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Subject:  leaf problem !!! Help!!!

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Arcola, IL, USA

I recently noticed two problems on one of my plants. First problem I am noticing holes/small tears on most of the leaves of one of my plants. Second on some of the leaves I have parts of the leaves that turns really dark (sort of dark dark green) and appears to be dieing just where it turned dark. The dark spot appears to always be connected to the outer edge of the leaf and goes inward in no specific pattern (such as circular, oval, etc. I notice no oozing of any sort. I have sprayed merit on the soil about a month ago, sprayed Talstar a week ago and drenched with miracle gro 20-20-20 a few days ago. I didn't notice this problem before the drench. Anyone have any ideas.. I want to think if it was over fertilizing that the hole leaf would be wilting. The leaves aren't wilting so far.... Just parts of them are affected....?????

7/5/2006 12:49:16 AM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca


souds like sunburn. Is it on the 2nd and third leave from the tips of your vines. If your older leaves are fine and its been hot then I would go with sunburn,


7/5/2006 3:53:12 AM


Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.

First problem could just be wind damage from leaves rubbing against each other.


7/5/2006 4:52:39 AM


Arcola, IL, USA

seems to be on the newer leaves too that are a couple days old.

7/5/2006 7:40:07 AM


Arcola, IL, USA

well, the holes are on the older leaves, but the second problem is on most of the leaves, even the newer ones

7/5/2006 7:41:06 AM

Jack Skellington

Long Island

birds for the holes, heat scortch for the other probs

7/5/2006 2:10:11 PM



It hasn't been that hot here in IL. So, I would guess too much nitrogen in your soil. I agree with AXC about those little holes. I've also seen little holes made by cucumber beetles feeding. Are you soaking the soil? How wet are you keeping the soil?

7/5/2006 2:18:25 PM


Long Island,New York

Ok....well I don't know where Lerna is in relation to S.Charleston but when I search "Lerna" looking for past weather they send me there....and theres been three "episodes" of 90plus degress in June and July, most recently July 1-2-3...likely causing the need to post on July 5. 90 degrees in a bright sun can and will scortch leaves near the tips. (A picture would be most useful here Mr. Growler). Somewhere between July 2 and July 7 each year birds attack my leaves leaving hail-like damage to them. First damage here this year was between 12:30pm yesterday and 6am today....they nailed my 611Stellpflug* and my 898Knauss.....Other causes for holes could be pesticide burns, fertilizer burns (granules on the leaves), and cucumber beetles munching on the unprotected tips causing holes that expand when the leaves themselves expand. Don't forget about the bamboo sticks that we use to hold things in place...they poke holes as the wind jostles the plants about. Hail is a possibility as well as patch elephants have been known to play with pea shooters and have notoriously bad aim (any footprints in the patch?).

7/5/2006 4:40:13 PM


Arcola, IL, USA

It has been extremely hot. Lots of 90 + weather days the last couple of weeks. I dont THINK, too much nitrogen is the problem because I have some other plants in my garden that show slight yellowing in the leaves looking like there's not enough. I got a tester from a garden store and the test showed low nitrogen. That is if the test was correct..??????? I have been watering about once a week if it doesn't rain. And I haven't been getting much at all. I generally water until it just starts to puddle and then stop..... I do have slightly sandy soil so it doesn't puddle to quickly.

7/5/2006 7:32:34 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Water more. Especially if it's 90° or more you need to be watering every day if not twice a day.

7/5/2006 11:40:02 PM

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