Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: What are these little bugs?
Date Posted
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Photo is courtesy of Mleach from Woodville Ontario.
My question is, what are all those small insects inside the flower (not the carpenter ant).
I have seen them before on male flowers that I've not used and always wondered.....any ideas??
9/11/2007 6:06:14 PM
garysand |
San Jose
I GET a ton of bugs like that, only i think mine are bigger and look a lot like fruit flys
9/11/2007 11:57:25 PM
Petman |
Danville, CA (
Springtails. No danger, just annoying.
According to my wife, they INVADED the house. They were really making my life miserable as I kept hearing about the "thousands" of springtails everywhere and that I should DO something. Terminex said they don't treat them as they are an agricultural "pest" so I took matters into in my own hands. Ordered "Deta dust" equivalent and did a very good dusting job around the perimeter of the house. After a couple weeks they were gone. They are still all over the patch, garden, etc. but they are useful in breaking down plant matter so I just let them be. I just don't want them in the house.
9/12/2007 1:01:07 AM
Petman |
Danville, CA (
By the way, what the heck kind of female is that? 9 lobes?
9/12/2007 1:02:38 AM
Tremor |
Probably ready to scavenge the pollen as it dries.
9/12/2007 1:06:19 AM
Rob T |
Somers, CT
The one up top is an ant.
9/13/2007 12:09:53 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
This year we too have had different bugs in our flowers, black knats, lots of em too, never had them before in 3 years past, Odd year, never had the cukes before either, even at home.......
9/13/2007 1:00:08 PM
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