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Subject:  aborts & spots/mottling on pumpkin fruit

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Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Any help would be greatly appriciated. Anyone know what these spots/mottling is?? Fruit was fine 2 days ago, 1 day ago small spots appeared, today it looks like this?? Fruit growth stoped at day 11. Previous fruit stopped at day 9, but no spots on that one. HELP ! Have another one after this one & need to save that fruit if possible. Too late there, its stopped growing also. Background= Plant is very healthy, about 500 sq ft right now. these fruit were 12,16,18 feet out. There are only about 5 side vines still growing before the fruit, all others have been deadheaded. Just a few dead leaves(mostly old hail damaged). No sign of any leaf diseases. No wilting except normal on very hot days. The fruit would grow very well and then slow 1 day & stop the next. No sign of any vine damage or borers.
heres a link to the pict. THANKS !

7/13/2007 1:44:51 PM


So. Maine

Is the plant getting 2 much water ???

7/13/2007 10:15:57 PM

Brooks B


Smokey, I just had one of my Rahe pumpkins do that at day 14, it aborted on you. Ive had them abort at day 20 before.


7/13/2007 10:20:09 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Its been very dry here, so I have to water every 2 to 3 days. Same pace & amount as all the others. I use both well & pond water.

7/14/2007 12:25:19 AM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Was that plant crossed with something other than a pumpkin?

7/14/2007 10:11:50 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

JRO, no. Its my 300 KENT 06 FROM the 891.0 NORTHRUP 05 X 1097.5 BEACHY 02. I have high hopes for this cross. patterned after the 842 eaton. The fruit looks to be long barrel shape. The 300 was grown on a side that got a SVB in it so it was only 300lb. The 891 northrup is the same as the 670 DAIGLE 03. I took a real orange fruit for the female & gave it the best of both Bobier's. Just my luck, out of all my plants i wanted this to produce to show me its potential. Oh well, next year if i don't find a fix real quick.

7/14/2007 10:34:01 AM



Agree with Brooks.

7/14/2007 11:29:54 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Thanks for the help. There is something wrong. Just looked at the plant. The new (unopened) females on the main are now turning yellow(aborting). The few sides not terminated are stopping growth. New leaves on these sides are a lighter green/yellow as oposed to the dark green of the other leaves even on the same side vines. No wilting on the plant either. Its like when a plant puts all its energy into the pumpkin, except there is none now. The old fruit that aborted was only 12 lbs. Very strange. Think a leaf tissue sample would help ?? Do the test for diseases & virus ?? Any reco as to who does that?? THANKS AGAIN !

7/14/2007 3:01:42 PM

Marty S.


Sounds like what i have been fighting.for 4 years. Plant grows great then when fruit are set and growing 5-8 inches a day they stop and abort then plant turns yellow. I have tryed bout everything there is from solorizing soil to subdue fungicide.It happens to me when it get very hot and humid out and very little rain for several days.There have been several reports on this the last 3 years and they have no idea what it could be.Some say Bactial wilt or something else in the soil.One test said maybe soil numbers off causing nutriants not to flow through plants.I have pulled 4 plants now this year but now the weather has cooled down and plants that I have look great. More to post

7/14/2007 3:56:59 PM

Marty S.


One thing I did was went heavy on the nitrogen ferts,anyway i could get them on.It seems the hot weather burns the nitrogen out of the soil and plant.I sprayed everynight for a week on my plants and the problem is gone now. But when it gets hot it may come back, we will see. I put down granular Osmcote also.Spraying fungicide also. Good Luck!

7/14/2007 4:02:38 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Marty, Its been hot & very dry, no rain for 2 weeks except sprinkles. I water, but i know thats not as good. I'll try it, nonething left to loose. Thanks, chris

7/14/2007 6:56:58 PM



What have the daytime high temperature been lately? Some seed stocks just don't handle the heat well.

Can you post some broader images of the entire plant?

7/15/2007 12:07:52 AM

Marty S.


Yes Chris some more pictures would be nice. Of the new growth and yellow leaves.

7/15/2007 10:04:25 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

ok, Tremor,Marty...i posted several leaf shots, the main tip with dying females, & the plant overall.
This picture and the 5 after it.

plant overview 300 kent 06, small holes in leaves are hail damage large missing chunks are normal(for me) heat burn when leaf was young. There are a few dying leaves at the center left where the stump is. very stong plant, leaf stems don't break. Had moderate heat resistance. been 87 to 92 last week for highes, lows 57 to 64. no rain. water through drip system every 2 or 3 days. NO fert added since early june. Spray 2 weeks ago with merit, and talstar. All plants treated (water,fert,spray) the same. Only this one has this problem. Any help is appreciated ! THANKS.

7/15/2007 5:00:56 PM

Marty S.


Ok, heres the bad news Its the same thing I have.I have yet had one make it With this problem in 4 years. But? I have had 2 this year that started on the first side vine and I terminated it at the main and the plants are still going strong.The only thing that might help is cut off all yellow vines back to the good vines and cut off 2 good leaves and sulfer the cuts good.I hope you have a couple set on the side vines and that will be the ones that have a chance.This is the only way I have found that works so far but must get rid of all bad stuff and fast.Ferts high Nitrogen for 4 days straight.The plant is shuting down and must jump start it but may be too late. If it keeps getting yellow leaves after you cut them all off you need to get rid of it or it may jump over to the other good plants.
I am now adding 24-8-10 water soluable ferts in my water tank all the time everyday it waters the patch in the morning for 1 hour from 5-6 am.Plants look great now.
Hope this helps some, I have been fighting this for 4 years and maybe I am getting this down.These plants demand food always.The Ags are the only thing that I have a problem with.Watermelon grow big 168 pounds,cantaloupe 50 pounds.This year my melon is already 140 at day 37.
Good luck!

7/15/2007 5:36:09 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Thanks Marty. Problem=only 1 side left has a female(opened today) all others terminated or look bad. Main as you can see has stopped growth. Well i still have 3 other plants left that are growing great. I'll see what i can do. Thanks, chris.

7/15/2007 8:52:47 PM


Mocksville, NC

Chris, sorry been working.
It's a fungus problem it will go soft, and abort it has happened to me several times in the past, try, and get another fruit going, on that plant. Sorry i'm not going to sugar coat it,some on the same plant were ok, but the one in the pic never made it from that point for me, i didnt even have to look at the plant, but knowing you ,you got another fruit that will be a contender. Chris take care, and i hope i get a chance to talk again with you at Allart.

7/19/2007 7:15:02 AM

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