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Subject:  Myth Buster

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Walking Man

formerly RGG

Hey Mark, I decided to pick 40 Pounds today. If you don't remember, it's the melon I was told would never grow past 40 pounds due to the very small vine size. It was pollinated on June 24 and is on a now fairly healthy plant. The stem was still green and it was still growing.

ee = 43"

ss = 35.5

cc = 61.5

For a OTT of 85.1 pounds. It weighed 85 pounds on my bathroom scale so the OTT score was right on the money. And it's a pretty little melon. You were quite correct in the fact that it would never get competitive in size. I should've never grown it. But being nearly as stubborn as you are, I just had to show you I could raise it bigger than 40 pounds. I took very good care of it's plant and grew 40 Pounds over twice its predicted limit. The plant now has 2 other small young melons growing on it.I should have listened to you but sometimes proving a point seems to be more important to me than good advice. :-)

9/10/2011 12:52:49 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

TD! 80 pds 90 pds is no better than 40pds!Its a looser!!Like Hope Festival claims if aint 100pds it aint a watermelon! Sorry Myth not BUSTED!!

9/10/2011 1:10:28 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Sorry TD! the 40pds was just a # thrown out.it could of been 80 90 thrown out or 110 it wont win,place or show!lessin your 12 & in the 4-H club!!

9/10/2011 1:31:19 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Mark, I never said 40 Pounds would win anything.I never even hoped it would win anything. I simply said it would grow past 40 pounds. The "40 pound limit" myth WAS busted. You are wrong for a change mark. I like to admit when I am wrong, as most people do.I was wrong in predicting it might grow to 100 pounds or more and you were wrong in telling me it would be limited to 40 pounds or less.

9/10/2011 1:44:30 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

LOL!That was Bill Edwards! that said your what disputing, A HH TD!!He wasnt wrong our goal is to set records,I grew 130 with store bought seed & watered once a week!!LOL Give it up Dude! Bill was right!!

9/10/2011 1:48:03 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Saying that the melon would be limited to around 40 pounds was absolutely wrong. You can try to twist it around however you want to. Bill was wrong if it was Bill Edwards who you got that idea from; and he said something to the effect that he had a similar vine and the melon got to 40 pounds and stopped growing and the same thing would happen to my melon.You are twisting things around to try to make me look wrong and I do not appreciate it.And what the heck does you growing a 130 pound melon have to do with anything? If that is some left handed way of saying I can't grow a big melon; well, you are just getting mean.Have a nice day Mark.

9/10/2011 2:26:42 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters


9/10/2011 2:36:24 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Ah, the vision is STILL unfolding....LOL

9/10/2011 3:45:12 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes it is 1320 The 272 is dam close to a 280 as predicted!the 300s are still to come!TD Is working on some 85s! thats his Vision!!lol

9/10/2011 8:37:03 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

F*** you Mark!

9/10/2011 8:39:08 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Oh, I forgot...lol

9/10/2011 8:39:56 PM

john boy


Man!!! Its going to be a long winter,,,,lol,,,,,greg

9/10/2011 9:15:37 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

I don't see any benefit to the readers of this forum from these posts. If you want to have a pissing contest, you can do it through email, private !

9/10/2011 10:02:05 PM


Bowdon, GA

Agreed Chris, no reason to be little the size of any melon. I'm sure there are people who worked really hard to get a 130lber, and are proud of their melon.

9/10/2011 10:22:32 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yeah this isnt worth arguing about!Sorry TD!you were right you outgrew the 40.lb mark, 130 aint bad for a first or second year grower!This is all non productive nonsense!

9/10/2011 11:03:35 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Handy, even yer appology sounds bad!!! The GWG deserves better than this!!!! Peace, Wayne

9/11/2011 12:20:51 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thanks Wayne!Now your making the Club look bad!Your a member to!

9/11/2011 5:46:59 AM

Dewight B.


I would say you Mark, are making the club look bad with your Junior High School like comments. Being an organizer or whatever for the GWG, you should bite your tongue. And what's up with all the exclamation points? Anyone that got a big melon to grow this summer, did a nice job. Even if it was less than 130 lbs... Be professional, not discouraging.

9/11/2011 11:42:37 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thanks Dwight! I love you to!!!!I just got a phone call my neighbor & childhood friend of 43 years & former buisness partner,had a heart attack & died in his driveway!Im truly sorry I ever responded to this post.I will try not to respond ever again.life is to short for this stupidity, on my part!Sorry GWG Members! Truly!!!!

9/11/2011 12:12:31 PM


Rapid City, SD

this is a club i will never join........good grief

9/11/2011 1:17:12 PM

Dewight B.


Sorry to hear about your friend Mark, yes, life is too short.
I don't think anyone has a issue with you responding, your helpful for the most part. Just be encouraging... Love, Dewight :)

9/11/2011 1:31:44 PM


Cleveland, Tenn

Everbody has good years and bad years. I had a year when all my plants went down and would have been glad for a 20 pounder.This club is the best thing to come along for our sport. It's should be fun, educational and friendly. Lets keep it that way. Just my 2 cents!!!

9/11/2011 3:55:18 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Ditto matt-man

9/12/2011 1:15:00 PM


Here is my 2 cents... Although I am new to watermelon growing, I am not new to growing in general.
Handyhomegrown, as a founding member and representative of the GWG, you dropped the ball hard. You had the chance to represent the club and the hobby in a positive way, giving new growers such as myself helpful hints and tips on growing a watermelon successfully and keeping the excitement of growing melons alive, instead you take cheap shots and belittle at every chance you get. The sad part is that you don't care, your ego is only surpassed by the fact that you are convinced that half the nonsense that you post is factual. Yes, facts, that what growers need, not your opinions. Tennessee dreamer must be bi-polar, to continue to make the posts that he does, one moment kissing up to Chris Kent, the next taking cheap shots at Chris and anyone else that he can, to the point that he would post "F*** you Mark!"...WOW...this is what the new grower has to look forward to? Matt Man is spot on...who needs to join a club that provides little to no info about growing melons, instead, the founding member makes fun of 90 and 100 lb melons. Mark you were making a mockery out of the GWG and yourself long before your friend passed away, you've already made a name for yourself, why tarnish the whole sport of melon growing. If the members have a say in voting their club representatives, I would file a motion to have you step down before you bring the club down with you.

9/12/2011 4:00:13 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thank-you Dr Phill!

9/12/2011 5:07:57 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Louis,It's true I have lost my temper before with Mark. That is a fact.And I vowed not to let that happen again. The F you remark was a bit a knee jerk reaction from me and I am very disappointed with myself. I felt Mark had taken a verbal swing at me and that was my unconsidered reaction. If the club officers wanted to remove me from the club for that, then so be it. I am responsible for my actions. I cannot remember ever taking a cheap shot at Chris Kent or anyone else other than Mark. My memory is terrible and sometimes I fear I am in the early stages of dementia so perhaps I don't remember. Please let me know where on this forum I have taken cheap shots and I will see if I am able to make amends. A lot of the back and forth between Mark and I has not been anything serious; only attempts at good natured rivalry . Certainly it has gotten out of hand a couple of times and there is no excuse for that.

9/12/2011 8:34:07 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I think you are spot on about the lack of serious melon growing recommendations coming from the GWG club officers. But I think it is human nature to not give up your secrets to success. I would like to at least see grower diaries from all the club officers. Chris was pretty good at posting to his diary last year, but we have seen very little from his posts this year. And actually the posts this year are from his wife Janet. There has been some good humor involved in their diary however and I do appreciate that.I believe Mark is a good man who is perhaps a little too competitive in nature.I think Mark and I probably should both be thrown out of the club if there are any similar exchanges in the future.However, I see Mark as a descent family oriented man who deserves another chance.And when I say nice things about the Kents it's not meant to be kissing their asses. I am not the one who named him Superman. I do think there is a lot of well intended humor involved. But kissing his ass; please, why would I even have any incentive to do that. The Kents are wonderful people but they have nothing I need other than their friendship.Anyway Louis, thank you for your considered opinion.

9/12/2011 8:34:14 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

One other thing, Mark has been the one officer of the GWG who seems to have been really trying to help others learn to grow giant watermelons. His diary posts have been great. I believe he has been honest and forthcoming in answering questions and I do not believe he is holding back any of his growing expertise. And some of his diary posts have been a real hoot.

9/12/2011 8:59:48 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

TD & Louis,Nobody is getting kicked out of GWG! Lighten up! Let it go!

9/12/2011 10:13:18 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Well, I am sure you are right about that Mark. Especially since it's not an elected office. Just don't start feeling bullet proof.In the end we are all held accountable for our actions.

9/12/2011 10:21:04 PM



When the Grandbabies get this cranky I give them a hug and put them down for a nap....hugggggggg Nap Nap Time!!!!

9/12/2011 10:39:15 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Sounds Good Janet! I crapped my cruiser. Now time to sleep it off.lol

9/12/2011 10:48:20 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Louis, the chances of this club going down are almost zero. It could shrink some and have a tarnished reputation. And that definitely needs to be avoided. Possibly another club (a new one)could cause the slow collapse of this one if it did a better job of satisfying members needs. But this club fills a void and most of the members are willing to ignore childish squabbles and concentrate on the positive things the club provides.Again, my apologies to everyone.

9/13/2011 11:56:35 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

One other thing Louis, the exchanges on this forum are in no way connected with the GWG. It's true that most of the growers on here are members but several are not. The squabble between Mark & I would have most likely taken place whether the club had been formed or not. Mark and I were acting as participants on this forum and not as GWG members. I have seen lots of disagreements on this forum. Most of them occurred before the GWG was ever formed. When I get into a disagreement with someone on this forum, it does not occur to me to consider whether they are a GWG member or not. What I am trying to say here is this argument was between two forum participants who just happened to be GWG members. Should Mark And I have shown more discretion ? Absolutely. But neither of our committed indiscretions was representative of the GWG as a whole nor were they linked to the GWG in any official capacity. Thanks for your response.

9/13/2011 12:08:57 PM


Chicago Illinois

there is only 1 rule at fight club, what happens at fight club stays at fighr club

9/13/2011 4:36:24 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Let it Go TD! It will die, if you let it go!!

9/13/2011 8:35:46 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I was just trying to help play a little defense Mark. The GWG itself did nothing wrong.And I hate to see the reputation of the club negetively affected. You as an officer and myself as a member sure made ourselves look like poorly mannered heathens.But then this isn't a GWG site and for Louis to suggest you get voted out over this unfortunate incident seems absurd to me. As well as I can tell, Louis' heart is in the right place and he thinks this would be best for the club. I am sorry Mark, I just wanted him to know how I feel about that. I am not trying to beat a dead horse to death or to anger or insult anyone.I don't think there have been any calls from anyone else for you to step down.I think Louis should change his mind about suggesting that you should be voted out if the members have a say about it. OK Mark,and I also am ready for this to die.

9/13/2011 9:16:05 PM

Ice Man

Garner, NC

For once I agree with Mark...LOL. just give it a rest

9/13/2011 9:44:39 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG


9/13/2011 10:52:55 PM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/14/2011 8:31:57 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/14/2011 8:32:35 AM

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