Pumpkin Growing in Australia
Subject: Soil Warming Cables
Date Posted
bluesilver |
Tasmania Australia
Hi, Has any Aussies here used Soil Warming Cables for their Pumpkins before? Was just thinking about trying them out for next season and was looking for any feedback on them is anyone has used them before. ( What is the best 240 v ones to use and the cost of running them) Seen a few overseas, but most only run on 110 v systems. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
3/23/2016 11:59:22 PM
Speedy |
Tasmania , Australia
Hi Blue Silver, I always use heat cables here in Tassie and they are a must in our climate... The heavier duty cable evidently is not being made any more at the moment.. However you should be able to pick up 3 x 50ft individual cables for around $40 each... You should be able to source these from the states or even closer.. These cables do have the USA plug ends and this is not a problem.. You will need to purchase 3 separate reduction transformers if you are growing 3 different patches?.. The transformers bring our 240 volts back to 110... The heat cables do not draw very much power and the cost to run them is near too nothing... Your biggest outlay will be the transformers which are $140 each.. The transformers can be purchased from Dick Smiths electronics.. Hope this helps.. Speedy
3/24/2016 7:39:22 AM
Speedy |
Tasmania , Australia
Hi Blue Silver I did forget too say that the cables only draw about 10 watts and have a built in thermostat.. Just like a set of car points and they cut in and out when you soil reaches or falls below the desired temp..
3/24/2016 7:45:05 AM
Speedy |
Tasmania , Australia
Hi Blue Silver, just correcting a typo.. The New cables are 1.4 amps, so 154 watts.. The older cables were a bit heavier..
3/24/2016 8:07:08 AM
ACpumpkin |
Tasmania, Australia
Try reptiledirect.com.au 240v cables, no need for the converter. Pretty cheap too
3/24/2016 5:11:46 PM
bluesilver |
Tasmania Australia
Cheers Speed and AcPumpkin, Unfortunately the ones at reptiledirect say they are not waterproof http://www.reptiledirect.com.au/p/86/GCE-105-Heat-Cable-120W-12m.html Is there any chance that you could put up a link or tell me what type of heating cables you use? Being new to this heating cable idea, it would be great to know what works and what ones not so much. Also what temperature would you usually set them at and how long would you normally have them turned on for at 24 hours a day? Sorry for all the questions, but any information would be greatly appreciated.
3/24/2016 6:54:21 PM
Speedy |
Tasmania , Australia
Hi Blue Silver, don't worry about the questions mate as we are all helping each other improve.. Don't stuff about with rubbish and get the proper cables.. They have the built in thermostat which constantly operates and keeps the soil at 23 degrees... These cables are pre set and sealed! The cables do a magnificent job and you leave them turned on at all times.. Later in the summer when your patches naturally warm up then you can turn off transformer or leave it running in the event of cooler nights. You can purchase them from Amazon, Ebay and some of the Giant pumpkin sites in the States.. You will need the 48 to 50ft cables and nothing less... Good luck Peter and send me an email if you would like some more help.. Speedy
3/24/2016 7:44:09 PM
bluesilver |
Tasmania Australia
Cheers, Don't currently have your email, but did a bit more searching. Only ones i have found are the ones called Gro-Quick Soil Warming Cable https://www.growerssupply.com/farm/supplies/prod1;gs_seed_starting;pg104439.html Also have a heavy duty one http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Gro-Quick-40-Foot-Automatic-Heavy-Duty-Soil-Warming-Cable-/121912482460?hash=item1c628cda9c:g:oy8AAOSwys5WUnvQ
Are these the ones that you recommend? Built in thermostat to 23C Cheers.
3/25/2016 12:57:55 AM
Speedy |
Tasmania , Australia
Hi Bluesilver, yes the Grow Quick 48ft heavy duty cables are the ones!!! Yes these ones have the built in thermo stat for 23C!.. My email for future contact if you like is sd.newitt@bigpond.com Cheers Speedy
3/25/2016 1:06:30 AM
bluesilver |
Tasmania Australia
Cheers, Looks like i am now going to do a trial next season on a few different plants. Cheers also on the email. Appreciated.
3/25/2016 4:17:31 AM
baitman |
Central Illinois
heavy duty, can be found for less http://www.amazon.com/Wrap-On-14040-Roof-Gutter-Cable/dp/B0002YWL5Q?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00
3/25/2016 8:26:41 AM
bluesilver |
Tasmania Australia
Cheers, Appreciated. Lots of options with theses cables.
3/25/2016 5:37:17 PM
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