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Subject:  What are these little bugs?

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North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Photo is courtesy of Mleach from Woodville Ontario.

My question is, what are all those small insects inside the flower (not the carpenter ant).

I have seen them before on male flowers that I've not used and always wondered.....any ideas??



9/11/2007 6:06:14 PM


San Jose garysand@pacbell.net

I GET a ton of bugs like that, only i think mine are bigger and look a lot like fruit flys

9/11/2007 11:57:25 PM


Danville, CA (petman2@yahoo.com)

Springtails. No danger, just annoying.

According to my wife, they INVADED the house. They were really making my life miserable as I kept hearing about the "thousands" of springtails everywhere and that I should DO something. Terminex said they don't treat them as they are an agricultural "pest" so I took matters into in my own hands. Ordered "Deta dust" equivalent and did a very good dusting job around the perimeter of the house. After a couple weeks they were gone. They are still all over the patch, garden, etc. but they are useful in breaking down plant matter so I just let them be. I just don't want them in the house.

9/12/2007 1:01:07 AM


Danville, CA (petman2@yahoo.com)

By the way, what the heck kind of female is that? 9 lobes?

9/12/2007 1:02:38 AM



Probably ready to scavenge the pollen as it dries.

9/12/2007 1:06:19 AM

Rob T

Somers, CT

The one up top is an ant.

9/13/2007 12:09:53 PM


President - GPC

This year we too have had different bugs in our flowers, black knats, lots of em too, never had them before in 3 years past, Odd year, never had the cukes before either, even at home.......

9/13/2007 1:00:08 PM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:10:05 PM
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