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Subject:  leaf issue - any ideas?

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North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

I posted a pic in my diary of a leaf issue that I've been struggling with. It is at http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=42717

I thought I was burning leaves with foliar sprays so completely stopped all foliar but it continued to spread. It was confined to one plant but has now spread to both.

I've looked on the site at http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/cucurbit/indexleaf.html and only found myself even more confused after trying to compare pictures.

Anyone? It would really help for next year.


9/11/2005 7:23:44 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Have you tried this leaf disorder/disease identifier yet? It might help.


9/11/2005 10:05:46 PM

Big Kahuna 25

Ontario, Canada.

Glenn is it on young or older leaves.

9/11/2005 10:16:13 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Russ, it happened on my younger leaves (60 days) on one plant and has now taken over on the older leaves (90 days) on the second plant. It is buggin me for sure, perhaps worse than the squirrels!!


9/12/2005 12:09:40 AM



Hi Glenn,

I`m a newbie to this but it may help nevertheless.

I had exactly the same problem with the leaves of one of my plants (826 Handy 02). You might want to check my diary. It is very likely to be fertilizer burn. Martin Reiss from Germany has had the same leaf issue too, only very much lighter than I had it. Don`t want to to scare you too much, but the leaves that were affected on that plant were most lost. The thin inner areas of the leaves will turn to some copper colour and die. The more stem-like parts of the leaves will stay more or less unaffected, but the parts where the photosythesis happens will likely turn to toast. I will make a picture of the plant as such I you want. I would suggest stop or reduce fertilizing, especially foliar. In fact I was overfertilizing when it struck my plants, also I was foliar feeding some sort of Ferrum-fertilizer in order to fight/avoid clorosis, probably also overdoing it. My experience was that almost only my weakest plant (but with the biggest fruit on it) was struck. Probably soil compaction does contribute to this issue also, but generally I would say fertilizer burn.

9/12/2005 4:58:00 AM


Saegertown Pa.

Try a copper based fungicide

9/12/2005 5:25:04 AM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

It is not a fertilizer burn. I have a similar problem and I have not fertilized once in my garden, so ut cant be. I think we are lacking a nutrient. I will know once my soil result are in....Ray Leonzi

9/17/2005 10:27:41 AM

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