Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: Merit & Encarsia Formosa
Date Posted
Vineman |
I've got white flys and an considering getting some "beneficial insects" - Encasria Formosa, which are supposed to leleminate the white flys. My question is if the Merit I use to control my cucumber beetles will also kill these beneficial insects? Thanks for your help!!
7/24/2005 2:38:48 PM
Vineman |
I'm trying to eleminate my white flys...not "leleminate" them.
7/24/2005 2:39:45 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
To leleminate the white flies use merit or admire systemics. It works great. If the E.F. bugs eat the plant they will die too. Last I checked good bugs vs bad bugs worked in greenhouses...not in the open so much...they tend to fly away.
7/24/2005 2:58:57 PM
Tremor |
Glenn is correct. The EF's will fly away once they have the job partly done. However during that time they won't be eating the plants so they won't die from the Merit. Much research has been done in this area under greenhouse conditions because folks thought the Whiteflies would transfer Merit to the beneficials causing their demise. This proved to not be the case. The beneficials don't get a large enough dose to die.
7/24/2005 8:20:47 PM
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