My daughter's raffle is ending on April 28th, so if you have any interest in a raffle for two of the world's largest fruit's (1502 and 1469) seeds (as well as 9 other top notch seeds including the 848 McKenzie squash seed), please get your raffle chances in the mail early in the week! One chance for 10, 3 chances for 20. The address is listed below to send your check/money order to.
Rocky Rockwell raffle
166 Roosevelt St
Sayre, PA 18840
I am overseeing her this part of her fundraising project, and will post the results on the message board the night of the 28th after we get our mail to check for late stragglers. Many many thanks to Phil Hunt of the GVGO, Ron and Dick Wallace, and Larry Checkon for the wonderful seed donations to help this wonderful cause. Also thank you to the people who have, and are going to, donate a raffle chance in helping out. Best of luck and grow em big!