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Subject:  craters on pumpkin

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Arcola, IL, USA

tonight I went to the patch and one of my pumpkins has craters all over the top and sides. The craters feel smooth, so I dont think its being ate on. I never noticed this yesterday. I sprayed the pumpkins themselves with talstar tonight in case their bugs. Anyone have any idea.

8/15/2006 8:31:28 PM


Mocksville, NC

Has the skin been broken?

8/16/2006 8:22:18 PM


Arcola, IL, USA

No, the skin hasn't been broken at all as far as i can tell. There are no splits. Just all of the sudden there are indentations all over the top and sides but none on the bottom. I thought it might be fussarium rot, but its suppossed to start on the bottom and work its way up. And I read that it starts late in the season. I'm up in arms over this, cant seem to find anything on the web about it at all.... The growth of it has seemed to slowed a bit as well..... I have had one heck of a year. Had a massive drought for 6 weeks and had to water like crazy, heat during most of those weeks were in the 90's and then all of the sudden we got 4 inch's of rain in 3 days and about a week later this happens....???????

8/17/2006 12:01:50 AM


Kuna, Id.

Is it white in color and soft when pushed on?

8/17/2006 12:23:06 PM


Mocksville, NC

no broken skin. no soft spots, still growing, You should be OK! the rain might have knocked out, the oxygen in soil for a bit it should start to rebound, and the bigger they get the uglyer they get . If its still growing, your growing, after a heavy rain mine did that it slowed, and leafs started to flag. I got the water hose even when soil was wet, and hit the plants with water with my thumb over the end of hose, to jet stream it watered 10 min thus it put the oxygen back in soil, and didn't water for a few days all plants returned to normal,This worked for me, will it work for you dont know!

8/17/2006 6:43:08 PM


Long Island,New York

Do your pumpkins have alot of 846Calai in their background?

8/17/2006 8:26:48 PM


Arcola, IL, USA

yes, the family tree has a lot of 846 calai 99...... Why, and How did you know???? The first day i noticed them the crater area seemed to be a little bit softer than the normal part, but not mushy. Now they are not. The craters were about half dollar size but not circular. Funny thing is this evening the craters are tiny but are all over the top and sides. This thing must be molting. LOL. So far this is the ugliest pumpkin in my patch....LOL I wish I had a digital camera to put online.. Sometimes I feel like i am the only one that hasn't bought one yet!!!

8/17/2006 10:27:23 PM



GROWLER: you don't have to have a digital camera to load pictures on line. just use your 35 mm camera and have them put the pictures on a disc when you get them developed. i do this all the time and it is very easy. i only use my cheap digital when i want to get something on line faster. good luck with the pumpkin.

8/18/2006 5:50:37 AM


Long Island,New York

Why and how?...lol....I've been around and back a few times. My guess is you are experiencing the "Calai Mottle"...just a coloration thing...not to worry.

8/18/2006 3:29:31 PM



Doesn't that "mottle" come from the 801 Stelts that's in the 846?

8/19/2006 11:20:27 PM


Mocksville, NC

It's a space peanut

8/20/2006 5:25:47 AM


Long Island,New York

It might Steve...then again how far back do we want to go? Its probably from the Llamelle (sp?). I just see it alot in the 846 first generation progeny...moreso than the 801 stelts.

8/20/2006 10:50:51 AM

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