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Subject:  Week 2

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Andy W

Western NY

Seeds matter, but maybe not the way we normally think:


12/19/2022 9:37:02 AM


Flat Rock, Michigan

Thankyou Andy :)

12/19/2022 12:14:39 PM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

Amazing info,really appreciate you finding this Info!

12/19/2022 12:33:12 PM


Bowdon, GA

Thanks Andy, that is very interesting. Wonder who’s microbes we want.

12/19/2022 3:55:16 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Fasscinating stuff!

12/20/2022 7:52:14 AM

Orange U. Glad


One of the companion articles listed at the bottom was also very interesting.


Imo, the main takeaway was that the microorganisms from the seed would were more likely to colonize the plant roots than than those found in the soil.

"We found that when the seed microorganisms were not removed, they had precedence over the soil microorganisms to colonize all the plant parts, including the roots and the soil associated to the roots. It is only when we removed the seed microorganisms that the soil microorganisms could colonize the plant, and only the roots and the soil associated to the roots," said Yergeau.

Thanks for sharing Andy. I love science backed thought.

12/20/2022 8:55:13 AM

Orange U. Glad


One of the companion articles listed at the bottom was also very interesting.


Imo, the main takeaway was that the microorganisms from the seed would were more likely to colonize the plant roots than than those found in the soil.

"We found that when the seed microorganisms were not removed, they had precedence over the soil microorganisms to colonize all the plant parts, including the roots and the soil associated to the roots. It is only when we removed the seed microorganisms that the soil microorganisms could colonize the plant, and only the roots and the soil associated to the roots," said Yergeau.

Thanks for sharing Andy. I love science backed thought.

12/20/2022 8:55:13 AM

Andy W

Western NY

Oh, that's a good article, too. Thanks for that one!

12/20/2022 9:10:48 AM



This is very interesting. There are companies that are designing seed treatments with beneficial microorganisms. The birth of the seed with these microorganisms is very important. Most of us are already doing it, even if we don't realize it. The products that we put when soaking the seed or in the pot carry these microorganisms.
In my case I usually use azos, mycos, vodoo and piranha. Voodoo and piranha contain trichoderma.. pseudonomas.. and voodoo bacillus... and various other microorganisms. And they come in handy for seed hydration, as in the first potted irrigation. Piranha contains:
.Glomus aggregatum
Glomus mosseae
Pseudomonas chlororaphis
Glomus intraradices
Pseudomonas putida
Rhizopogon amylopogon
Rhizopogon fulvigleba
Rhizopogon villosulus
Trichoderma viride
Trochoderma harzianum
trichoderma kongii
And vodoo contains: 2% Soil Bacteria
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
bacillus cereus
bacillus laterosporus
Bacillus locheniformis
bacillus macerans
Bacillus megaterium
Bacillus mycoides
Bacillus polymyxa
bacillus pumilus
bacillus subtilis
Paenibacillus azotofixans
Paenibacillus polymyxa

12/21/2022 2:41:01 AM



But there are lots of good products on the market that can be used. In England, they have some very good ones. https://www.giantvegseeds.com/product/mycorrgiantveg/ Which the English are using, setting many good world records. In many vegetables.
The important thing, I think, should be to use it from the beginning, from the soaking of the seed, and the first watering in a pot.

12/21/2022 2:45:09 AM


Torrance, Ca.

Love it Andy! Its going to be a fun winter with posts like this!

12/21/2022 10:08:27 AM

Andy W

Western NY

Thanks Ruben - very similar list to the products we inoculate with here.

12/21/2022 1:49:02 PM



Any recommendations for treating/cleaning the seed during germination to get rid of the bad guys before innoculating with good flora.

1/30/2023 1:11:15 PM



Good reading Thanks. I was just thinking the same thing cojoe.

1/4/2024 8:16:19 AM


Torrance, Ca.

I'm doing tests this winter on alcohol and peroxide. I'm sure you already do this Joe? 3% peroxide has been the best with the fastest germination ( I'm just getting started and can already see the difference ) once this is complete for 1 minute or less I dry seeds then follow Andy and Mendi's post and do a warm water soak with all the goodies for about 2 hours depending on the thickness of the seed. Those dark brown seeds take a bit longer.
Then into the prewarmed started mix and wait!

Lets rock, 2024 is here and less than 90 days away!

1/4/2024 9:58:06 AM


Torrance, Ca.

I'm doing tests this winter on alcohol and peroxide. I'm sure you already do this Joe? 3% peroxide has been the best with the fastest germination ( I'm just getting started and can already see the difference ) once this is complete for 1 minute or less I dry seeds then follow Andy and Mendi's post and do a warm water soak with all the goodies for about 2 hours depending on the thickness of the seed. Those dark brown seeds take a bit longer.
Then into the prewarmed started mix and wait!

Lets rock, 2024 is here and less than 90 days away!

1/4/2024 9:58:06 AM


Syracuse, NY

Alcohol has rendered ANY seed I have tried to sprout 'with' it not sprouting. It still remains alcohol regardless how long it sits idle. I always just for fun soak any others' seed in STRAIGHT 3% H2O2 for several hours (2,3,6 or more depending on the obviousness of black mold or if it's a hard-shelled, tan or caramel seed - white seeds for 1/2 less time). No need to rinse the H2O2 off, either. H2O2 breaks down into water and oxygen after I dunno how (not) long and a just 1-2-minute soak is not allowing the original intent to become real. Put your seeds between two shot glasses of H2O2 for several hours, where they'll still be slightly fizzing and then shove them into the SS mix. They are then soaking up the SS mix water anyway. As I've been told before >>> 'Don't over-think it.' Good luck!~ eg

1/4/2024 11:26:13 PM


Syracuse, NY

PS---I always incorporate 1/2 cup of Bio Grow Endo Plus into any seed starting mix (8-12 dry quarts), even for experiments.
I have plants in the basement that COULD last until May 2024 and a couple of 1789 Wallace X Self (400 Est., 2016) that are loving the random lighting of the couch end table, lol---
Aaahhh, good times---eg

1/4/2024 11:30:13 PM

Total Posts: 18 Current Server Time: 3/11/2025 3:02:19 AM
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