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Subject:  Southern New England GPG auction results 2022/2023

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 1 – 2 LOTS A+B – KY POWER Couple - Watermelon Lot *winning bid*-- 30 30
324 McCaskin (146 Young x self)
309 McCaslin (301.5 McCaslin x self)
282 McCaslin (298 McCaslin x self)
249.5 Smiley (220.5 Smiley x self)
230.5 Smiley (330.5 Vial x self)

Lot 2 – 2 LOTS A+B – Joe Ailts Huge Wisconsin Grown Field Pumpkins *winning bid*-- 25 25160.5 Ailts (91 Ailts x self)
144 Ailts (91 Ailts x self)

Lot 3 – 2 LOTS A+B Cook, Butternuts & Ruthruff Butternuts Grower lot *winning bid*-- 30 25
83.1 Cook Butternut (55.5 Brown x self)
103 Jarosh Butternut (65.5 Swenson xSelf) WR for two weeks in 2022
104.5 Ruthruff WR Butternut (55.5 Brown x self) World Record
56.0 Ruthruff Butternut (65.1 Brown x self)

Lot 4- 1 LOT The Sippel/Pierpont Collection *winning bid*-- 65
2147.5 Sippel ‘22(1935 Ford x 1501 Vander Weilen)
2074 Pierpont ’22 (2702.9 Cutrupi x 2702.9 Cutrupi)
2121.5 Pierpont ’21 (2114 Wallace x 2145 McMullen)
1992.5 Pierpont ’21 (1347.5 Rodebaugh x 2114 Wallace)
1960 Pierpont ’22 (1992.5 Pierpont x 1992.5 Pierpont)

Lot 5 – 2 LOTS A+B Werners new 2022 Giants (Power Crosses) *winning bid*-- 80 80
1802 Werner (2183 Mendi x 1885 Werner)
2168.5 Werner (1885 Werner x 2183 Mendi

Lot 6 – 1 LOT John Youngs Tremendous Mega Tomato Lots *winning bid*-- 30
7.95 Young (8.36 Strickler x open) Megadom variety
7.28 Young (6.50 Rose x open) Domingo variety
7.07 Young (7.72 McDonald x open) Domingo variety
6.48 Young (9.06 Brown x Open)
5.94 Young (9.06 Brown x Open) Domingo variety

1/8/2023 11:34:52 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 7 – 2 LOTS A+B World Class Bushel Gourds *winning bid*-- 40 40
370.5 English (470 Connolly x 470 Connolly)
470 Connolly (320 Connolly x 320 Connolly)
267 Caspers (218 Davis x open)

Lot 8 –2 LOTS A+B - Geddes/Ritter Giants *winning bid*-- 40 35
326 Ritter (2200 Geddes x 1501 Vander Weilen)
2359 Geddes (326 Ritter x sibbed)
2090 uow Isabelle (326 Ritter x 326 Ritter)

Lot 9 – 1 LOT – Faust’s Wisconsin grown Giant Tomato’s *winning bid*-- 45
11.65 Faust (9.06 Brown x self) Domingo Variety new World Record
8.32 Faust (9.06 Brown x self) Domingo Variety
5.42 Faust (McDonald x open) Domingo Variety
5.24 Faust (9.06 Brown x open) Domingo Variety
5.20 Faust (9.65 Marley x open) Domingo Variety

LOT 10 – 1 LOT – Morse / Lariviere Combo Pack *winning bid*-- 80
2350 Morse (2520 Schmidt x unknown) New Michigan State Record
1799.5 Lariviere (2365 Wolf x 2356 Booth)
1659 Lariviere (2356 Booth x 2365 Wolf)
1429.5 Lariviere (2095.5 Barron x 2095.5 Barron)
1394 Lariviere (2166 Cutrupi x 2095.5 Barron)

LOT 11 – 1 LOT The Francis Mudd Kentucky Watermelons *winning bid*-- 55
325.4 Mudd (305 Mudd16 x 305 Mudd)
302.5 Mudd (305 Mudd x 305 Mudd)
298.2 Mudd (332 Mudd x Selfed)
249.2 Mudd (305 Mudd x 305 Mudd)
248.8 Mudd (332 Mudd x Selfed)

1/8/2023 11:35:14 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 12 – 2 LOTS A+B – Michael Paul’s Wisconsin grown Field Pumpkins *winning bid*-- 45 45
173 Paul (177 Paul x open)
165 Paul (128 Paul x 177 Paul)
164 Paul (164 Paul x open)
158.5 Paul (164 Paul x 128 Paul)

LOT 13 – 1 LOT – Ansems Bushel Gourd and Long Gourd Collection *winning bid*-- 35
154.85 F. Ansems LG (136.75 Ansems x 142.25 Ansems)
142.6 C Ansems LG (154.75 Ansems x 154.75 Ansems)
142.25 F. Ansems LG (127.5 Kline x 135 Muir)
126.5 F. Ansems LG (154.75 Ansems x 133 Ansems)
347.0 Ansems BG (237 Ansems x 335 Ansems)
237 Ansems BG (335 B. Ansems x 247 Hooster)
234 Ansems BG (237 Ansems x self)

LOT 14 - 2 LOTS A+B – Glenna Rea/Ryan Cleveland Orange Lot *winning bid*-- 110 100
1977.5 Rea (1885.5 Werner x 2350 Gienger) Howard Dill Winner!
1634.5 Rea (2350 Gienger x 1885.5 Werner) Beautiful shape&color
1923 Cleveland (2469 Daletas x 2469 Daletas)
1352 Cleveland ( 1866 Cleveland x 2469 Daletas)

Lot 15 – 2 LOTS A+B– Prochaska/English Cantaloupe/Watermelon collection *winning bid*-- 50 50
76.12 Tony Prochaska 2022 (66.9 Bright x Open) World Record Cantaloupe
71.60 Doug English 2020 (65.9 Vester x 61.85 Davis) World Record Cantaloupe
74.28 Prochaska 2022 (59.6 Prochaska x Open)
59.4 Prochaska 2021 (66.9 Bright x Open)
229 Prochaska 2022 (330.5 Vial x 226.5 P. Young) Watermelon_

Lot 16 – 2 LOTS A+B) Marleys Porkchop Tomato Lot *winning bid*-- 40 35
8.64 Marley (5.30 Butler x open)
8.58 Marley (9.06 Brown x open)
8.40 Marley (7.66 LaRue x open)

1/8/2023 11:35:38 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 17 - 2 LOTS A+B – Al Eaton/Joe Jutras Long Gourd Combo Pack *winning bid*-- 70 70
173.75 Eaton (121 Eaton x 115 Eaton) WORLD RECORD
168.25 Eaton (115 Eaton x self) WORLD RECORD
167 Eaton (121 Eaton x 115 Eaton) UOL Al nicked it with a shovel before W/O
146.13 Jutras (138.5 Eaton x self)
131 Jutras (149.25 Checkon x self)
128.5 Jutras (139.5 Eaton x 149.25 Checkon)

LOT 18 – 2 LOTS A+B - GIANT Jutras SQUASH Seeds *winning bid*-- 50 45
2118 Jutras ’17 (1844.5 Holub x self) WORLD RECORD SQ
1935.5 Jutras ’19 (1844.5 Holub x self) SQ
1838 Jutras ’20 ( 1109 Jutras x 1109 Jutras) SQ
1701 Jutras ’17 (1844.5 Holub x 1445 Jutras) SQ

Lot 19 – 2 LOTS A+B–The HD Rondeau/Young LOT 1 *winning bid*-- 55 55
609 Rondeau (1215 Young x 916.5 Rondeau) HD Winner
1680 Young (1885.5 Werner x 1905 Rose) HD Winner
1469.5 Young (1297.5 x 1080 Young) HD Winner
1215 Young (1297.5 Young x Self) HD Winner

Lot 20 – 2 LOTS A+B–The HD Rondeau/Young LOT 2 *winning bid*-- 45 40
1017 Rondeau (609 Rondeau x 1469.5 Young) HD Winner
1552 Young (1215 Young x 1297.5 Young) HD Winner
1442 Young (1905 Rose x 1469 Young) HD Winner

Lot 21 – 2 LOTS A+B – Sperry’s Spectacular Rhode Island Pumpkin Lot *winning bid*-- 50 45
2136.5 Sperry (1806 Sperry x 1940 Urena)
1904.5 Sperry (1885 Werner x 2520 Schmidt)
1818 Sperry (2520 Schmidt x 1885.5 Werner)
1554 Sperry (1940 Urena x 1885.5 Werner)
1806 Sperry (1970 Sperry x 2362 Holland) Grew the 2136.5 Sperry, 2089 Madison,
1936 Sperry, 1979 Pugh

1/8/2023 11:35:55 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 22 – 2 LOTS A+B – Mark Baggs World Record UK grown Field Pumpkins *winning bid*-- 105 100268 Baggs ’22 (168.7 Baggs x self) WORLD RECORD
218.3 Baggs ’22 (168.7 Baggs x self) WORLD RECORD
190.6 Baggs ‘21 (168.7 Baggs x 168,7 Baggs dmg) grew the 218.3 Baggs,268 Baggs,
and 160.9 Young.

LOT 23 – 2 LOTS A+B – Mark Baggs Giant MARROW seeds *winning bid*-- 45 40
235.9 Baggs ‘22 (217 Baggs x 256 SJODIN)
202 Baggs ’21 (200.6 Baggs x 217 Baggs) UOW dmg
201.2 Baggs ’21 (217 Baggs x 198.8 Baggs) dmg
184.9 Baggs ’21 (200.6 Baggs x 198.4 Baggs)

LOT 24 - 2 LOTS A+B - Mohamed Sadiq’s Bountiful Harvest *winning bid*-- 45 40
2287 Sadiq (1885 Werner x 2183.7 Mendi) New Utah Record
1905 Sadiq (2183.7 Mendi x 1885 Werner)

Lot 25 – 2 Lots A+B – Dale Marshalls Alaskan Polar Express Giants *winning bid*-- 65 60
2147 Marshall (2183 Mendi x 2365 Wolf) New Alaskan State Record
1819 Marshall (2365 Wolf x 2183 Mendi)

Lot 26 – 2 LOTS A+B – The Barron/Conway Giant Pumpkins *winning bid*-- 60 55
2144 Barron (2183 Mendi x 1885 Werner) Look at the genetics and… 17% Heavy
2096 Barron (2183.7 Mendi x Self) 21% Heavy
1636 Barron (2096.5 Barron x 1885 Werner) 15% Heavy
1989.5 Conway (2356 Mendi x 1747.5 Handy) 18% Heavy

Lot 27 - 1 LOT –The Kevin Synder/Gadberry Coast to Coast Collection *winning bid*-- 50
2137.5 Snyder (2365 Wolf x 2365 Wolf)
1796.5 Gadberry (1501 VanderWielen x 1803 Gadberry) 10% Heavy
1487 Gadberry (1747.5 Handy x 1501 Vander Wielen) 13% Heavy
1486 Gadberry (1747.5 Handy x 1501 Vander Wielen) 16% Heavy

1/8/2023 11:36:18 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 28 – 2 LOTS A+B – The Mehdi Daho French Connection Lot *winning bid*-- 45 40
2169.3 Daho (2183 Mendi x 2183 Mendi) French Record
2045.9 Daho (1885.5 Werner x 1885.5 Werner) HD Winner
1978.0 Daho (2183 Mendhi x sibb)

Lot 29 –2 LOTS A+B – Doug Kisamore Ohio grown Pumpkin seeds *winning bid*-- 35 30
2195.5 Kisamore (872 Kisamore x self) New Ohio State Record
1752 Kisamore ’22 (1417 Kisamore x 1885.5 Werner)
2147.5 Sippel (1935 Ford x 1501 Vander Weilen)

Lot 30 2 LOTS A + B – Noels… Way Over the Chart! HEAVY Pumpkins from Connecticut *winning bid*--50 45
2096.5 Noel (2096.5 Barron x 1641 Wallace) 26% over Chart!!
2234 Noel (2183 Mendi x 2096.5 Barron) 19% over chart!!

Lot 31- 2 LOTS A+B - Connolly 150 ChallengeWR, *winning bid*-- 45 40
2240.5 Connolly ‘22 (2356 Mendi x 2702.9 Cutrupi) 12% over Chart. 7 ft wide Monster.
1375 Connolly ‘22 (1552 HD Young x 1552 HD Young) new “150 Challenge” WR
810 Connolly ‘22 (2702.9 Cutrupi x 2356 Mendi) a genetic monster

LOT 32 - 2 LOTS A+B – Vangeel Seeds from BELGIUM *winning bid*-- 30 25
2439.4 Vangeel (2182 Mendi x 2241 Vangeel)
1781.3 Vangeel (2241 Vangeel x 2183 Mendi)

LOT 33 - 2 LOTS A+B – Vanheucklom Seeds from BELGIUM *winning bid*-- 30 25
2306 Vanheucklom (2033.8 Vanheucklom x 2439 Vangeel)
2027.2 Vanheucklom (1940 Urena x 2702.9 Cutrupi)
2033.8 Vanheucklom (2040 Vanheucklom x 2469 Daletas)

LOT 34 - 2 LOTS A+B – BoonenHerman Seeds from BELGIUM *winning bid*-- 30 30
2276.3 BoonenHerman (2183 Mendi x 2439.4 Vangeel)
2088.9 BoonenHerman ( 2439 Vangeel x 2183.7 Mendi)

Lot 35 – 2 LOTS A+ B Cindy Tobeck Master Gardener Collection *winning bid*-- 30 30
1997 Tobeck SQUASH (1109 Jutras x self)
1989.5 Tobeck PUMPKIN (1940 Urena 2183 Mendi)
138 Tobeck LONG GOURD ( 131.5 Tobeck x sib)
100 Tobeck MARROW ( 152.5 Tobeck x self)
6.58 Tobeck TOMATO (9.44 Larue x Open)

1/8/2023 11:36:37 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 36 – 2 LOTS A+ B Wallace Giant Proven seed Lot *winning bid*-- 40 35
2201 Wallace ‘21 (2183.7 Mendi x 2294.5 Noel) 17% Heavy! Grew 2128 LeBlanc
22 (20% heavy)

Lot 37 2 LOTS A+B – The Gunstrom Pennsylvanian lot *winning bid*-- 85 80
2405 Gunstrom (2110 Platte x 2365 Wolf) New PA record 17% Heavy
1586.5 Gunstrom (2365 Wolf x 2110 Platte)

Lot 38 – 2 LOTS A+B LeBlancs New Hampshire Giant Pumpkins and Long Gourds *winning bid*-- 60 60
2359.5 LeBlanc (2365 Wolf x 2201 Wallace)
2128 LeBlanc (2201 Wallace x 2365 Wolf) was 21% heavy
152.63 LG LeBlanc (157.75 Ansems x self)
147 LG LeBlanc (154.75 Ansems x 157.75 Ansems)

Lot 39 – 2 LOTS A+B Pete Caspers Iowa Giants *winning bid*-- 45 40
2424 Caspers (1707.5 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi) Iowa State Record
1840.5 Caspers (2702.9 Cutrupi x 1470 Caspers)
1633 Caspers (1477 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi)
1281 Caspers (1976 Sippel x 2702.9 Cutrupi)

Lot 40 – 2 LOTS A+B – Daletas Seeds/Jutras ‘Kins Grown from Daletas seeds *winning bid*-- 70 70
2425 Daletas (1885.5 Werner x 2469.5 Daletas) #2 Half Moon Bay
1931.5 Daletas (1953 Daletas x 2469 Daletas)
1817 Daletas (1940 Urena x 2469 Daletas)
2032 Jutras (1989.5 Daletas x 2517 Haist)
1697 Jutras (1953 Daletas x 1885 Werner)

Lot 41 – 2 LOTS A+B Grahams Monster Pumpkin Seeds *winning bid*-- 45 40
2480 Graham (1832.5 Graham x 2294.5 Noel) Massachusetts States Record
1583 Graham (2294.5 Noel x 1832.5 Graham)
1393.5 Graham (2200 Geddes x 1832.5 Graham)
1832 Graham (1938 Sperry x 1339 Graham) grew the 2480 Graham

1/8/2023 11:36:56 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 42 – 2 LOTS A+B – Wolfs New York Giant *winning bid*-- 150 150
2493 Andy Wolf (2365 Wolf x 2365 Wolf) 17% heavy

LOT 43 – 2 LOTS A+B Stelts Proven Giant Pumpkin Seed *winning bid*-- 55 50
1686 Stelts (1412 Hazeltine x 2469 Daletas) Grew the 2262 Stelts, 2243 Stelts, 2133.5
Greathouse, 2122 Stelts

LOT 44 – 1 LOT - The Paton Growers of the Year collection *winning bid*-- 155
2656.1 Paton (1940 Urena x 2356.7 Mendi)
2332.5 Paton (2356.7 Mendi x 1885 Werner)
2150.6 Paton (2183.7 Mendi x 2356.7 Mendi)

LOT 45 – 2 LOTS A+B Ruben Mendi Monster Maker Pumpkins *winning bid*-- 50 35
2356.7 Ruben (2183 Mendi x 1686 Stelts) Grew the 2332.5 Paton, 2240.5 Connolly,
1989.5 Conway
805 Ruben ’22 (1885.5 Werner x 2183.5 Mendi) grown in the 150 Sq Ft Challenge

LOT 46 – 2 LOTS A+ B Dave Stelts *winning bid*-- 75 75
2342 Stelts (1953 Daletas#3 x 1885.5 Werner)
2262 Stelts (1686 Stelts x 1953 Daletas #3)
2243 Stelts (1686 Stelts#7 x 1953 Daletas #3)
2164 Stelts (1849 Stelts ’21 x 1885.5 Werner)
2069 Stelts (1953 Daletas x 2350 Gienger)
1912 Stelts (1885 Werner x 1686 Stelts)

LOT 47 – 2 LOTS A+B Don Crews Canadian Record Pumpkin *winning bid*-- 65 55
2537 Crews (2365 Wolf x 300 est Crews) New Canadian record
510 Crews uow (300 Crews est x 2365 Wolf)

LOT 48- 2 LOTS A+B Scott Andrusz New York State Record Seeds *winning bid*-- 115 115
2554 Andrusz (2365 Wolf x 1885.5 Werner) New York State Record
2002 Andrusz (2200 Wolf x self)
1535 Andrusz dmg (2002 Andrusz x 2365 Wolf)

1/8/2023 11:37:15 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 49 – 2 LOTS A+B Travis Giengers Maverick GIANT Pumpkin Seeds *winning bid*-- 75 70
2560 Gienger (1885.5 Werner x 1885.5 Werner) New North American Record!

LOT 50 - 1 LOT Proven Daletas seed LOT *winning bid*-- 60
1953 Daletas ’20 (2114 Wallace x 2624,6 Willemijns)
2069 Stelts, 1959 St.Laurent, 1931 Daletas, 1813 Pugh….

LOT 51 - 1 LOT Proven Caspers seed LOT *winning bid*-- 60
1707.5 Caspers ’21 (2551.9 Mendi x 2200 Wolf)

LOT 52 - 1 LOT Proven JUTRAS SQUASH LOT *winning bid*-- 110
1109 Jutras SQUASH (927 Jutras x 1844.5 Holub) grew the 2164 Skinner, 2030 Tobeck,
1997 Tobeck, 1944 Jutras, 1838 Jutras….and more

LOT 53 – 2 LOT A+B – Amelia Wolfs Giant Orange Pumpkin *winning bid*-- 125 120
2006 Amelia Wolf (2365 Wolf x sib) Pollinator grew the 2493 Wolf!

LOT 54 - 1 LOT Proven Urena Lot *winning bid*-- 85
1940 Urena (2517 Haist x 1911 Urena) Grew the 2656 Paton, 2356 Booth, 2027
Vanheuklom, 1989.5 Tobeck.

LOT 55 – 1 LOT Patons UK POWER Lot *winning bid*-- 270
2907 DMG Paton (1885.5 Werner x 2356 Mendi)
2656 Paton 2022 (1940 Urena x 2356 Mendi)
2332 Paton 2022 (2356 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner)
2150 Paton (2183 Mendi x 2356 Mendi)

Lot 56 - 1 LOT Ruben’s PROVEN Spain Grown Giant Makers *winning bid*-- 230
2183.7 Mendi ’19 (1940 Urena x 2469 Daletas)

1/8/2023 11:37:42 PM

Pinnacle Peak

British Columbia, Canada

$85 for a 1940 urena?? Dang what a steal, can't believe I missed out on that

1/9/2023 12:43:53 AM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

When I am the auctioneer, anything can happen!

1/9/2023 8:03:45 AM

Total Posts: 11 Current Server Time: 3/11/2025 1:03:40 AM
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