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Subject:  SVB - what to do?

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Minneapolis, MN

I was poking around the patch and noticed a lot of 'damage' at the various nodes in my vines. Then I found a grub-worm looking thing crawlin' around.

So I did some looking -- and this looks like the kind of damage I have, and the kind of grub I found:

So I believe I have SVB's in my patch.

I plan to apply Spectracide tonight... is there anything else I should or can do?

8/1/2009 9:49:30 PM


Minneapolis, MN

Okay, my wife has convinced me not to apply the Spectracide tonight until someone that "knows what they are doing" tells me it's the thing to do.

Active ingredient is 0.25% Gamma-Cyhalothrin .... though I have no clue what that means.

8/1/2009 9:55:08 PM

Bohica (Tom)


At this point, you need to remove the larva and apply a systemic insecticide, this way if there are any more, as they eat, they will ingest the insecticide and die.
I dont know what level of damage you have, so I cannot comment on your plant or if it wioll survive.
I do know that a topical or contact insecticide may not do much for you.
I would suggest posting pictures.

8/1/2009 10:30:33 PM


Minneapolis, MN

What is a "systemic insecticide" and where can I get one and how does it work?

I will do my best to get pics - but it's already dark here. Might have to wait until tomorrow.

8/1/2009 10:31:42 PM

Maxboostbusa (Rick)

Winston Salem NC

Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub is a Systemic. Anything with Imidacloprid will be systemic.

8/1/2009 10:33:52 PM


New Hampshire, USA

you can try grub-x

8/1/2009 11:19:52 PM

Jason D


Too late but I agree with Tom spray some heavy systematics ya aint gonna eat the fruit. DOYOUROENPESTCONTROL.COM....theyll hook ya up

8/1/2009 11:45:05 PM

Bohica (Tom)


A systemic works from the inside, in other words it travles throught the fruit and when something eats it, it eats the insecticide and dies.

8/2/2009 12:42:00 AM


Minneapolis, MN

Got some Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub and put 2oz (mixed with water, of course) around the main plant site, sprinkling it on the 'wounds' and such.

Sprinkled another 4 oz all around the patch, trying to hit, basically, every node area. So 6oz total -- I suspect I could go more, but I dont' want to go so much it kills the plant -- thoughts?

Will hit it with the spectracide tonight once the sun goes down, just in case (unless that would be a 'bad' idea).

I was almost thinking I could 'foliar feed' with the Bayer stuff a few times -- thoughts? this time I put it in a watering can and poured directly onto the soil/vines/etc.

Here are pictures of the worst damage -- right at the stalk. In this one, I've circled the spots of damage/rot/softness. The bottom-most circle is the main stalk... the middle is the next node up... and the top circle is the third node up on the main vine... The main vine is mostly buried after the 3rd node...

This is the entire patch... The above area is highlighted in red. The blue line is where the main vine goes -- you can see mainvine leaf die-back for about 15 feet. I have put blue 'stars' where I noticed obvious damage at the nodes. (for scale, my 'patch' is 16 foot by 37 foot)

Thoughts? Help? Is there more I can do? This is my first year...

8/2/2009 1:12:27 PM


Minneapolis, MN

I 'foliar' applied another 4oz of the Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub ....

How will I know if it's worth continuing the insecticide, if I should go back to my 'normal' watering, or if I should just give up for the year?

8/3/2009 12:39:06 PM


Minneapolis, MN

Do I need to cut open the plant and remove the bugs themselves, or will the systemic insecticide take care of all that for me?

8/4/2009 12:42:25 PM


Minneapolis, MN


8/5/2009 12:18:48 AM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Well, when its time to give up, you will know. The whole plant, or large sections of it will droop and be totally limp....because the channels needed to carry fluids throughout the plants are damaged.

8/5/2009 11:52:44 AM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Look for more eggs that may hatch soon, and probably do a contact spray if you haven't done so already. Keep the soil moist so the imid. can get absorbed.

8/5/2009 11:53:23 AM


Minneapolis, MN

Okay, so if the plant itself (based on leaves and overall look of patch) seems healthy... I'm probably fine at this point?

I did not remove the bugs or get the scalpel out and cut up the vines... Also, the damage no longer appears to be 'spreading' - though individual damage 'cauliflowery' looking areas seem to be getting bigger. I cut one node from one secondary vine open (not knowing what I'd find) and it's all solid plant matter...(I expected hollow w/ a bug in there) like the plant is trying to grow a bunch to fight off whatever is in there.

I'll hit it with a contact spray tonight... does anyone know if the amount of imid I put down sounds remotely correct? (ie: should I apply more?) My plant covers around 500 sq feet of ground relatively densely (see picture above).

8/5/2009 12:15:43 PM


Minneapolis, MN

(ps... that's everyone for your continued help of this newbie.)

8/5/2009 12:16:05 PM

Chris S.


Joe, the correct rate for drench is .25 oz / 500 sqft. That's with me using 21% active ingredient. I believe tree and shrub is far less than 21% so you'll have to do the math..

Use the contact weekly and if you know of a spot with a grub carefully extract the grub.

8/5/2009 12:25:19 PM


Minneapolis, MN

Check my math. ;)

.25oz * 21% = .0525oz of the imid per 500sq feet.

Bayer is 1.75% -- so .0525/1.75% = 3oz.

So my patch is 500sq feet, I should have spread 3oz into the soil. I put 6oz into the dirt + sprayed 3oz onto the leaves twice ... for a total application of 12oz (yes, I know uptake of foliar is different), or, at least 4x as much as I needed.

Well, I trust the bugs are dead. ;) hahah

Thank you guys so much.

8/5/2009 7:30:06 PM

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