Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: Eagle 20 fungicide
Date Posted
Pennsylvania Rock |
I applied Eagle 20 tonite, 4 ML per gallon, but after I finished (about 20 minutes after spraying for nearly half hour) it rained. How long does it take for the leaves to absorb such a product as Eagle 20? I applied it from 8:30 until 9:00, and it started raining around 9:20. Temps are in the 80's, but the rain was pretty heavy. How effective was that application? I know the leaf cells (stomates)are open at night more so than in hot day, so I am hoping some of it took into the system. If it did get into the leaves, being a systemic, will it work its way around the entire plant to help protect and build immunity from Powdery Mildew?
7/11/2006 10:02:45 PM
Tremor |
I'd say the application was probably washed off the tops of the leaves anyway. Under low humidity (not today) a fungicide spray should dry to water-fast in about an hour but 2 hours is better. Since it was so humid today & the application only had 20-30 minutes to dry, I would wager that it didn't.
The residue on the leaf bottoms is probably still OK. Since that is where trouble starts anyway, I'd say that a half rate reaaplication is all you'd need. Stronger than that could be looking for trouble.
7/11/2006 11:07:36 PM
Capt |
White Plains, NY
I had been informed to use 1.2 ML per Gal. I'm I in error?
7/12/2006 9:28:20 AM
Tremor |
Good eyes Jim.
The current NOVA 40 & old Eagle 40WP was 2.5-5 oz per acre. So 1.4 grams of Wettable Powder per gallon was the DRY weighted HIGH rate per gallon.
See label at:
The NEW Eagle 20EW is 4-6 oz per 300 gallons per acre. So 1.8 Milliliters per gallon is the fluid HIGH rate. The very high volume of water that is recommended on the new label seems to throw folks in a quandry.
See label at:
Rock....which version of Eagle are you using. Are you using a mist blower?
7/12/2006 11:14:47 AM
Tremor |
1.2 ml of Eagle 20EW is the equivalent to the low rate which if applied every 7 days seems ideal.
7/12/2006 11:17:36 AM
Pennsylvania Rock |
I am using the Eagle 20EW also, but as you said, it probably got washed off. I used 4 ml per gallon in a pump sprayer (1 gallon) and used the misting nozzle to get it on the leaves. In hindsight, I probably used to much per gallon by going 4 ml, thank the Lord he made it rain and washed it off. lol.
I will reapply this weekend using only 1 ml per gallon. I am amazed at the restrictions and precautions they tell you to use when applying this product.
Thx for the help Steve.
7/12/2006 10:04:01 PM
Pennsylvania Rock |
Next question, is it okay to put a tspn of warrior T and the 1.2 ml eagle20ew in the same pump sprayer at the same time? Kind of like killing 2 birds with one stone, so to speak?
7/13/2006 10:16:57 PM
Tremor |
| can mix those 2. I have.
7/14/2006 12:13:04 AM
Pennsylvania Rock |
Thanks for the help Steve. Your services and expertise should be on one of those mastercard commercials.. PRICELESS.....
7/14/2006 7:12:08 AM
moondog |
I mix the two also works fine.
7/14/2006 9:49:41 AM
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