The Howard Dill Growing Orange Forum
Subject: Top pumpkins are now often orange!
Date Posted
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
I couldn't help but notice while reading the GPC common ground winter newsletter that most of the top pumpkins in the world have decent color. (A marked change from 15 years ago) I credit this change back to the 1725 Harp and 2009 Wallace genetics even though the 1725 and 2009 were yellow they did not exhibit the rough cantelouped skin that seemed to dominate that era and for whatever reason their progeny had a decent chance of going orange. I can remember thinking (not even that long ago) that orange growers will never have a chance at the weigh offs.
2/15/2021 12:04:57 PM
spudder |
If you trace back you will find the 2145 had some very nice orange behind it and I think the build up of genetics is finally starting to show. Did you know the grandparent of the 1059 (998.6 Pukos) is also behind the 2009.
2/15/2021 1:09:57 PM
Andy W |
Western NY
I would not be surprised if white / bland looking pumpkins were a small minority at weighoffs. Their only advantage will be if there are a few that are going way heavy to chart.
2/16/2021 10:54:05 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
The heaviest to chart still seem to be the cream types but going heavy to chart isnt the same as winning. Orange seems to be capable of winning and there are lots of options. 2066 Geddes is an example of one that didnt get much attention. There are a dozen options now... 5/6 of the Paton seeds and the 1501 VW and its offspring are some obvious ones! I am more willing to try white genetics now that the orange ones are becoming more common.
2/16/2021 12:58:31 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Years ago the 1068 Wallace genes were really heavy in all the top pumpkins. White to pink colored with heavy netting. I used to call them "Rhode Island Rocks" because all the Rhode island guys were bringing these pumpkins to the weighoffs and they would thump like a rock and go heavy to the chart.
2/16/2021 1:22:52 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Even though the I am still a big fan of the orange ones. Their are now times when I might choose a nice symmetrical shaped cream colored and netting covered pumpkin over an orange misshapen blob.
2/16/2021 1:28:22 PM
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