Field Pumpkin Growing Forum
Subject: Question about pumpkin issue
Date Posted
Elmer825 |
First time grower. My pumpkin has been growing for over a month and a half now and has gotten quite large however I've noticed a white area on the top of the pumpkin begin to form. It's slightly sunken in as well and now several spots of mold are visible in said area. Is there a way to remedy this? What am I doing wrong? The pumpkin has a table over it to protect from rain and direct sunlight as well as a few boards to keep it off the ground. T
8/25/2022 7:37:22 PM
Elaine |
Mead, WA
Do you get the newsletter think I read something in it talk to c2k Cindy.
8/26/2022 10:29:44 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Sorry for the brief reply but it sounds like it's over for that fruit - see if you can pollinate anything else on the plant and give that one or more a go - I'm even pollinating mine at the moment and they double in size every few days, so...anything is possible! later---eric g PS---I don't think you did anything 'wrong' and these things happen; Personally, I would not use anything like wood under a pumpkin, although plywood is probably very popular, because to me, that's a food source for slugs and mildew, etc.; I use housing insulation called 'RIGID' that is a half to 3/4-inches thick. Else, if I'm too late, bare dirt it is! Preferring material under it of any kind, of course, lol---eg
8/26/2022 11:17:50 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
When they are growing they usually resist rot surprisingly well. Sounds like it stopped growing awhile ago. There are various reasons for it to stop growing and then rot. Like, poor pollination, plant stress, growing conditions just not quite right, or physical damage, or maybe some other form of bad luck (the genetics wasnt optimal...?) I cant tell you exacly why it stopped. Pics and more info would help someone give you advice. Sorry to hear!
8/27/2022 12:33:40 AM
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