant. In no time its stretching across the patch that has been amended. That's my hole. 3rd year grower 847pb listen to these guys. Grow big!
1/3/2022 4:32:31 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Here are some links, including some blasts from the past.
We dig our planting spot, exactly the same size as the pot the seeding is growing in. Amend the entire growing area.
1/3/2022 8:01:22 PM
spudder |
I think it was Pap who said a few years ago to make your whole garden the pit I believe someone also said elbow deep
1/3/2022 8:22:50 PM
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
Thanks for all of the good advice guys. I'll surely have more questions to come.
1/4/2022 8:20:17 AM
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