Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: why leaf breakdown
Date Posted
samdog |
Napa Ca.
I noticed on an other post that mentioned foliar appliation using fish emulsion will break down your leaves. Is this true, or possibly was it put on to strong? Or should it only be put on early a.m. or late prevent this? Will the seaweed, calcium, and plant food foliar app. have this same effect of leaf breakdown? My leaves are starting to fade.
7/2/2007 12:47:52 AM
Tremor |
Too strong or too hot is always bad.
Is the leaf breaking off at the soil line? Is it mushy or stained? Or are the leaves just losing color overall?
Got pictures?
7/2/2007 1:17:08 AM
samdog |
Napa Ca.
first sign are the edges shriveling up, then they kind of fall apart between the vanes. Problem is not to bad yet, but last year at harvest time , the largest leaves near the stump which would be the oldest leaves were almost all gone. Leaves are not mushy.Nor do they break off. I will try to get some pictures, thanks steve
7/2/2007 1:38:09 AM
Tremor |
Check your oldest leaves for mites. Hold a sheet of clean white paper under a leaf. Tap the leaf stalk firmly to dislodge anything hanging out on the leaf bottom. Watch VERY carefully. Mites are much smaller than the head of a pin & will appear to be dust specks. Watch those specks for a while. Do any of them move? Rub one with your finger. If it leaves a "gut smear" then mites are present.
7/2/2007 9:52:07 AM
samdog |
Napa Ca.
Thank's for the info. I will check it out tommorrow and let you know. Thank's again.
7/3/2007 12:10:51 AM
samdog |
Napa Ca.
Tremor, I have mites. Doesn't appear to be alot of them, a couple off each leaf. That's probably two too many. I have been using a lite dose of merit,shouldn't this havekilled them? help???????
7/3/2007 5:17:48 PM
Tremor |
I was afraid of that. We need to solve your problem soon.
Merit doesn't do anything to mites so you need something else. The true professional miticides that I sell are expensive.
Avid Quart = $250 Floramite Quart = $215
M-Pede (was Safer) Soap control mites. Neem Oil might work too. A firm jet of water works to knock them off but Atlantic Giant leaves won't hold up to that treatment without breaking or taring.
Let me do some snooping around for a consumer packaged miticide.
7/4/2007 9:18:46 AM
Tremor |
Consumer miticides are pretty limited.
Neem is labeled for mites. You can find that easily enough in garden centers.
Talstar (active ingredient Bifenthrin) works on mites but only at high rates (one half oz per gallon).
Be careful. Consumer miticides are often HOT & can cause plant injury at effective rates.
Do you have access to professional products?
7/4/2007 9:28:35 AM
samdog |
Napa Ca.
I believe my local ag. supply would carry this. They do alot of pest control products for vineyards, so hopefully they have something. Thank's Steve.
7/4/2007 11:54:21 AM
cotterpins |
Cornell, Wi
Tremor will Triazicide work on mites, I think I have them too. Same symptons. Will Sevin dust work?
7/4/2007 4:31:35 PM
Tremor |
Sevin makes mite problems worse by destroying the natural predators of mites. Triazicide (Lambda-cyhalothrin) knocks mites down but I would carefully monitor the plants after spraying to make sure they don't bounce right back.
7/4/2007 5:24:29 PM
cotterpins |
Cornell, Wi
Thank you Tremor, That was fast.
7/4/2007 6:49:25 PM
Tremor |
It's raining today. LOL
7/5/2007 12:03:26 AM
christrules |
Can ladybugs, lacewings, help?
7/6/2007 12:19:40 AM
Tremor |
Yes but if the leaves are already turning crisp the population might be too high for this approach. Beneficial predator insects work best in greenhouses where they can't get away & nothing eats THEM.
7/6/2007 10:24:22 AM
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