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Subject:  GWG membership list

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Walking Man

formerly RGG

I am wondering if one of you GWG officers might be willing to post a list of all current members on the GWG web site, once membership is closed for the current year. I know there is a list on here on a thread; but it would be convenient to be able to see it on our web site. Seems to me like it would be easy to do. Sometimes I would like to see who is a club member and who on here, for one reason or another, has not made the choice to join. I also think you should consider doing a fall seed auction. Some good seeds are already up for auction and I think the club may be missing an opportunity to make the early dollars. This may not even have much effect on the money to be made on the winter auctions. Just a suggestion, but I think you gentlemen are interested in raising as much funds as possible and I think this would add to that.

10/3/2011 10:04:01 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

We will discuss posting the members and let you know. Thanks
Already working on seeds. What seeds would you be interested in bidding on ??

10/3/2011 3:01:32 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Suggestions can be emailed to any one of us!

10/3/2011 4:59:38 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Giant Watermelon Growers? I missed ... wha?

10/3/2011 7:59:56 PM

wv melonman

Watervalley Ms

255, 157, 239, you know the ones I am talking about. How much are they selling for? where do you go to bid. Thanks Jerry

10/3/2011 9:05:54 PM

paul f

Southeast Texas

cris i like true cross'es not open...they mite have sugar babbies close to the bigguns.s....i dont need help growing little shitters...lol

10/3/2011 9:16:09 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

We will have auction this fall it will be posted on BP! 157 is a rare seed 100$ & up 239s will be over 50$ as will the 255,just my educated guess.Not Gospel!Theres a 239 for sale right now,its posted on forum.GWGs auctions will always be on BP!OkieGal are you not aware of Giantwatermelongrowers club??WE formed last winter 117 members

10/3/2011 9:18:31 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Thanks guys. It sounds like everything is headed in a good direction.

10/3/2011 10:12:08 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

I was kinda sick last winter and missed a lot of stuff. Please forward membership info to debrebel@rocklore.com, thanks!

10/4/2011 2:03:15 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

OGal, try googlein GWG.com & see if it comes up? would be interesting to know? If not, visit past/last years Watermelon Growers Forum on bp.com! It's awl there!!! Peace, Wayne

10/4/2011 2:13:13 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Hi Deb! Go to watermelongrowers.com,we have our own website,Theres plenty of time to join for 2012 deadline is June 1st membership for 2012 will be 20$ as we intend to increase monies.Thanks I hope you join us!We pay 1O places,annual newsletter,prizes & more!

10/4/2011 7:53:06 AM

Dewight B.


I believe it's giantwatermelongrowers.com And the membership fee is going to double?? If the GWG had a sponsor(s) to kick in 1000 bucks you wouldn't need to raise membership fees. Just a thought, I see membership decreasing rather than increasing with a doubling of the membership fees...

10/4/2011 10:36:06 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

$20 isn't bad for a membership, thanks!

10/4/2011 11:04:49 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Um, it says won't be taking apps again until Nov...

10/4/2011 11:05:57 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I'm with Dewight. I went on the melon site this morning to see if there were any seeds for sale. The club could make some money by selling lesser known seeds at a nominal price, or high end seeds for a lot more. Some of the crosses made this year are as good as any out there. I would rather put my extra money into that.

10/4/2011 11:19:15 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

we are still in the weighoffs, be patient ! We will have lots of seeds available before its time to plant again. We are all growers...heck, i still have melons growing. LOL

10/4/2011 3:33:18 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Dewight, We felt 20.00 was reasonable & would help with the prize structure & take some pressure off the auctions. We understand if its too much for some & hope when things improve they come back & join.
If you know of any sponsers, let us know.

10/4/2011 3:37:12 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

If we get a sponsor to throw in a 1000, & We may find one,I would still vote for a 20$ membership & increase prizes even more.20$ is not that much really.We will offer less popular crosses at auctions to make sure everyone gets the seeds they want.I hope this helps.

10/4/2011 8:20:11 PM



Please tell me what you have to offer for 20$ membership?

10/5/2011 9:11:12 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

The big benifit is the prize money, which is the best offered for melons anywhere, & its on top of what ever you get from your weighoff. We are working on other things but nonething set yet. You will have till june 1st to join for 2012, so you can just weight and see.
Most weighoffs charge 10.00 to enter now, so i don't think we are out of line.
As always, its your choice.....

10/5/2011 2:21:38 PM



Most clubs charge 20-25 for membership but this comes with alot more than one newsletter a year. Some have free seed promos, winter and spring seminars, seed swaps,quaterly newsletters and home weigh offs. I was late joining GWG this year and planned on joining in 2012, but just want to give you an outside looking in opinion. with the top growers in the hobby being the board of directors an instant jump to double the membership to increase the payout looks bad. accordning to GWG rules of one entry per member and in the GPC standings the GWG board members are all in the winnings.

10/5/2011 3:32:27 PM



so raising the prize money benfits who really. Since you are the top growers you deserve the winnings but it does put a negative light on what is being done. I know anyone has a chance at the winnings. 20$ isn't too bad but there really is no benefit of me joining i could just spend 20 on an auction seed instead to fund your endeavor. maybe you could find a way to have the members benefit a bit better. Not just those who win.

10/5/2011 3:35:20 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Bry, The top grower this year isn't a board member.
The board members are in the top 10(so far) but we were all sucessful growers before this started, so natually we would probally be up there in the standings. We don't get paid for our time & efforts. Dave Stelts,Andy Wolf, etc are GPC board members, does that make them self serving?
We are just trying to promote melon growing much like pumpkin growing has been done.
**We are open to any ideas you have to help us do better!**
As always, its your choice.....

10/5/2011 3:49:37 PM

Ice Man

Garner, NC

I have given this alot of thought, and not sure i can explain it well typing, but will try. I think raising to $20 is great, if you are going to pay out to the top 20 growers, if only the top 10, then doubling the membership does look bad. I do agree with Bry, that with a $20 membership there should be alot more than prize money, and I know there are things that are going to be done this winter to help. In a nut shell, if raising the membership to $20 is going to benifit ALL members by having a better and more informative website, more newsletters and such, then it is a great idea. But is it's just going to doulbe the top 10 prize structure, then greed will ruin the GWG.

10/5/2011 4:08:09 PM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

Nicely said Todd..

10/5/2011 4:20:49 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Great idea Todd, thanks. We started with a goal of top 5.
When we did so well we went to top 10. Top 20 sounds like something that we may be able to do. That would lower the bar alot. We have other ideas to help growers so be patient & keep those suggestions coming !

10/5/2011 4:27:01 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

$20 isn't bad for a club membership, I belong to more than one pumpkin club... For $20 I'd expect 3-4 newsletters, and a few packets of shared seeds. If I had seeds to share I'd send some in to be shared.

For prizes offered on top of the weighoff ones (national).. in a spirit of being 'fair' is the tiered structure SNGPG offers their members (I think they have more non local members than in their region) and they have a virtual weighoff according to weight classes. So if for example you grow an 83# melon, you'd be in a 75-99# class and if you grew 117# you are in the 100-125# class. (examples).

That on top of having say a kitty for the top few of the list makes it better. I may have grown my lil'feller but I still have a chance....

Just my .000002 cents worth until y'all open the apps again so I can join!

10/5/2011 4:35:09 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

The top ten this year as of now,this could change, has 5 newbies(not HH)1st place is Todd Dawson a second year grower,& several others like me, who were not heavy hitters.this is not a rigged game,we will have plenty for the little guy if membership is good & auctions are good also.We raised the money early to 20$ as to stop any early signers for 2012 of joining for ten dollars,that would be a mess later.If your not happy with what we put together by march,feel free not to join.You have till June 1st to decide.Trust me you will be happy with all the perks we come up with.The 4 officers should be expected to be in the Top ten,we are the most dedicated to it.I spend 25 to 35 hrs a week in the patch,It paid off this year,that may not always be the case,as I have been wiped out by disease on several seasons.I hope you all give us the time to prove ourselves,as I believe this first season we have.

10/5/2011 5:09:12 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

We cant make a bunch of promises we cant keep.When the money comes in I hope you trust the 4 of us to do the right thing.We will be paying more places,a rookie award,etc.IF the big IF, The members are in with us not against us.

10/5/2011 5:31:48 PM


SW Ohio

I like the idea of a SNGPG type of a virtual weigh off and categories. It gives everyone a chance to win some money and that is always a plus for the entire membership.

To say if we don't like it, feel free not to join, well, I guess that's true to some point.. but if you lose over half your membership you have cut off your nose to spite your face and that's not beneficial to the club. This raise in prices might have been better brought up at a later date and thought out a bit more before throwing it at the membership as a side note to another topic. Just my opinion of course ;)

10/5/2011 5:35:44 PM



I'm not trying to put anyone down or say raising fee is wrong. Like I said the winners rightly deserve the prizes. I am a member of SNGPG and actually won money from their tiered virtual weigh off. It is things like this that make people want to be part of a club. Not high prize money that is only enjoyed by a few. When a club makes all members feel welcome and appreciated. I just thought this issue should be brought up and from Todd's post it seems I'm not the only one who noticed. I would gladly pay 20 even 25 if there was just more than a good prize structure.

10/5/2011 7:18:08 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I will pay the $20.00 and not complain about it. I think it will probably do more good than harm. What I would like to hear from you officers though, is a pledge to not raise our dues any for 2013; and after that by no more than $5 in any one year when you feel an increase is necessary. So what do you think?

10/5/2011 7:24:44 PM


Linden, Mi.,

Thank you Todd

I would like a t-shirt

The club needs some one to gather imformation - growing tips soil cond. weather cond., weigh off news, there is a number of things that could be put into a news letter, two, three, four times a year. Keep the interest going all year.

10/5/2011 7:39:56 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

We will Be patient Folks we havent even rolled up our Drip tape yet!Your assuming an awfull lot.Give us a chance,there were some that wanted it 20 the first year.I had people asking why so cheap?

10/5/2011 7:57:44 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

The JOYS of a new club :) Just tell me when I can send y'all money, and do take paypal, that makes my life so easy.

Virtual newsletter is fine (email) and a lot cheaper to put out...

I'm sure everyone in the hotseats (officers) will GitRdun!

10/5/2011 8:02:02 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes we have pay pal.Yes we will, Thanks Deb.Im just glad we got this Club going,a year ago there was nothing to complain about.Just why is there no melon money??How soon we forget.Email Chris, he will tell you when you can pay.Thanks again for positive feedback!

10/5/2011 8:17:39 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I think tallcorn may be on to something. Why not have ball caps and tee shirts available to club members. It would be excellent advertisement for the club and if you can find a manufacturer for a reasonable price and then sell them to members at a small profit that would help infuse a little cash into our coffers. I think the embroidered hats could perhaps be personalized with a color choice and perhaps the State of the grower. For example, I might want a big orange one with "Tn Giant Watermelon Growers" written on it.

10/5/2011 8:38:04 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

As Chris rightfully pointed out, it's early. Lots of time to iron out the details. I belong to five clubs so it's not about the money. If my $20 goes to prize money alone, I'm out. As one who fills dozens of bubbles for my club, it's about the return. The possibility of getting the next hot seed is what it's all about for a lot of members. Pay your dues and receive a handful of seeds, membership will increase. $20 for, in my case nothing, I see no reason to re-new.
Ball caps and T-shirts are fine, but that's an additional expense for the membership with not a lot of profit for the club, been there before. No need to re-invent the wheel, the more successful clubs are providing their members with something tangible, usually seeds or the opportunity to obtain seed packages that non-members cannot access. I'm sure this will get worked out way before the snow flies.

10/5/2011 9:30:07 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Thanks Andy. That was insightful.

10/5/2011 9:37:44 PM



Ok I am not sure I get what you guys are saying?
You want cash prizes but you don’t want to have the auction or raise the dues.
Some of us last year did not even get a 1st place ribbon for growing a melon.
A club is born to help show off our melons. Then get slam for raising dues?
This is a second year for a club. Maybe the dues were to low last year. Huggss to all just my thoughts (shrug)

10/5/2011 9:45:51 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I like the idea of a special seed packet to all members. That would level the playing field a lot. It would really cut into seed auction money though. The more rare and proven seeds from previous years could still be sold at a nice profit to those who feel it might give them an edge up on the competition.

10/5/2011 9:46:36 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

We have the free seed raffle in place already

10/5/2011 10:22:26 PM

paul f

Southeast Texas

ms janet raise it $10 every year if ya'll want ...that will keep the serious grows as members....i dont have a problem with $20.i did think 10 was cheap.cant never tell when my part of texas will have a good spring and summer.

10/6/2011 12:35:10 AM

paul f

Southeast Texas

mark,cris,marvin,bill..keep doing what ya''ll been doing...even if we lose half the members cause the dues went up to 20..we would still have the same money.

10/6/2011 12:43:17 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Yhis is just a forum to throw ideas around, in the end most of the same people will renew their memberships regardless.

10/6/2011 5:20:57 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thanks Andy!I was hoping it wasnt that serious were doing our best.We will have lots to offer to all,There will always be new growers in the top ten,always has been,always will be.We will make it top 20 prizes if club grows & it will.

10/6/2011 6:22:52 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

How about a special seed packet to all interested members for a nominal price that would cover shipping and handling.This would be a special benefit of membership. You know,not your rare or very best seeds but something from each of the club officers or from anyone else who cares to donate a quantity of seeds from a good cross he or she made this past season. For example I could send you a couple of hundred seeds from my 197 Leonard x 211 Leonard.We might even make a few dollars off of this and the truly special seeds would still auction for a good price I think.I know some of you club officers have thousands of seeds sitting around that are probably never going to get planted anyway.

10/6/2011 9:03:09 AM

Dewight B.


I like a seed package idea. Here's a idea to maybe consider... The top 10 melon growers send in 50 seeds each. The club keeps 20 from each, 10 for raffle and 10 for auctions or club seed bank etc. Club has raffle as planned with 10 winners instead of 5. During the raffle you have a chance at winning one of two seed packages, ODD and EVEN. The ODD packages would contain two of each seed from melons ranking 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 and 9. The EVEN packages would contain two seeds from melons ranking 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 and 10. Or the raffle could go as planned with 5 winners of the top 5 melon seeds and others put in bank or auctioned. The remaining 30 seeds would be packaged as the raffle packs described above. That would give you 15 ODD packages and 15 EVEN packages. Then you could go one of two ways with those packages. If they were sold at $20 each package, that's $600 before expenses. Or raffle chances could be sold at $5 each and 5 chances for $20 etc. Raffle or sales could take place after the auction. I hope this makes sense, I think I lost myself there...

10/6/2011 12:24:57 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Great Ideas!

10/6/2011 12:51:14 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

These are some great ideas. 117 members can generate alot more ideas then the 4 of us, keep them coming !

10/6/2011 3:14:22 PM



Ask not what the GWG can do for you, but what you can do for the GWG.
If it’s not what you want it to be, then it’s because you haven’t helped make it that way yet (and by you I mean all of us).

10/6/2011 6:28:42 PM

Bob Attaway

Flowery Branch, Georgia

Wow, John F. Kennedy quote

10/6/2011 7:25:54 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Great Quote!

10/6/2011 7:39:54 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

That is true WD, we can all help to mold this organization. But final decisions here are made by the officers. We are counting on you guys to make this thing successful. I feel you are trying to listen to what the members would like. Perhaps we should think about having a online chat once in a while so we can talk about the organization in real time.Not just that; but, also about growing techniques and strategies and whatever else might pop up.We had a chat or two on here last year and I was surprised that no one suggested one this year. That wasn't a GWG chat but was for everyone on here. And I think ALL should be welcome to participate in any chat we have on here.

10/6/2011 8:34:33 PM



The only thing we have to fear is... okay just kidding.

10/7/2011 11:59:25 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters


10/7/2011 12:42:15 PM


Linden, Mi.,

We all have to stop and think a minute ! The four board members are just like all of us, they all have a busy life, this is a new club to them as well as to us. I am sure all will be worked out as soon as it can be.
I would say let us give them time and respect there time.
Thats my plan !

10/7/2011 1:03:21 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Calm down TC, I don't think anyone is putting any pressure on these gentlemen to get things done in a hurry.

10/7/2011 4:36:27 PM



It's not so much the breaking of the egg, as it is the egg doing its own breaking in order to aspire to omelettehood... :) Sorry I'm out of control here.

10/7/2011 5:50:59 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

lol wd

10/7/2011 8:17:58 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

watermelondentist, do you know what the state watermelon record is in Utah ? I think you will probably break it next year. I think you are smart and well focused.

10/7/2011 9:06:42 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

"I have a Dream" or maybe it was a vision??? lol

10/7/2011 9:09:04 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

You gonna get that world record next year mark ?

10/7/2011 9:42:04 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Im going for a Triple Crown Next year! Planting the 1421.5 Stelts!With soil& drip tape treatments for disease,A big Sqaush!My 260.5,291 Kent,255 Mitchell & a 239 leonard!"If the Lords Willing & the Creek dont Rise" & last most likely least my MATER!

10/8/2011 6:59:48 AM

Bohica (Tom)


If I may offer my opinions here:
*First, no disrespect to anyone, but doubling the membership fee under the pretense that you can afford to lose half the members is counterproductive, why raise them at all if nothing will change?
*Remember, there is strength in numbers, the object of a new club is to build and grow, I believe that the GWG is trying to promote the sport of Giant watermelon growing, not turn growers away. Trust me; this is not the kind of publicity that you want.
* Why we are so worried about raising the membership fees in order to increase prize money, if you are growing as a source of income, you might as well plant grass in the patch and pick up a new hobby.
**Some of you may remember how squash payouts were very very low at most weigh offs, and still are lower than pumpkin payouts in most cases. As squash growing has become more "accepted" and weights have increased, the payouts have increased as well.
***Please don’t take this the wrong way, BUT…The GWG needs to offer more before increasing the dues, most clubs offer several newsletters per year, and have at least some form of educational tip about growing on their websites, the GWG has a chance to provide what other clubs couldn’t, a ton of How to’s and best practices, tips, suggestions and overall support to all of its members at the “beginning” of the hobby.
*Let’s be honest, there is still a lot of variations in how we all grow , tons of questions are being asked, there was an opportunity to create a knowledgebase and use the GWG website as a learning tool that was missed.

10/8/2011 9:02:59 AM

Bohica (Tom)


***Members want something in return, whether it be newsletters, the ability to have questions answered by the big boys of the sport, to be able to read suggestions or whatever it may be, the club is too new to feel that it is a privilege to be a member and if you don’t like what we throw at you, too bad, remember, you only have one chance to make a first impression, and word of mouth travels fast, and although done in jest, I think it is tacky to make fun of someone growing a small fruit on the chat boards, potential members read the boards and are easily turned off.
*** Don’t forget where you came from and that we all started at the beginning,
**I can remember when I first met Joe Pukos, I had never grown before and I knew his name from the How to grow books, I was amazed that a “Super Star” would talk to me, and when I asked him how he grew the fruit, he replied “I got lucky” and made me feel welcome. We all know that Joe Pukos not only didn’t get lucky, and anyone that has met him will tell you just how humble and down to earth he is. I felt so good about the sport after this that I joined the NYSGPGA and have tried to support them in any way that I can.
**You have a chance to make a good idea, a great club, but if you follow the “who cares, like it or leave it” path, you are going to have a “Good ole boys” club with a few members.

10/8/2011 9:03:27 AM

Bohica (Tom)


Before you all bash or yell at me, these are my opinions, I've been around a few years and a member of more clubs then I can name each season, I've helped solicit donations for the clubs, seen a few membership drives, and usually donate in one form or another to several weigh offs each season.

10/8/2011 9:09:02 AM

Dewight B.


I'm not gonna bash you Tom. I think you make very valid points. Can't say I disagree with any of it... I think the board members are new at starting up a club such as the GWG, I guess most of us would be. That being said, in my opinion, when something new is started, weather it's a club, a business, etc. you need to listen to the members/customers as to what direction they would like to go then make an assessment of what is feasible. I would gladly volunteer my time helping the club grow any way I can, I tried a little last year with a donation for a new WR. I wish I could add to it this year but financially I can't. But I do have lots of spare time on my hands...

10/8/2011 11:12:13 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Very well said Tom. I agree with what you say. I hope your opinions will help the club officers make sound decisions.

10/8/2011 11:43:00 AM



Tom very well said. You worded my point exactly. I may not be as good with words but this covered my original post much better.

10/11/2011 11:13:05 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thanks for the feedback Tom.We will will take it in to consideration,We have a ton of stuff to offer.I think you will all be very happy with the improvements that are underway.We dont want to make announcements to soon,lets wrap up season 1 first!We all felt 10 bucks was really cheap,That was my fault we should have started at 20 like all other clubs, sorry Hindsight is 20/20.If anyone wants to talk to a HH feel free to call or email me for #s or addresses we are all available most of the time.Thanks again for the feedback.

10/11/2011 7:53:44 PM


Rio Linda

Part of being in a club is the camaraderie and exchange of information. Having members who are in it for the enjoyment can cause the club to thrive. I have been in clubs where it became a clique and lost focus of what it was to have fun. I am currently the editor of a club newsletter and it is difficult getting members to contribute articles and pictures. I do this monthly and it takes a day to compose and edit for print. If people contribute it only takes me a few hours. I'd be willing to look into doing an email newsletter for you all.... After I become an official member that is..

10/13/2011 12:17:03 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Thanks for the offer, we might just take you up of the offer. May we know who you are ?

10/13/2011 3:24:57 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Tom (Bohica) left a couple of credits off his list!!! He is an Extreme auctioneer!!! (an Honorary member of the KPM)!!! LOL & travels K's of miles to speak at growers seminars!!!! BTW, he also runs an Extreme web site, that has helped many growers to "Slunger" Status!!! & not only, awl that...I think his post has led us to be Nice !! Peace, Wayne

10/13/2011 10:47:59 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

10/14/2011 9:05:37 AM

Bohica (Tom)


Wayne, Thanks for the kind words!

10/14/2011 11:50:56 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes,Very Nice PW!

10/15/2011 7:41:10 AM

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