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Subject:  Eagle % vs. Immunox %

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Lake Elmo, Minnesota

I posted this earlier on General Board, but only a few responses. Anyone care to take a stab at it? Tremor?? :
Eagle is 19.7% Myclobutanil. Immunox (retail) is 1.55% Myclobutanil. Could an AG grower safely increase the strength of Immunox (against label directions, of course)to equal strength of Eagle? The math is not as straightforward as you'd think.

7/27/2005 2:52:32 PM




This was a very interesting set of discoveries.

First; I searched Spectracide's website for an Immunox product that contained 1.55% Myclobutanil. Low & behold the REST of the ingredients. The real label was hard to locate but I researched EPA Reg #9688-123-8845 I discovered it also contains 7% 2-butoxylethanol. See the following clip:

"The main use of 2-butoxyethanol is as a solvent in paints and surface coatings, followed by cleaning products and inks. Other products which contain 2-butoxyethanol include acrylic resin formulations, asphalt release agents, firefighting foam, leather protectors, oil spill dispersants and photographic strip solutions."

Eagle 20EG also includes various surfactants. They are: Cylcohexanone, Petroleum solvent (contains Napthalene) & Propylene Glycol. No surprises so far other than the simple & low grade approach employed in the Immunox.

Regardless of what the Immunox labels says to use, Eagle 20EG is THIRTEEN times stronger. The Eagle rate per 100 gallons is 6-12 oz so we'll split the differnce at 9 oz/100 nominal.

9 times 13 = 117 oz/100 of Immonox Multipurpose to deliver the same 1.8 oz of sctive ingredient per 100 gallons of spray.

Can you use 1.17 oz per gallon of Immonox? The very sketchy label I got from Kelly Solutions indicated 1 fluid oz per gallon which gets us in the ballpark.



Then click the link for the EPA Label which will launch a bizarre PowerPoint version of the original applicant's label (not Spectracide).

7/30/2005 10:26:39 PM


Long Island,New York

Ya know.....I think its kinda sad that the average guy here on Long Island needs a pesticides license to prove he's knoweledgable enough to mix and spray pesticides....when its obvious that its not a 40 hour class in pesticides he needs but a degree in Library science.

7/31/2005 8:13:05 AM


Follansbee, Wv

Yikes Steve! I just bought some immunox and am trying to decifer your post...LOL

It looks like 1.17 OZ of immunox per gallon is going to apply the same amount of active ingerdient as the proper mixing of Eagle would. Is that right?

7/31/2005 10:34:36 AM



Monty, Yes...but only if it's the same EPA reg# that I used to come up with all that crap.

Glenn, I think it's sad you can't buy Eagle on Long Island at all, but the homeowner DIYer can buy Immunox & grossly over apply it with no recourse. Your Marty Scheiderman is a menace to society. So is Vinny Palmer.

7/31/2005 12:12:05 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Who are Marty and Vinny?

8/1/2005 6:27:09 AM


Lake Elmo, Minnesota

Thanks Tremor. Looks like you put a lot of work into the solution. BP users and myself will need to put you on retainer.

8/1/2005 9:18:43 AM

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