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Subject:  Set more then one melon on a single plant ?

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Walking Man

formerly RGG

My single CC plant is good size and healthy.It has a single melon on it I let set on about the middle of June.The melon is a bit odd shaped but it is growing well and is nearly 2' long already.I let another melon pollenate about 3 days ago. If I let this second melon grow how much do you guys think it would cut down on the eventual size of the first melon?

7/7/2008 5:11:07 PM

Minnesota Melon Man

Rochester, Minnesota

I don't have any hard and fast numbers, but what is your goal? Are you growing one giant melon or a couple of medium sized melons? I have heard rumors of giant melons with secondary melons on the plant, but I suspect that if I did that it would probably cost me 30 to 40 pounds on the primary melon. I like to think that I would put it all on red and go for the big win.

7/8/2008 9:49:40 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I think you are right on.The new melon has been removed.Thanks again for your advice Melon Man.

7/8/2008 1:45:04 PM


Bowdon, GA

Hey Tennesse, Sounds like it's growing good. My best one this year was a little narrower at the stem end, but it filled out nicely and is turning out to be a pretty melon. It's odd but I,ve never had one with a blossom end straighten out. Seems like the stem end swells more as it gets older. I wouldn't worry about it sounds like your doing well. Have you measured the OTT chart? Do you have any more in the patch? The one that I found a cut worm on healed up well. It has a little dent in it but not slowing it down. Today was 30days from pollination it is 30"long and 39" in circ. By the OTT it estimates 97lbs. If it's right. IS that a good growth? Also have two more around 80. If I can hang in there through this drought maybe I'll pull a decent one. Good luck everybody

7/8/2008 10:52:00 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Thanks for the reply Holloway.I have only one plant because that is all I have room for in my small backyard garden.It is on a north facing hillside with tall trees on both sides of my lot. The soil is about all hard clay but I have ammended it somewhat with compost.Too bad I no longer own a tiller to work it down into the clay good.

Can you tell me EXACTLY what measurements to take to do the OTT estimate.I think I have seen the chart but it does not specify what the measurements are. Your biggest melon sounds awesome.The longest melon I have heard of was 40" long. You have 2 months of growing left and only 11" to go to beat 40".I think you could be pushing toward record territory.It would certainly be nice if someone could come up with a world record CC this year.

My seed were bought out of a catalog.Does anyone think seed out of really large melons grow larger ones? I think the genetics are probably the same.I wouldn't mind trying seed from a really big one next year just to make sure though.

7/9/2008 7:43:31 PM

Minnesota Melon Man

Rochester, Minnesota

Wow. Lots of stuff here to work on.

Watermelons like a lot of sun. I cut trees around my garden each year, but they like to encroach.

Measurements: Side to Side over the top, and End to End over the top. These are like upside down U's over the melon. Add those measure in inches to circumference, which is all the way around the middle horizontally to ground. The sum of those three numbers are taken to the watermelon chart to determine a guess at the weight.

I also like to measure the belly (girth) which gives me a good indication, but the OTT (over the top) chart does not take that into account.

I think Dreamer's watermelon has great length, but it's behind on the girth. I shared some numbers with him in an email.

Genetics are probably the biggest single factor for me in growing melons. It determines hardiness of plant, length of fruit, size of flowers, the whole works.

7/10/2008 10:46:51 AM


Bowdon, GA

Tennessee I bought seeds from the Bright's this year and they have grown much better. I got seed from the 246 bright. They are sold out now wish I had saved some. I also planted some seeds from a 117 we had last year, but they are way behind the 246s, and I've treated the plants the same. So I think gentics is a big key. I also planted some from a 233 grown in tennesse that doug adams gave me but I think I may have planted them to late, but may get a september melon from them.

7/11/2008 8:45:47 AM

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