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Subject:  Strange brown fungus on vines

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King Frank the Orange


hey everybody. I found a strange brown fungus or something on my vines the other day and i wondered if anyone could help me identify what it is. it has a white slime or mucus that develops on it and it seems to spread slowly. could it also be some sort of disease like gummy stem blight? Any help would be appreciated. Here is the web page where the picture of it is. thanks.


7/16/2005 8:40:39 AM


San Jose garysand@pacbell.net

Im a rookie myself, but you might try like a 10% solution of bleach and rub it on with a towel

7/16/2005 5:53:09 PM


Montoursville, PA

It is a common surfacing of fungi. It comes in many different appearances. Shows most often following wet periods in hot weather. As far as I know it will not harm your plant. Rather it proves you have a healthy organic content in your soil. It is more common showing up through ground wood mulches.

7/17/2005 9:20:22 PM

King Frank the Orange


thanks a lot everyone. Without helpful people like you guys, many of us inexperinced growers would be lost. Thanks again -King Frank the oRange

7/18/2005 2:51:18 PM

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