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Subject:  Holy Moley I Wish I had Crawdads

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Boom Boom

Sort of Sunny Sometimes, WA

This is the deal. My patch is riddled with "mole sign". I have tried: castor oil combos, carbon monoxide, mole grenades, chewing gum, "Mole Be Gone", cats, dogs, and traps. The traps are frightening contraptions which I have a hard time setting. You name it, I've tried it. I've stuck a dead mole in the hole which they just detoured around. . . human hair (how scary!, dog poop (I think that was my idea. ..) The only gun I have is a "Super Soaker", so sitting on the roof with night vision binoculars is out of the question. The only thing that has worked in the past is putting down a granular grub control which of course, I don't want to do because it'll kill the worms. Dang it! Do I call "Olympic Mole Control" or my dermatologist?

6/13/2005 9:24:20 PM

Bohica (Tom)



6/13/2005 9:29:42 PM



I've sold & commercially used everything on the market today. Everything (besides difficult trapping) eventually failed until we started selling Talpirid. So far I haven't had a single report of a failure though it's only been on sale for 8 months. I don't get too excited about these things until they perform consisitently for 16 months or more.


6/13/2005 10:01:14 PM

Boom Boom

Sort of Sunny Sometimes, WA

Thanks you guys, Went to both sites per your suggestions. I've tried hooking up the exhaust to the molehole (when it's close to the driveway, which now it is not) and Talpirid requires a "Pest control expert". I'm an expert at some things, but not pest control. . . Oh, and by the way, just to make things more complicated, it can't harm dogs or cats.

6/13/2005 10:38:39 PM

Boom Boom

Sort of Sunny Sometimes, WA

So. . . Tremor. . . can you hook me up with some Talpirid?

6/13/2005 10:39:42 PM


Nashua, NH

I don't know if moles have the same appetite as chipmunks, but I've heard of a very successful method of getting rid of chipmunks, at least ones who can't swim. Take a metal or plastic container about a foot high and fill it with water about half way. Dump in a bunch of salted sunflower seads(they float). You need to make some kind of ramp for them to get in to go after the seeds. Once they get in, they can't get out. Instead of a ramp, you could bury some of the container in the ground. Just be careful not let any other wanted animals in the area. Maybe set up a small mesh fence aroung it. I have not tried it yet, but plan to in the near future to protect my strawberry plants. Lost most of my fruit last year. Good luck.

6/14/2005 4:30:15 PM


We use the claw traps that pinch the moles when the hit the trigger. We have problems with the spike traps not getting the little buggers. My dad is an expert (it's his summer hobby) so he could maybe give you tips on how to set them. I know he has some thick metal wires that he uses to set them. Another point... moles don't surface that often (your gun/night vision idea) If you're seeing holes that come to the surface, maybe your problem is gophers or some other critter.

6/14/2005 5:07:51 PM


Montoursville, PA

Mole diet is largely worms first and grubs second. If the moles are there and stay your worms are the reason for their jamboree in your patch. In a sense that is not all bad. It is an indication that your organic content is high and the food chain is in good hands.

You could get serious with 20-20-20 and other cides to get rid of the food chain. Then the moles will go away. :)

6/14/2005 5:36:49 PM

Dakota Gary

Sioux Falls, SD garyboer@dakotalink.com

Do you have a neighboring "mole supply field"? I have an uncultivated field of brome sod adjoining my property. I have drowned a couple out, spaded one when I happened to see ground move, and seemingly got them once with castor oil followed by damp spell. But they're always back next season. . .anybody know how deep a barrier it would take to keep them out of garden?

6/15/2005 12:47:56 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Brigitte your dad has a trophy wall on the back side of the garage. I have not quite figure out the Boone and Crocket point system he uses though.

6/15/2005 9:25:27 AM


White Plains, NY


Are "MOLES" in the Boone and Crocket point system?????????????????????????

6/15/2005 9:45:45 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

I am not sure what scoring method he uses. He does have a stick that gets a notch. He actually runs a trapline. I am sure he is just like a giant pumpkin grower everytime he goes to the hardware store. Just staring at the traps, like we look at the pesticides and fertilizers.

6/15/2005 12:33:29 PM


Yes, he's got a trapline. He's killed all of them in our yard so he's got a trap on the 4 wheeler trail in our woods right now. He also traps at my bro's gf's house, and used to trap at my grandma's old house. On a wall in our basement, he makes a tally mark every time he catches one. His current record for one season is 33. His grand total (since he started keeping track) is 212.

6/15/2005 5:18:02 PM

Boom Boom

Sort of Sunny Sometimes, WA

Brigitte, how much to fly your dad out to Sequim? There are wooden stakes around my patch to which a whimpy windbreak has been attached. However, I am thinking these stakes would make excellent pikes upon which a mole head could rest upon. . . Many, many mole heads. . .

6/15/2005 9:38:00 PM




Send a private email to my office computer at sls247@lesco.com

Believe it or not, I can't email from this computer right now since it's running on webmail as my Outlook is all messed up at the moment or else I'd send you an E & copy myself. If I tried it wouldn't get through my own firewall. Dumb computers.

Yes. I can UPS Talpirid at this time since for some unexplained reason, it isn't a RUP though it probably should be.

6/15/2005 11:04:55 PM


we use the second one down on this webpage (Victor Out O'Sight). Maybe your son or husband could set them if they are too hard for you (I've never tried to set them, but I know my grandma has a hard time with them so maybe they need some extra muscle)


6/16/2005 4:28:39 PM

Boom Boom

Sort of Sunny Sometimes, WA

Thanks Brigitte, I've been using the one right before the "Out O' Sight" one. I have two that I set then put a bucket over and a brick on top of the bucket to keep the FOUR USELESS CATS we have from accidently killing themselves. I've heard the claw traps are better but I've also been told they are difficult to set. My husband needs his fingers to keep me in jewelry, so I'll probably talk to my son about setting any traps. :)

6/16/2005 11:36:13 PM


Follansbee, Wv

A method I have used to get moles out of the yard is to sprinkle moth balls out and water them in. It doesn't kill the moles, but they do leave. I have never used them in the garden though so a test area would be recommended.
Another very effective, but somewhat slow method is the coffee and stomp method. Basically, I take a cup of coffee out into an active mole area, (early in the morning) and stand very still. While I drink my coffee, I scan the ground for movement. Once a mole is detected, stomp it. For added satisfaction, I pop the carcass out of the ground with a small hand spade. Like I said, it's slow, but oooohh so satisfying when you get a kill :)

6/17/2005 5:42:32 AM

Boom Boom

Sort of Sunny Sometimes, WA

I have a picture of me holding my first mole kill on the fridge. Weapon in one hand (a trowel), mole in the other.

6/17/2005 10:06:19 AM



Talpirid shipped yesterday Erin....Thanks

Feel free to call with questions & keep us posted how it's working.


6/17/2005 4:30:21 PM

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