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Pumpkin Growing in Southeast USA

Subject:  Possible new GPC site

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Corryton, TN

I've been asked to help improve our local weigh-off at the TN Valley Fair in Knoxville. Is there any interest in a GPC event on the first Saturday of the fair. Depending on the year that Saturday will fall on Sept 6-12. The last thing I want to do is steal entries from other GPC sites. We're looking for extra fruit. The tentative plan is to have equal but separate prizes for pumpkins, squash and watermelons. I guess I'm looking for a head count as to who might be interested and what you might bring. You can post here or e-mail me at brotherdave01@aol.com

12/7/2013 2:29:05 PM


Madisonville, TN

Cheyenne and I will be bringing our melons and pumpkins to the fair again this year, so if it were GPC that would be a big plus. Our school FFA takes a trip to the fair each year and many other schools do too. Having a GPC event at the fair would expose giant vegetable growing to a lot more young people than a normal weigh-off would.

12/8/2013 1:09:39 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

It's all about your site's competition. If your prize structure can top the other weigh offs in that general time frame (Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee) I'd say you have a good shot at improving Knoxville. Paying out equal to the other sites probably won't cut it.

Personally, I don't grow for the money but when it comes weigh off time, I look for a shot at recovering my truck rental and gas costs. Frankly, the $50 dollars to take one to Bear Wallow just doesn't cut it....I should start growing bigger pumpkins...lol.

12/9/2013 10:40:05 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Furthermore, Bear Wallow pays out a measly $600 for first place which might explain why Kentucky's biggest pumpkins get weighed elsewhere. Third place pumpkin payout is the same as first place watermelon....lol.

12/9/2013 10:50:03 AM



Dave I for one would gladly support you anyway I personally can, you have always helped our Ky weigh off greatly! Jamie we base the prize money on what we take in from seed auctions and seminar. We would love to increase our prize money, with more support from growers we could. I dont want to speak for all that help with the ky weigh off but we try our best!! Dwight

12/10/2013 7:45:45 PM


Corryton, TN

With the responses here and through e-mail it appears that there is enough interest to go forward. If we can get the organization and sponsors in place we should be good to go pending approval of the GPC. In the mean time get your line-ups ready and consider growing for an additional category other than what you normally do. Remember we are tentatively planning on an equal prize structure for squash, watermelon and pumpkins.

12/13/2013 9:14:20 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Dwight, I appreciate all that you and the others have done. Kentucky is an anemic weigh off however, I still enjoy being there primarily because of the people involved. Based on Kentucky's prize structure, sounds like much more needs to be done than seed auctions and seminars. I think Kentucky would benefit from a weigh off that's in a metropolitan area with some corporate sponsorship or a larger payout at its current location. Kentucky also needs to spread it's wings within the State and bring some other growers into the fold, instead of the good ole boy club that it is now. Heck, how about a true structured club with a charter, by-laws and "elected" members. How about an internet site that hosts our own State records and anchors our club and weigh off? GPC weigh offs with better payouts are encroaching upon Kentucky every year, it may be time for reevaluation and/or reinvention.

Kentucky has a decent weigh off, with exceptional people running and supporting it and I will continue to support it the best I can. Just seems to me that it could be so much better with a little tweaking. I would never run my mouth like this and propose to sit on my behind to see what happens. I am willing to roll up my sleeves and jump right in. But, if Kentucky and it's supporters are satisfied with the weigh off, I'll speak no more.

12/14/2013 10:24:14 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Nice job Dave. I couldn't think of a better person to spear head the effort. Look forward to hearing about your progress and best of luck.

12/14/2013 10:26:34 AM


Washington Co. Va.

yell i am in to sounds good iwill take my punkin there it is about a 2 hr drive for me so way not

12/14/2013 2:42:34 PM



Dave, I will support your efforts in any way that I can. You have been very helpful and supportive of the Bear Wallow weigh, thank you.

Jamie, "anemic", "good ole boy club", let us know your true feelings. As with most groups there are a very few that put in a lot of effort to make things happen. Same with the KY weigh off, but at crunch time we have been able to count on some very good friends to get it done. Brother Dave along with several others have stepped in and helped when we were in desperate need. I have yet to see you "roll up your sleeves and jump in" when we needed someone to do just that. Money is not near the top of the list on why I grow and go the to the weigh off. The friends I have made and the relationships that have developed are first on my list. If money is your motivation then maybe Bear Wallow is not for you. Bill

12/17/2013 9:43:54 PM


Home of happy lil plants

Build it for they will come....from miles and miles around with big giant pumpkins or something like that.

I am the happiest person in the world to spend 1000 to win the prize of 100 :)

but that I earned was for growing a pumpkin...a reward for growing a pumpkin...need i say more... like actual spendable money for growing a big pumpkin! Process that for a second

12/18/2013 12:47:53 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Respectfully Bill, no one from Kentucky has ever asked me for help when the weigh off was in desperate need! As I noted in my earlier post, it has been about the relationships for my support of Kentucky as well..not sure where you get the money thing. If you recall, I was likely the first person that contacted you regarding starting a club and weigh off in Kentucky...that was a roll up your sleeves and jump in endeavour....lmao.

You help me make my point Bill, if the weigh off wasn't so anemic, it would never get into desperate situations and there wouldn't be crunch time to fret over. I know of several people that WANT to help but are never approached.

The weigh off is a good one, that's why I go. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to take it to another level. Comments like "maybe Bear Wallow is not for you" is proof positive that some new blood needs to be injected into a mediocre weigh off.

12/18/2013 1:50:32 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Is Frenchburg, near Lexington? Peace, Wayne

1/5/2014 5:58:45 PM



Love the post Spence...

It sounds like a new site in addition to the old would be a plus for growers.

1/18/2014 11:10:31 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Jamie,I might be out of line here...as usual, but Bill stated "roll up yer sleeves and jump in" & you replied "never asked"...a bit of a conundrum here? ya think? Jumping in, sort of notates "not being asked"!!!
I also think that if you were to " Jump IN " with the help you claim you can give..."corporate sponsorship, etc" !!! It would be appreciated!!! Peace, Wayne

1/19/2014 1:19:05 AM


Corryton, TN

Got word that the management does NOT want to have a GPC weigh-off this year. They are working to expand the event with more categories and prizes to see if the interest is there and how their staff handles the extra work load.

Sometimes change is slow.

3/12/2014 6:24:40 AM


Lebanon , Tn

Bring a weigh off to Wilson County Tn.. The states largest County Fair.over 500,000 attend yearly.

4/29/2014 11:57:27 PM

GA Giants

Powder Springs, GA

I would be interested in that. The closest one to me is Cullman and it's on August 23rd. I would like one that doesn't have such a close deadline.

5/15/2014 8:01:14 PM

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