Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: What is the deal with Yellow Vine Disease
Date Posted
Orangeneck (Team HAMMER) |
Eastern Pennsylvania
Last season, nobody ever mentioned or ever heard of yellow vine disease. Search the boards and diaries I bet you don't find one post. This year everybody has it. The leaves turn yellow and suddenly it must be yellow vine disease? Doubtful. I'm not buying it. But I guess in the end whether yellow vine disease, pithium or fusarium, you're screwed anyways... Just my observation, I don't mean to criticize any of the growers.
8/1/2007 12:39:26 PM
Tremor |
It's been in CT for a few years now.
Personally I don't think most of us would recognize it if it hit us in the head....UNTIL we read about it. Then every plant that wilts & has yellow vines must have it. LOL
No one can diagnose this or many other diseases without a pathological lab's help.
8/1/2007 1:16:15 PM
Bryan |
Ashville, Ohio
Im in the process of trying to get lab help with diagnosing this disease, I think I have it and also my uncle may have it, and according the books and talking to professors they agree. This is only speculation so nothing for sure yet samples are being sent in this week in hopes of finding answers, but here in ohio the disease is fairly new and not much is known so it will be a learning process. If we do find some good information I will pass it on.
8/1/2007 8:21:15 PM
JeffL |
Dillsburg, PA
I think there is a very good chance this is what I had. If it is spread by squash bugs then there is a good chance this is what took down my three plants. After removing these plants I saw a large infestation of squash bug eggs. I spray and rotate many different things so bar pooring gas and lighting my plants on fire these over the counter insecticides are not cutting it.
8/1/2007 8:29:55 PM
Bryan |
Ashville, Ohio
yea it is spread by squash bugs
8/1/2007 10:29:59 PM
double bogey |
Northern Arizona
I seem to have the same problem with over the counter insecticides. It seams like a spay a little everyday (I spray every squash bug I can find)but they are still there killing my plants. Would strait consentrate of seven work?
8/1/2007 10:46:20 PM
double bogey |
Northern Arizona
sorry ment sevin
8/1/2007 10:46:36 PM
JeffL |
Dillsburg, PA
Squash bugs drink sevin for breakfast. I have read Orthomax (bug b gone) works well for the stinks.
8/2/2007 8:06:47 AM
AW |
In The Patch (Cambridge, Ohio)
Steve, mail coming your way with photos as I still have plants that can be saved if what is going on here is not CYVD and you have some time to look at what I have.
I too am sending samples to the lab to be analyzed. As far as the squash bugs go I can tell you this, after using Ortho Max I found dead squash bugs. When I was using sevin the first part of the season it seemed to make them aroused because every time I would go in the garden I would find them having a mid-morning fling... lol. Seriously though, I will use Sevin no more. Although CYVD is what I believe to be going on in my patch... I should not have posted that in my diary without a positive lab result especially when I get photos up so that a new grower does not look at my diary and go pulling his or her plants without a proper diagnoses and I will fix this. I also appologize for doing this, it will be fixed.
Orangeneck, your observation could mean one or two things:
1) Rookie mistake(s). No matter how much research you do as an amateur (I am referring to myself) it does not make up for experience but I can tell you that I did not just come to that conclusion just by looking at yellow leaves.
2) This disease may be on the rise. Hey, you are right that it is unlikely... but it could also be true.
Posting your observations and drawing attention to this matter is no doubt a good thing. I will get photos up and anyone else having symptoms like the rest of us please take the time to get lab work done also as this will not only help you out in years to come, but also we can share our findings with each other and other growers in the future for benefit of the whole BP community.
8/2/2007 10:02:09 AM
Tremor |
No pictures yet.
I don't doubt that YVD is around. But I need to see the pathology report before I buy into single case summaries.
Let's also remember that the same disease in 3 different patches might look like three totally different set of symptoms.
8/2/2007 11:05:26 AM
AW |
In The Patch (Cambridge, Ohio)
I just want to clarify my post as in regardless of the results and regardless of whether we are all even dealing with the same thing or not, at the very least we will have data (maybe all different data) through the lab tests to share with other growers should they experience our problems and for our future referrence. In other words a checklist of possibilities. I am not doubting you Steve nor going against you in any way and have great respect for what you do. I am very aware that you are very educated and experienced on these matters. I jumped to a conclusion based on the information online that was available to me which I should not have done. I am not trying to get you to buy into anything (that is not how it was meant if that is how you took it) and I totally understand your stance on the matter. I will get the photos to you sometime today as I cannot load them on the current PC I am on because the camera software is not installed on it. Thanks for offering the time to have a look and I will be able to provide photos of leaves, vine slices or anything you need. AW
8/2/2007 11:52:25 AM
Bodene |
Clayton, Ohio, USA
I've got the same symptoms here in SW Ohio. Just sent leaves, stems, and a section of tertiary vine to Purdue this afternoon. Will post results.
8/2/2007 6:12:43 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
My question is this: does yellow vine disease automatcally include wilting?
What exactly are the symptoms of said disease?
8/2/2007 9:53:01 PM
AW |
In The Patch (Cambridge, Ohio)
I am in the process of posting photos of what I am dealing with now. Please feel free to email me with any comments, suggestions or information. Keep in mind that this may not be CYVD at all and since there has been no confirmed case of CYVD in the state of Ohio to this point, (which I did not know when I posted that in my diary) it probably is not. I just want to show that my calling this problem yellow vine disease was not just based on yellow leaves and samples are about to go out to Ohio State University today or tomorrow for testing so I can at least find out what is going on.
8/3/2007 4:45:02 PM
Bodene |
Clayton, Ohio, USA
Received my results back from Purdue. This is the pathologist's report: 8-24-07 The bacterial strains recovered from this sample did not have the cultural characteristics of Serratia, the pathogen that causes yellow vine decline. I am not sure what is responsible for the symptoms you are observing, if you have ruled out environmental stress factors such as drought or overfertilization that could damage roots and result in decline symptoms. Karen Rane
8/23/2007 12:48:00 PM
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