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Subject:  Too Merit or not too Merit?

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Addison IL.

I keep seeing people saying that the cucumber beetles are very bad this year in their patches. They say they had sprayed Merit but it is not working so they are going with Triazicide. This year the sisters want to go with Merit. We have tried Sevin in the past but did not do so good for us. But with all this I keeping hearing about the cucumber beetles not being effected by Merit, Makes me think . Should we go with the Merit and the cucumber beetles die , or are they just gonna eat the Merit like candy and it does nothing. Are all cucumbers beetles resistant or only in some states? I know this question might have been asked so bare with me and if not thanks for takeing the time to reply to my question.

6/6/2007 7:26:01 PM


Jericho Vermont

My opinion is that Merit works very well for cuke beetles. You need to remember that Merit is a systemic chemical that the plant needs to absorb to become effective. I wonder if some growers don't give enough time for the plant to absorb and translocate the chemical. Also as the plant rapidly increases in size you need to continue applications for the new plant parts to absorb. I personally have had great luck with merit and in the past have applied it through the Bayer Brand over the counter. I also use Talstar One as a contact spray and recommend that as well. I usually spray a combo of both chemicals every 10 days and have had little to no insect problems.

6/6/2007 9:04:15 PM



Cucumber beetles have to EAT the Merit to die. If the application is made properly (2 weeks before the attack) then each beetle that feeds will die. The problem seems to be that some attacks have been MASSIVE. Hence by the time all are dead, the vegetation consumed is unacceptable.

6/6/2007 9:06:27 PM

don young

while doing a drench with merit a month ago or so i had cuke beetles flying in from all over i sprayed merit on them in mid air they dropped dead from the sky. it just happened that they flew in as i was sprayin it so bam i sprayed them

6/6/2007 10:59:55 PM


Addison IL.

Thanks so much .. We want to go with Merit but were worried about it not doing a good job.One more question ,Is there such thing as applying too much Merit? Sounds like that is a good idea too aply every 10 days as the plant grows as it get's farther out.What is Taistar? One? Just asken never heard of it?

6/6/2007 11:33:31 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

Last year the beetles hit the day planted, so there was no time for the Merit to work. This year I started sprinkling garlic powder around the plants as a repellant and dusting with Bonide Eight from day one. So far, I have only seen 2 beetles in the patch, so it must be working. I am still using the merit. As we get closer to vine borer season I will add sevin dust to the system.

6/7/2007 10:33:23 AM



It seems to work in ohio.

6/7/2007 3:48:38 PM



Using more than the labeled rate is wasteful & illegal. That said, I know a grower who miscalculated last summer & applied 16X (yes SIXTEEN TIMES!) the labeled rate. No harm came to the plants.

The correct rate works fine. As some folks have noted, Merit does have rapid knock-down when used as a contact spray. But when it is used as a soil applied systemic, Merit takes a while to be translocated throughout the plant. Hence it needs to be applied a couple weeks before the arrival of the targeted insect pest.

6/8/2007 12:16:49 AM



Something else to consider.

Professional Merit & the agriculture version "Admire" are both labeled to deliver .3 lbs of active ingredient per acre. This includes the 75WP, 75WSP & the professional granular products that are used by pro Lawn Care Operators & some Arborists.

The consumer stuff sold in blue bottles at garden centers(Bayer Advanced) & the Bayer Season Long Grub Control (granular) is only labeled for .2 lbs of active ingredient.

I'm not telling anyone to apply 50% more of the consumer product since that would be a violation of Federal labeling laws. Just be aware of the difference & act accordingly.

6/8/2007 12:22:43 AM

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