Bushel Gourd Growing Forum
Subject: Bushel gourd seed lineage
Date Posted
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
I was just looking at Steve Connolly's diary, I noticed he is growing two distinct lines this year. I would classify them as the 1. Light green snouted 2.Dark green round (unsnouted) I have always grown the dark green unsnouted which I will call the Westfall/English type. Which I know had it's roots in the 177 Westfall. But what about the snouted types? Anyone know anything about the differences and where they came from. I know there are many different seed shapes and sizes. THat would be interesting to hear about too. Are the snouted ones from John Nieuwenhoff? (pumpkin shepherd)
7/31/2023 10:37:58 AM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
John I’m ears on this one too. I think you’re right on the snouted ones being from the pumpkin shepard seeds because the 384 Terry produces those. Yours have a slight pear shape. But I have grown one other type that is round to wheel shaped that the seeds look like a pecan. I’ve wondered what the history on theses different types are and maybe some weren’t the original bushel gourd. The the largest ones now have seeds that resemble pear gourd seeds. May have been some hybrid vigor added in at some point.
7/31/2023 11:39:48 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
That is interesting Jake, I wasn't aware of bushel gourds until 2012 when Dan grew his 177 bushel gourd. Before that I just had grown pear gourds. I think I had mine go around 100 or so. I found this old post from you back in 2009 http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=119431. I find it interesting that you mentioned that you thought they could grow to 150 even back then. THere is a gourd guy who comes on here occasionally, I think his name is Harry Hurley (H3). He has quite a bit of knowledge about these gourds, maybe he will see this post and Chime in. Steve Connolly, Jason Terry or John Noeuwenhoff do you guys have any further knowledge about the lineage of the snouted bushel gourds?
7/31/2023 4:27:44 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
8/1/2023 6:35:02 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Try this one http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=40&p=650378
8/1/2023 6:36:16 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
And here is the best one http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=233280
8/1/2023 6:52:29 AM
jsterry |
East Tennessee
What about it Jason, you know anything?
8/2/2023 7:21:09 AM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
That explains a lot John. Guess I should have asked Harry a long time ago. Jsterry do you know this Jason guy lol?
8/2/2023 8:19:07 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
My bad sorry Jeremy. I get you two mixed up LOL
8/2/2023 8:41:50 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Harry is to gourds like LLoyd Bright is to watermelons and Howard Dill was to AG's. A real wealth of knowledge.
8/2/2023 8:49:26 AM
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