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Subject:  Dragon Borer spray

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Midnight Punkin' Hauler

Butler, Ohio

I saw this stuff at the local garden center today while I was getting some potting soil. The brand name is Dragon and the bottle said it it especially for SVB's. Has anyone heard of it or used it. It was something like $9 for 1/2 pint. It got me kinda curious. Also....what is a good systemic insecticide granular or liquid to put down that wont break the budget too bad. Japaneese beetles tore my garden to pieces last year. Wife is already on the warpath about the "pumpkin stuff" already. Mike

4/29/2005 5:01:31 PM


Garden State Pumpkins

Grubex...bet you find a ton of large white suckers in there when ya till..Imcloprid (sic)GrowEmBig! Chuck

4/29/2005 6:36:53 PM


Montoursville, PA

Milky Spore Disease........one treatment lasts up to fifteen years. Gets only white grubs. The spore attacks the grubs. The grubs die and make a gazillion more spore that works the following year.

It is a non-poison treatment that gets only the white grubs.

4/29/2005 8:08:18 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Doc, where can Milky Spore Disease be purchased? Thanks

4/29/2005 8:47:59 PM



What is the active ingredeint in the Dragon Borer spray?

4/30/2005 6:56:33 AM

Midnight Punkin' Hauler

Butler, Ohio

Steve, I tried like heck to remember the ingredient, but I forgot by the time I got home. I might pick me up a bottle this year and check it out.

4/30/2005 6:01:09 PM

Rob T

Somers, CT

I have seen Milky Spore at Agway. It is pretty common.

4/30/2005 6:39:11 PM

Brooks B


Steve, I found this,its all spanish to me, I know if you look at it, you would be able to tell what is in it. http://www.headlice.org/lindane/lindane/msds/dragon_corporation.htm

5/3/2005 12:11:46 AM

C&R Kolb

Chico, Ca

I think they have milky spore at www.greenfire.net

5/3/2005 1:26:52 AM



Good one Brooks. It never fails to amaze me that Lindane is still labeled for use on a childs head for Lice. Its a restricted use pesticide too. I still have a gallon of Lindane & 'Yes" it does a great job on borers. But I wouldn't use it on Pumpkins.

I tried searching for "Dragon Borer" several ways & came up empty handed.

5/3/2005 11:21:26 PM



Here we go. Dragon offers several "solutions" for Borers.

One is Thiodan which is an RUP. Another is Permethrin which is pretty effective.

Here is their website:


5/3/2005 11:27:04 PM

Midnight Punkin' Hauler

Butler, Ohio

Cool Steve, I knew you would come through, your advice and knowledge amazes me sometimes. Thanks alot. Hope you grow a biggun this year. Mike

5/4/2005 7:31:23 PM

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