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Subject:  merit how to use the stuff?

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addison Il

bought merit as was told to do found it at my local nursery expensive but worth it if it works now how do i apply this stuff i have the ortho dial and spray thingy that measures out dosage but do i spray it all over everything or just go by each stem base on each plant and pour the mix directly by the stump im asking before i do this as im not experienced with chemials at all and if i was i would not have used ortho as my first choice lol so help me out please mabye its not to late to fight the nasties.

7/23/2005 1:48:22 AM


addison Il

i forgot to tell all i have black plastic mulch surrounding the plants and if i lift it up its all roots so i dont want to touch them at all but around the base of the plants i was smart enough to cut wide holes around each plant and the plants that have vines out past the plastic are all growing on grass and have there tap roots fully into the ground so if i apply merit to the inside of the patch it will only get absorbed if i do the spray at each plant base i dont want to waste this stuff as it cost me $30.00 for a quart.

7/23/2005 1:51:44 AM



Use the same rate recommended for "White Grubs" in lawns. But......

Consumer versions of Merit are labeled for .2 lbs of active ingredient per acre.

Professional versions are labeled for .3 lbs active ingredient per acre.

This is a 50% differnce. I'm not recommending that you apply 50% more. I am merely pointing out one of the reasons why folks are seeing a difference in efficacy.

Treat the entire area that vines are or will cover. then water it into the soil as directed BEFORE the material has a chance to dry.

We're getting late for Merit but you will still see results.

7/23/2005 5:42:35 AM


addison Il

i was told to use merit only because of the major infestation of cukes in our patch there everywhere and dont seem to mind ortho bug be gone and since i cant seem to spray all the leaves perfectly as in i have made the mistake of not pruning much im looking for something to kill the cukes on contact i dont want to see them just up and fly away after i directly spray them lol. i have bought merit and have not used it as of yet because im waiting too see something im going to first try seven as peaple have told me it would work and im willinig to try it but once again it probably wont work because tracy has a hard time covering the underside of leaves without falling into the patch. any advice is welcome i was only going to try merit because its a sytemetic and the plant drinks it no matter how much i screw up have fun grow big im still having fun though have whole family collecting cuke beetles for a cash reward it helps to offer mula for bugs lol

7/23/2005 3:58:33 PM

Brooks B


Curvy, from what i was told, Merit will kill your bugs only after it eats your plants so your still gonna have the holes in the leaves if they are really bad so Id still stick with the ortho as well,its good stuff,Tremor told me about it and Specrtacide a couple years ago and it does work well.

7/24/2005 3:33:56 AM


Joliet, IL

here is some info steve jespen aka tremor helped me with last year in a post on the message board about merit and application rates.

"All Imidacloprid formulations are produced using technical grade Imidacloprid that is manufactured by Bayer CropScience. The asterisk* denotes a version not labeled for use on cucumber, squash, pumpkin, etc. But pumpkins can't read. All rates are calculated per acre first. Then I'll divide by 43.56 for the rate per 1000 sqaure feet.

It is best to apply Imidacloprid a week or two prior to planting out in at least 2 gallons of water per 1000 square feet then water it in slowly without puddling. This will control Cucumber Beetles, SVB, & Aphids for about 90 days.

Then repeat the same drench application also watering in at 90 days to cover the rest of the season.

First the Flowable liquid formulations:

Bayer Tree & Shrub*........1.47% Imidacloprid 233-350oz/acre
Bayer Merit 2F*...........21.40% Imidacloprid 16-24oz/acre
Bayer Admire 2F...........21.40% Imidacloprid 16-24oz/acre
Bayer Provado 1.6F*.......17.40% Imidacloprid 20-30oz/acre

Now the various Wettable Powder formulations:

Merit 75WP*...............75.00% Imidacloprid 6.4-8.6 oz/acre
Merit 75WSP*..............75.00% Imidacloprid 6.4-8.6 oz/acre
Provado Solupak*..........75.00% Imidacloprid 6.4-8.6 oz/acre


Bayer T&S.....................5.35-8 oz per 1000 square feet
Merit 2F...................10.3-15.4 ml per 1000 square feet
Admire 2F..................10.3-15.4 ml per 1000 square feet
Provado 1.6F...............12.8-19.3 ml per 1000 square feet
Merit 75WP & 75WSP..3-4 level teaspoons per 1000 square feet
Provado Solupak.....3-4 level teaspoons per 1000 square feet

There are also 4 different granular formulations that are also not labeled for cucumbers."

thanx again steve,

7/24/2005 9:39:29 AM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

how much do you have to water it in?
jn. 3:16

7/24/2005 9:53:22 AM



One half inch of water is enough but the real key is to keep the soil evenly moist for the week following treatment but we usually do this anyway.

Dang Shaz! I should have kept a copy of that myself. I must have had WAY too much time on my hands. I hope it was winter. LOL

7/24/2005 10:48:27 AM


Long Island,New York

Steve...I have admire 21.4% and I'd like to mix it into my T-tape system and drop that into approximately 3000 sq ft of patch. Any rate suggestions if I use 550 gals drop?

7/24/2005 11:56:02 AM


Joliet, IL

lol steve, you were right on with the winter guess. i went back and looked at the date and it was actually on my birthday 2-1-04. i bookmarked it for safe keeping and have sent it to people in emails when ever they ask how to use it. you have also provided me with application rates on every type of fungicide and insecticide i have used through out the past 2 years. your knowledge, and willingness to take the time to share it, has helped me and so many others on this site that i just wanted to say thanks again.


7/24/2005 2:11:42 PM




Drop 1.5 oz (45mls) into a feeder with a few ounces of water. Mount it inline with the soakers. When it's empty the job is done. If the irrigation cycle isn't yet finished, just let it keep running. 550 gallons on 3000 sq ft won't leach the Imidacloprid.

But don't tell Vinny Palmer!!!!

Shazzy...Those who can do...Those who can't teach. Glad I can help.

Grow well.

7/24/2005 8:25:36 PM


Lake Elmo, Minnesota

See this thread: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/msgboard/ViewThread.asp?b=3&p=117806

from 5/19/05. It was the best answer for the actual application of Merit.

7/27/2005 2:38:25 PM



Thanks Andy...but our Squash died so I "squashed" that handle. LOL

7/27/2005 5:37:40 PM

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