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Compost Tea

Subject:  Wallace wow aerated vs quick brew

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New York

What are the benefits of brewing the Wallace wow Compost tea with the aerated method over the quick brew method? Does it make a huge difference to aerate the tea? Is it still worth it if you don’t aerate it?

1/19/2022 10:15:20 AM


Kutztown, PA


I took a look at the label and honestly I cant see any reason for aerating the mixture at all. The usual reason for aeration is to add oxygen to a liquid in order to propagate aerobic bacteria. The WOW tea doesn't list and microbial ingredients. Another reason for aeration is to reduce the propagation of anaerobic bacteria because their presence will cause a foul odor. So - to me - the real question is: What is the real purpose of the aeration?? It's possible that without aeration the anaerobic bacteria would metabolize (Eat up) the nutrients. Having said all of that, may guess is the aeration just keeps the water moving so the brew diffuses out of the bag and there's no real science to it.

1/20/2022 4:05:07 PM


Kutztown, PA

In other words either method should give the same results.

1/20/2022 4:14:09 PM

Tom K


Adam there are many benefits to your plants and soil to providing an aerated tea that is loaded with diverse and beneficial microbes. The answer to your question is not a simple one and it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Tad Hussey is a guy that has given us a lot of advice on the subject over the years. I would encourage you to listen to his podcast.


and here is a nice summary on the benefits of aerated compost tea.


1/20/2022 6:29:58 PM


New York

Okay thank you I’ll check out those links

1/20/2022 7:37:13 PM


Seattle, WA

Thanks for the mention Tom, I appreciate it! :)

2/24/2022 12:26:46 PM

Total Posts: 6 Current Server Time: 3/11/2025 3:02:42 AM
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