The Green Jacket/Squash Trophy Auction list has been posted (with some formatting issues btw). Please come out and support the group that supports the squash growers!
There's a large ammount of the older favorites here--the seeds that create "the" seeds like the 845Bobier, 712Kuhn,805/735Pukos, etc....a couple heavy lots with 695Handy, 1039Sherwood, 1334Daletas types, three color lots including 603Muller, 500/1101Nothrups, 940Mombert00 etc....Quinn's 2008 seeds, Joe Jutras' 1600 crosses, a 1370, 985, 1385Jutras etc, and a few squash lots...something for everyone and all growing levels. Come out and support the Squash Growers instead of freezing your butts off on Saturday.