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Subject:  Squash Bugs, SVB, Ortho MAX?

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SE Pennsylvannia

I am a relatively new at this. I am growin a lot of pumpkins this year and they were all doing quite well untill the last week when i began seeing wilting in 70 degree weather. I saw my one vine looks bad it may have a couple bores in it. I'm not real good at telling what is wrong with them.
Upon inspection I found eggs on leaves in the V pattern between veins. From pictures I see I believe they were Squash bug eggs.
I think I also have SVB's. I saw a large portion of my AG stem, that looks real messed up and the vine was wilting. About three feet of the vine close to the stump, is very woody looking, I don't know how to describe it, and I think i saw some ooze coming from it. Anyway i have a patch that is about 30 by 50 and thick with vines, about 20 vines growing in there. So I can not feasibly check every vine, or mechanically removfe every beast.
I bouagh some Ortho Bug b Gone Max and sprayed it on the other night. Gave them a real soaking, my question is how much this will help? Anyone ever try this stuff?

8/1/2005 10:37:40 AM


SE Pennsylvannia

Is Bug B Gon a systemmatic poison like malathion , or is it just work on contact?

8/1/2005 5:50:36 PM


Buffalo, NY

What is the Active Ingredient and %? The Bug-B-Gon Concentrate used to be Esfenvalerate and was even recommended for SVB's.

I don't think Malathion is a systemic, I think the bugs must come in contact with it... I think. Merit may be a systemic.


8/1/2005 6:32:36 PM


SE Pennsylvannia

The Bug B Gone was recommended on the back panel, The active ingredient is Esfenvalerate.

8/1/2005 6:49:32 PM


SE Pennsylvannia

Another question. Is this systemic stuff like Merit safe to eat the pumpkins from? Or does the stuff not effect the fruit.
Is Merit even labeled for Vegetables? Doesn't sound safe.

8/3/2005 11:46:25 PM



Esfenvalerate is the potent contact pyrethroid found in the restricted use Asana in a much lighter formulation. It is NOT systemic & neither is Malathion.

Merit contains Imidacloprid & IS systemic. While Merit isn't labeled for edible cucrbits (like it is some bearing trees), there are many versions that are labeled for use on cucurbita like Admire.

Do a search here for the words "imidacloprid" "admire" "provado" etc. All of these products contain the same active ingredient.

Imidacloprid does not end up accumulating in squash, cucmbers, or pumpkins.

8/4/2005 5:17:32 AM

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