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Subject:  Watermelon Vines & Patterns

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Big Kahuna 25

Ontario, Canada.

I had heard that melons did not like there vines buried due mainly to main vine rotting problems. So last year I bucked the trend and buried them several of them. My one plant grew fine without any sign of disease or stem rot. Next season I will bury even more of them and prune just like AGP's.


2/7/2008 5:56:59 PM

Boy genius

southwest MO

Training the watermelon like a pumpkin may limit you to much on the fruit you can grow. I think it is more important to first pick the melon you want for a keeper then pune and bury the plant aroud it.
I would love to hear others views on patterns.

2/7/2008 8:43:25 PM

Big Kahuna 25

Ontario, Canada.

Although my experience is very limited one plant in 2007. I noticed that the blossoms were sporadic. This may be a factor as you state in pruning. This may be mitigated by the use of ferts containing high phos though. I believe that they would follow the same rules as for AGP. High N early, Phos Middle, then K at the end.

I would try a couple of patterns that get to fill an area out. A multiple apendage pattern with little third stage growth seams best to me for controlled growth and fruit set. As with the AGP it seams only logical that vine growth after fruiting will rob the fruit of sink storage.

2/8/2008 8:40:36 AM

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