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Subject:  Replacement for Sevin

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Hudsonville, Michigan (michiganpumpkins@sbcglobal.net)

Anyone out there who has stopped using Sevin? I know there is a trend toward discontinuing use of it because it may age your leaves prematurely. I have always used it as my first line of preventative defense because it seems like a safe and effective first option. My questions is, what to use in my insecticide rotation instead? I have been using primarily Sevin and Triazicide (poor man's Warrior-T) for contact killers, and a Merit drench twice a season for systemic. Should I just stick with the lambda-cyhalothrin every 7 days? Or rotate in something else?

6/19/2007 1:54:02 PM

Andy W

Western NY

I have used sevin early on, then rotating in warrior, eventually switching to only warrior by mid-season. I have never used a systemic. This is the first time i've heard about sevin maturing leaves, but it is something that does worry me.

6/19/2007 6:45:28 PM


Spanish Ontario

HERE in ont the green house growers say that sevin won,t be aviable after this year

6/19/2007 9:32:37 PM


Hudsonville, Michigan (michiganpumpkins@sbcglobal.net)

I believe the idea that Sevin ages the leaves comes from the Ohio Valley, though not sure if it originated there. Jerry mentioned it when he came to the Michigan winter growers meeting last Feb.
Perhaps not many have actually stopped or diminished use of it, especially if you have not heard of it there...

6/20/2007 7:39:48 AM



I haven't spray Sevin in many years. I've seen too many Mite outbreaks after using Sevin. Plus it kills earthworms. To make matters worse for Sevin, there are many better insecticides available.

The long term use of any chemical will age leaves. Sevin probably is worse than more modern materials simply because we need to use more.

IE: Ounces versus Milliliters

Frequency is another possible issue. The longer lasting chemistries don't need to be applied as often.

Sevin also destroys the predators that often keep Spider Mites in check. I suspect that mites go over-looked by most growers. Once mite damage sets in Sevin is a likely scapegoat 3-6 weeks later.

Sevin has just one thing going for it. It's cheap.

6/20/2007 9:43:06 AM

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