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Subject:  9/20 update

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Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

New measurements are now my biggest ever. I just need it to weigh what the chart says. Ott=214.5 = 272 lbs est ! Still growing 1.6 lbs per day at day 85. The growth increased with my nights warming up to around 60. 4 more days to picking !

9/20/2010 8:14:21 PM


Sparta, NC

Go Chris Go

9/20/2010 8:51:37 PM


SW Ohio

Woohoo! Go Chris go!

9/20/2010 9:08:06 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Keep her going..... Ours is staying about the same...So the next 4 days will be loooooooonnnnngggggggg ones. If nothing happens to ours we will see ya there. :)

9/20/2010 9:15:15 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

thats what I`m talkin about now-and my guess might be close

9/20/2010 9:17:22 PM

Andy W

Western NY

good luck chris!

nice to meet you last weekend.

9/20/2010 9:32:57 PM


Northern California Foothills

Good luck!

9/20/2010 10:12:11 PM

Marty S.


Good Luck also, This is fun watching.

9/21/2010 5:48:17 AM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

Good Luck Chris, I hope you set a new record.


Jn. 3:16

9/21/2010 6:08:47 AM



growing 1.6lb a day ? 4 days before picking ?
You can't wait longer Chris ?
Anyway, one word : " AWESOME "

9/21/2010 6:18:51 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

come on chris still growing like that you cant pick it !!!
you still have another weigh off. let it grow!! dont just beat the world record chatter it!!!! let that melon be all it can be!!! surely you can hold off 1 more week.

9/21/2010 8:24:36 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

chris you could be tapeing around 290 by allardt!

9/21/2010 8:33:25 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Chris, you know this melon has to grow as long as it possibly can to grow as big as it possibly can get. You were disappointed last year as they went hollow & light. Hopefully this melon won't be a repeat of that. I'm just saying, wait until you think it is maxed out and then pick it and have it weighed as rapidly as possible.That is what Lloyd Bright did with his 268.8. You've seen the video; he picked it and rushed it into town to be certified. The importance of the weight of this melon goes beyond the importance of hauling it a few hundred miles to win a little something in another contest. A new world record will be something that stays with you the rest of your life. Everyone who knows you will be very proud and the state of Tennessee will have bragging rights again. Make it about the ultimate weight of the melon and not the contest. If you take it in before it has completely stopped and it is a few ounces short of a world record you will find that very hard to accept.

9/21/2010 8:49:39 AM


Good luck Chris - Hope it goes heavy for you.

9/21/2010 9:24:40 AM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

chris whats ur method on telling how much its gaining?

9/21/2010 9:39:47 AM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

chris whats ur method on telling how much its gaining?

9/21/2010 9:40:04 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

I understand what your saying. Its not the contest(elkin win is only 40.00) Its waiting too long & having something happen. Sure it looks great now, but i have not seen the whole bottom.
Its probally ok, BUT would you take the chance?????? REALLY ??

9/21/2010 9:52:14 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

It will be 90 days old on saturday the 25th. Anyone ever have one GROW past 90 days ?????

9/21/2010 9:54:08 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

yes i would if it is still growing and looking good! i would leave it 100 days if its still growing. your rewriting everything on this one . no more rules they have all been broken .

9/21/2010 10:13:24 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Chris, bottom line is it has to be a personal decision.If you are pretty sure it won't get any heavier or there is significant risk of the melon turning bad if you wait,then certainly you must go ahead & pick it.

9/21/2010 10:29:28 AM


Corryton, TN

Could this be the plant that grows for a hundred days? or 105?
What has been your experience with melons and pumpkins when there is a problem or one is developing? Does the fruit keep growing? Does the color change? Could it still be growing in size and still be losing weight? What if it weighs in at another 267?

What about vandals? Rats? Deer? Coons? Your own dog?

I slept like a baby last night!

We're pulling for you

P.S.- I know what I'd do.

9/21/2010 12:32:19 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Dave, yes all of that. Usually it stops growing which means there is a problem. But i don't know how the weight holds at this age.
Bottom line is the risk vs reward is now on the risk side. I really think it will be over 268.8 & there are lots of unknows that could make it into one of those "also rans". I'll experiment on one another year to see how long they can go. This one is picked Friday.

9/21/2010 1:18:42 PM

Ice Man

Garner, NC

Chris I have to agree with you, Pick it, win and celebrate. Another week could be, rotted bottom, lunch for a coon, theft or a unlimited number of things. Good luck with the weight off and whats to come with a record!

9/21/2010 2:04:02 PM

Tim Pennington (Uncle Dunkel)

Corbin, KY

Go Chris Go!!! Don't know the answer. But best of luck reaching a new world record.

9/21/2010 2:28:01 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Go Chris Go! You get seeds, I want to grovel for some...
(shameless, yes, rooting for ya, DEFINITELY)

9/21/2010 2:45:36 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Chris, I would agree, every day puts you a little farther out on the risk side. If it is a light melon, chances are there aren't enough growing days left to attain the record. If it's heavy or on chart, you have it. Two out of three is good! The odds favor you now that you have the measurements.....

9/21/2010 3:08:43 PM

Marty S.


I would pick it Friday also Chris Its over 90 days then. It will not gain enough after that to make a difference and too much to lose.

9/21/2010 3:26:06 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

Is this Sam lovelaces weighoff?

9/21/2010 3:29:51 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

how long does it take to get there from OHIO? DOES ANYONE KNOW -lets just say I`m leaveing from chillicothee ohio

9/21/2010 3:31:12 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

Ps Id really like to see this thing in person!!and I got one that needs weighed anyways ,my guess 150 ilbs or so -but shes finished for sure

9/21/2010 3:32:45 PM


SW Ohio

My vote is for Elkin. Best of luck to you!

9/21/2010 3:47:23 PM


Corryton, TN

Rob: 5 hr 20 min per mapquest, 310 mi
It'll be like the rest of the super giants. A photo just isn't the same. Wish I could be there.
And you won't meet a finer couple.

No offense to any couple out there!!

9/21/2010 5:32:42 PM



Why not trying to weigh it gently with a tripod just to be sure it's over the WR already ? you could check the bottom on the same time.

9/21/2010 5:44:23 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

No one needs to drive huge distances just to see a big melon. It may not even make the record. Enjoy the weekend, work on your patch. That way you will be ready for next year !

9/21/2010 8:57:21 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Chris, I hope you are going to preserve this pending trip with lots of good pictures. I will gladly bring you my charged camera & plenty of memory for you to borrow for the trip, if it will help you any.(It would give me a chance to come out to see your patch this year.) I think everyone on here wants to see & get a little happy from seeing some of what you are about to experience.I never found the last pictures you posted; where are they on this site?

9/21/2010 9:37:16 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Dennis, they are in my diary.

9/21/2010 10:03:13 PM



Reading some of the comments for the melon in questions internal situation makes me wonder, has anyone considered an ultrasound for this whopper? Seems like it comes down to empty spaces or solid meat?I am half joking BTW. Very exciting stuff.

9/22/2010 12:08:49 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

well chris its not just another big melon! possible a new world record melon. what has it been 15 years since the last one ? i was trying to get someone to cover for me this weekend so i could come see it weighed. i did mapquest think it was 1200 miles . it would of been worth every penny to see it in person. good luck hope it goes heavy!!
ps i'm glad you decided to pick it for this weekend . maybe i can get some sleep now! lol

9/22/2010 8:42:09 AM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

well Chris ,I agree with kirk -whats a little drive time -if this is a new world record then its all worth it -if not then I`ve still never seen a melon this big before-and my kids would love it.if this thing would break a record then I may not forgive myself ,in not coming and see it,well if you see me there -I`ll shake yr hand if not ,well a big congrats will be in order ,good luck either way

9/22/2010 10:28:34 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Your kids would probally like you to stay home & do something fun with them !

9/22/2010 11:29:33 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

BTW, the cross is a seedless cross...so no seeds.

9/22/2010 11:30:28 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

amazing new world record melon . and no seed. go figure .

9/22/2010 11:46:52 AM


Corryton, TN


9/22/2010 3:39:56 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

Yes that would seem weird- but who careS, about the seeds inside I want the one that grew it DA-lol

9/22/2010 6:27:34 PM

paul f

Southeast Texas

i wont a seed or two from it ...the seed that grew it will be to hard to get.i wont to cross 290 somthing kent to a 178 mudd next year....dammit

9/22/2010 7:18:23 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh


9/22/2010 7:49:59 PM


Bowdon, GA

I got to take up for Chris here, I never had one or heard of one growing beyond 90 days. Was that a 5 day average? Could be done. I think going beyond 90 days is reckless. They go down fast getting close to 100 days. At that age they are likely growing more rhine than meat anyway. I do kind of like Mehdi's Idea. It is a decision I wish I had to make, but in my dream world I don't think I would chance it.

9/22/2010 8:41:40 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

By the way Chris what plant is this on??

9/22/2010 9:43:30 PM

Dewight B.


VERY NICE Chris! What a killer year for you! I'm glad for you. My only concern would be what do other still have growing? Would an extra week or so move you to the front, or maybe you're already there. Personally if it were me I'd go with your plan and take it this weekend. No matter what happens elsewhere, you will at least have beaten the old record, and hopefully for you all other weigh in less than yours. A gamble either way you go, but I'd pull it and experiment with max. growing days another time. Best of luck to you this weekend, I'm pulling for you also. I'm also curious as to what plant you have this on??

9/23/2010 1:58:20 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Its on a very nice plant. LOL When the results are in, I'll say which plant. Go easy on them, ok. They are real nice growers.

9/23/2010 2:51:47 PM


Nekoosa, Wisconsin

With a little detective work on your diary I'm guessing the 239 Leonard. :)

9/23/2010 3:20:08 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

Find be that way -I wont tell you what my big 280s tapeing on -and my guess would be the 178 mudd ,ha

9/23/2010 8:16:41 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh


9/24/2010 7:04:09 PM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

Good Luck Chris!


9/24/2010 8:11:37 PM

Marty S.


Good Luck Chris, Then you can sleep good. I have my largest Cir. I have ever grown this year but just not fat and I worry it will not make it till next weekend.

9/24/2010 9:05:01 PM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

could -anyone thats going to this weighoff plz ,call me after Chris weighs the big melon please ,I`ll be at the New Breman ohio weighoff ,were all rooting for ya Chris -what ever happens good luck !!it`s been really ,fun to thid point.740-998-2566

9/25/2010 1:23:13 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Congrats, Chris...291#'s...Crushed, Shattered, Demolished...the old world record!!! Thinkin you made the right decision!!! Way to go!!! Peace, Wayne

9/26/2010 12:24:10 AM

Total Posts: 57 Current Server Time: 9/30/2024 1:15:27 AM
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